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How did you think the money was valued? – Snapshot of FB dialogue with Elria Wessels at 10:39 AM, July 23, 2017

Gary Gevisserto Elria Wessels

18 hrs ago

Did you remove the dialogue we were having on your FB wall which began with you posting up history on Mr. Post and me asking you whether it was as interesting as how the money was valued; and you replying what I thought was rather incoherant and then I suggested you look further into the matter, and I showed you how best to analyze it?

Elria Wessels I removed by asccident Gary Thank you for showing me how money is valued.
· Reply · 8 hrs

Gary Gevisser Put it back.

Moreover, as I just wrote you on FB messaging. What you removed was not simply about how money is valued, for the most important thing was how you have spent the past 30 years teaching and writing history and which you so pride yourself on.

You have contributed in rewriting history, and you show