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How can you so mislead people.

From: GaryStevenGevisser <garystevengevisser>
Subject: How can you so mislead people.
Date: December 28, 2014 at 10:54:07 AM GMT+1
To: mregev, mrosenthal, drotem, mrozin, gsaar, isarsur, sshaffir, nshai, mshitrit, oshelach, ishmuli, nissan, ssolomon, ysteinitz, sterne, ostruk, hswaid, ptamano, atibi, btoporovsky, dtsur, awortzman, yvaknin, myaalon, syechimovich, eyishay, myogev, jzhalka, tzandberg, nzeev, hzoaby
Cc: restl Shaul Preiskel – grandson of Musia Gevisser Kantor and Facebook friend of Steven Jacobson, brother of 1997 tortured to death armed wing of the ANC member, Sandy Jacobson [1957-1997], cousin and classmate of Gary Gevisser” <preiskel>, Editor-shanghai daily <EDITOR>, South China Morning Post <scmplet>, Rose Tchang – Granddaughter of Sun Yat-sen <nancy>, 60 Minutes <60M>, “Matthew Margo – Senior attorney CBS – 60 Minutes.” <matthewmargo>, “Jeffrey R. Krinsk Esq.” <jrk>, “Diana Henriques – journalist New York Times – Big Jury Award in Injury Case Over Keyboards – December 10, 1996, whose name is mentioned along with Gary Gevisser in the APPLICATION OF LAW TO FACTS in US Federal Judge Jack B. Weinstein’s decision to overturn landmark repetitive stress injury award in April 1997.” <dbhenriques>, “Joe Grundfest – former Commissioner of the SEC and Stanford Law School, who wrote Gary Gevisser on April 23, 2002, Could I stop you?” <grundfest>, Nigel Hanbury – Lloyds of London <Nigel.Hanbury>, “James A Mackay – Senior Lyolds of London Insurance agent who was assigned to meet with World Heavyweight Boxing Federation Champion Michael Grant and Gary S. Gevisser on March 27, 2012. March 27” <james.mackay>, Sam Hackner – Chief Executive Officer – Investec South Africa <iamrecruit>, “Rock legend Cyndi Lauper – referenced in VP Dan Quayle’s response to Major Sam Samples on December 9, 2011” <cl.dreams>, “Vice President Dan Quayle who made reference to singer Cyndi Lauper in his December 9, 2011 email to Cyndi Lauper’s former lover, US Air Force Major Sam Samples, titled, Ball tripping ego maniacal bastard” <danqal8y>, “US Air Force Major, Terry Smiling Sam Samples – led US fighters into War; First Gulf War [1990-1991]” <terrysamples1>, Adam Hochschild – author of Blood & Treasures – founder of Mother Jones <adamhochschild>, “Adele Strous Im not interested in history of Israel Clingman – wife of CIA oil trader Alan Clingman and business partner of Roy Essakow-Marc Rich and company.” <adelec>, “Alan Lipworth – former junior partner of his close cousin, Stephen Moshal Cohen. Alan’s first cousin was murdered ANC armed wing member, Sandy Moshal Jacobson [1957-1997].” <alan>, “Stephen Cohen – Principal of DeBeers site holder Codiam Inc.; first cousin of David Gevisser, male heir of American-German Platinum King, Charles W. Engelhard Jr. [1917-1971].” <stephendcn>, “Martin Rapaport of Rapaport Report – liason between Gary S. Gevisser and Harry Oppenheimer, Chairman of the Board, De Beers-Anglo American Corporation for the period 1978-1980. In 1978 De Beers began, using their premier European Bank, Barclays Bank, to wipe out all the resisting Israeli diamond merchants; by early 1980 the job was complete. See Edward Jay Epstein’s 1978 The Diamond Invention book, chapter 16, WARRING WITH ISRAEL.” <rap>, Office for the Israeli Department of Defense Attache Israeli Embassy Washington DC <Att-sec>, “Major Tuvia Friling – Israel Defense Force, Deputy Commander Golani Brigade, Professor Ben Gurion University, Beersheba, Negev Desert, Israel – Author of ARROWS IN THE DARK” <friling>


From: GaryStevenGevisser <garystevengevisser>
Subject: How can you so mislead people.
Date: December 28, 2014 at 10:38:31 AM GMT+1
To: Benjamin Netanyahu – highly decorated Prime Minister of Israel <bnetanyahu>
Cc:rest; VS-AIRPORT <VS-AIRPORT>, Hospital Veterinario Aitana <info>, “Aharon Barak – President of the Supreme Court of Israel [1995-2006]” <barak>, ashaked, shalom, yshamir, shaulm, mmozes, mnahari, Benjamin Netanyahu – highly decorated Prime Minister of Israel <bnetanyahu>, smoalemr, mmizrachy, amitzna, amiller, michaelim, amichaeli, ymargi, emargalit, umaklev, “Tzipora Malka \”Tzipi\” Livni” <zlivni>, llivnat, ylitzman, dlipman, aliberman, mickeylevy, ylevin, olevy, alavie, ylapid, slandver, ulandau, akoll, fkirshenbaum, dhanin, yiskatz, hkatz, ikariv, zkalfa, rilatov, zhotovely, nhorowitz, rhoffman, iherzog, ahason, tzhanegbi, igilon, gbasel, ygerman, mganaeim, ggamliel, zgalon, mfeiglin, gerdan, Zelkin, Kelharrar, ieichler, yedelstein, aderey, ddanon, izchakec, cohenmeir, amncohen, yonicht, rcalderon, ecabel, abraverman, mbiran, nbenet, ybentzur, binyaminb, ebendehan, obarlev, mbarakeh, ybar, dazulay, yasher, uria, amarh, oakunis, iaharon, aagbariya, tabuarar, uorbach, sohayon, aperetz, ypery, spiron, mporush, yrazvozov, Steve Linde – South African-Israeli Editor In Chief of Jerusalem Post <steve>

Mr. Netanyahu,

You must now – know about our precious, so full of life, organic, vegan [mostly when not traveling] raw-live food diet, full of life, energy, power Mango being denied entry by your top Veterinary inspector, Mr. Daniel Naishtut, at Ben-Gurion airport who last wrote us on Friday, 3:30 PM Spain time, which was 4:30 PM in Israel and the Sabbath – no work – fast approaching, “no approval to fly the dog to Israel.

This is so senseless; people walk around with ebola.

We are talking about a full-on vaccinated dog, [and no, he is not just a dog, he is our Mango who brings out the best in everyone, even if there is very light to speak of in cowards-hypocrites-corrupt.] Less is not always more, but in the case of Mango his impact on this earth is so light, we can all learn a good lesson from him in every discipline.

So it looks like the israelis have a lot of problems.

To be so cold-hearted, not to look at all that has been done to arrange this trip and meet the requirements of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, shows total conscienceless.

Mr. Naishtut had seen on December 16 the full blood Titer tests that were done in France by the State officials

that was headed in the subject line, “Can you tell me what we need to do for the blood titer test to travel with our little dog to Israel?

His response the following day was as clear as any Israeli is capable of producing:

Good morning.
The blood test you do not need to do again.
You must contact the Spanish veterinary authority that they will fill and stamp the veterinary health certificate.
Only state veterinary officer can endorse the certificate.

The Veterinary Hospital here in Valencia, Spain who did the health certificate after Mango’s examination attracts a great many of the top echelon of society including an oil painter’s eldest daughter who to his one of many credits painted the portraits of the Spanish King and Queen and Sebastian Capella’s father-in-law hosted at his residence in Sagunto, Spain a former King to boot.

If in fact the Hospital Veterinario Aitana is not fully accredited as they had declared ad-nausea then they should receive the most severe reprimand, but still considering how many examinations and tests Mango has previously done and passed with flying colors, there should be more sensitivity displayed, don’t you think?

The fact that we were told that we could only send the final documentation NO MORE THAN 2 DAYS BEFORE OUR DEPARTURE which is just a few hours from now, and to get such a conscienceless response is appalling in the extreme.

You have the whole world frowning on Israel when not blaming Israelis and the rest of us Jewish people for all the problems of the world that they most care about; namely the money, which is how everyone unaccomplished themselves judges the next person, and you want to add fuel to the fire?

The fact that most are unaccomplished makes it rather difficult to engineer a groundswell movement of consciousness, but that doesn’t mean we should while planning for the worst, pray for a miracle.

With all that said, I would now like to turn your attention to the blockbuster seller non-fiction book, Er its wider da, literal translation,”He’s back again”) This bestselling German satirical novel about Adolf Hitler by Timur Vermes, published in 2012 by Eichborn Verlag, has already sold 1.4 million copies in Germany and plans are underway for it to be translated into 28 languages. I heard about it by a chance meeting in Placa De Virgin, Valencia with a 28 year old Brazilian corporate lawyer, Marina Pickler Rorato who practices corporate law with a large east German agriculture machine manufacturer, is now one of my 91 odd Facebook friends, and by the way it looks like my FB friend count is on the way up and if it dwindles to nothing then of course with the truth being that which does not change, one can only rejoice if it turns out the entire world is two-faced.

Below is the salient points of our FB conversation.

  • Conversation started Thursday

  • 12/25, 8:37pmGary GevisserMarina hello – we met earlier.
    Can you tell me whether the author of Er its wider da addressed how Hitler felt when “waking up” that there were still Jewish people in Europe since the plan was to get rid of them?

    Im looking forward to getting your critique of my forthcoming book D-Money Lie.

    BTW, as a result of our discussion this afternoon, we decided to add a most important first line to the About section of, “You cannot have private ownership of real estate”.

  • Friday

  • 12/26, 7:55amMarina Pickler Roratoas far as i remember, when he wakes up he finds a add from mediamarket, and he wonders what a weird newspaper that was with no news just fotos. then he sees no russians around but many turks. so his conclusion is that the otomans came to their aid and defeated the russians.

  • 12/26, 8:03amGary GevisserMarina, good morning. I am “just out the door” ….
    Now back quickly to this book that has captured both my and Marie’s interest and therefore our imagination.

    Was there any reference by the author in this satire about Hitler and/or others waking up to Jewish people still being alive?

  • 12/26, 8:04amMarina Pickler Roratonot that i remember

    judaism is hardly mentioned

  • 12/26, 8:07amGary GevisserIf that is the case, then what this author has done, with the support of his publishers of course is [to] not only glamorize Hitler and his escapades but minimize The Holocaust, wouldn’t you agree?

Marina who you can see was online with me chatting on Friday morning, has been silent ever since I responded, “What this author has done, with the support of his publishers of course, is to not only glamorize Hitler and his escapes but minimize The Holocaust, wouldn’t you agree?”

She is probably mostly thinking, “I love my dream job, I don’t want to lose it.”

It is also possible that none of the Jewish critics of this satire have been quite as articulate which doesn’t prevent someone such as yourself in an Almighty Power, O Great Man position from now helping send shockwaves throughout the very anti-Semitic, anti-questioning western world run by the most anti-Semitic-anti-Israel mining-banking consortium DeBeers-Anglo American Corporation whose affiliates extend well beyond the 600 South African corporations they publicly controlled back in 1978.

How could you not explore when doing something about such a heinous character the fact that he and NOT his underlings, but his puppeteers, my former employer the South African based DeBeers-Anglo American Corporation, the money launderers of money launderers, the terrorist of terrorist financing organization, the mafia monopoly second to none, DID NOT SUCCEED in their quest to wipe every Jewish person off the face of the earth?

All literate people who say they dont read when presented with the 1978 non-fiction, very interesting read The Diamond Invention book, are lying through their teeth.

The fact that less than a handful of the tens if not hundreds of thousands of people throughout the globe that I have educated about this most important book that explains the fact of life that DeBeers and their banking-mining affiliates control the resources of the world, admit they have actually read it is far worse than sick given how it begins to tell you how much worse modern day society is than when Hitler was around.

The entire world will inevitably wake up to the truth that Hitler was a puppet, willing to do whatever it took to hold on to power; not any different than today’s puppets who must all look up to the number one puppet Putin who is not afraid to the tell the world with this photograph

that he is backed by the Number One Captain of Industry, South African Nicholas Oppenheimer, whose grandfather, Sir Ernest Oppenheimer engineered from the start, the rise of Nazi Germany using the American protectorate, Belgium Congo to supply Hitler with his diamonds.

That September 5, 2006 photo that speaks for itself and which has not been removed from the Wikipedia profiles of both DeBeers and Nick Oppenheimer’s very short profile where that image stands conspicuously alone, as well as The Diamond Invention book are here to stay, thanks to the digitized Internet and backed up by personal computers including all those in China who you would expect to be watching this show.

It was DeBeers who replaced the gold backing of government monies with their worthless diamonds starting on August 15, 1971 when President Nixon announced the end of the Gold Standard which was the start of the most tyrannical rule of the bankers-mining houses which was first put in motion with the Bankers Manifesto of July 4, 1892.

Putin was smart enough to go to South Africa to pay homage to his Czar and so why haven’t the rest of you followed?

Putin understood that when he was going to be the first, the rest of you would submit accordingly.

None of you are God and you have failed to do the right thing and the smart thing which is the right thing and join Mother Nature.

When DeBeers had their Lloyd’s of London who fix the price of insurance worldwide ban American citizens and residents from investing in Lloyd’s while getting their US Government to support the banning order by allowing Lloyd’s to continue selling its insurance products to Americans and American corporation, starting in the early 1990s, they were orchestrating Americans turning on Americans.

It was a brilliant move by this very dark organization which you would know by how well they managed to destroy all vestiges of free and fair trade in Israel when wiping out all resisting Israeli diamond merchants in the late 1970s right when I was beginning my year long interviewing process with them.

It is fake diamonds that DeBeers fix the price on that governs all insurance and insurance related products such as real estate and that means all values that they have been assigned to such material wealth are totally worthless and the only value is the added value that good, hard working people add to the land and which they have the good sense to share with others without making a killing.

Not a single economist, government money regulator or any of their lobbyists can argue the facts with me because you all know that I have the irrefutable facts at my fingertips.

I also have Truth-Logic-God at my side constantly, that without you have nothing.

It is not only all the money supply numbers that the governments put out to give a semblance of propriety to their nonsense manifestations, which are totally bogus; all the rest of their pronouncements are nothing better than quicksand.

It has been many years since I began sharing with you all the fact that it is not possible to include in the Money Supply numbers all the Certificates of Insurance that are backed by price fixed and therefore worthless diamonds which are considered a “financial instrument” by Lloyds when invested by more accredited citizens of the world than Americans.

How could President Obama allow himself to be so used and abused just for the privilege of being able to make bunches of speeches that always center around “doing the right thing”.

The honorable and logical thing is for all the puppets of DeBeers to step down immediately.

The State of Israel was shocked to its core when a high level Israeli military intelligence officer, Mr. Seidenburg turned on his fellow undercover Israeli agents in the most important Susannah Operation of the summer of 1954.

How important is the fallout of Operation Susannah today?

As far as I am concerned it doesn’t get any more important, although O Powerful and O Great Men may disagree which is their prerogative, but then they must find the mental capacity to make the convincing arguments.

Mr. Seidenburg only got a 10 year prison sentence which didn’t seem to do justice to those who were caught, tortured and executed by the Egyptians who all understood back then as they do today that this very smart move by Israel, perhaps the first of its kind covert-false flag operation was only to prevent both the United States and the Soviet Union who the world thought was in a most fierce and bitter Cold War from leaving Egypt and creating a power vacuum after first inciting Arab nationalism-Muslim Brotherhood.

While Susannah was a dismal failure and Mr. Seidenburg when released making his way to Los Angeles where he lived a far greater lifestyle than those executed and tortured and those who survived only released in early 1968 under a secret prison of war exchange with Egypt, the Sinai Crisis of 1956 brought together the countries of Israel, France and Britain against the US and her strongest ally, Soviet Union.

The ISIS movement currently in Iraq is the result of the same power vacuum that was created when Mr. Obama began pulling US troops out of the region; and no mention of how all the Middle East oil wars promote refugee crisis which inevitably is blamed on the Jews because the media keeps promoting that it is Wall Street led by Goldman Sachs who is the evil incarnate; and little to none mention of DeBeers; and all the bought Jewish lawyers, judges and government officials are naturally so quiet.

Mr. Obama is a lawyer who just knows how to talk to people who don’t know how to question because they don’t know the right questions to ask. His military experience is squat. He is a fish out of water compared to the likes of you and Putin who shows he perfectly understands how the real world of controlling the resources work.

Putin will inevitably forge a longterm military-economic pact with China which may or may not involve Israel.

If I were one of your closest advisors the first thing I would tell you is to begin immediately implementing my Military-Peace Plan for the Gaza Strip at the same time confer with your top generals so that you don’t find yourself in the same situation as Ben-Gurion when having to deal with the Generals Revolt soon after Israel’s War of Independence began.

You were once very brave and heroic, but you are not Ben-Gurion who ingeniously prevailed in that most important Generals Revolt and his generals back then were no schlemiels.

Do your best to have Mr. Hashishtut see the light, and if your best is not good enough, do whatever is necessary to resolve the situation.

How can you so mislead people and then hide behind rules and laws which he told us we have fully complied with.


Gary S. Gevisser

[Word count 2549]

Don’t be in such a hurry to make AliyahCLICK HERE

Resolve this matterCLICK HERE.

Blind devotionCLICK HERE.

Nazis there might give a better receptionCLICK HERE.

Is there anything I can do?CLICK HERE.

Is Mango safe in Israel?CLICK HERE.
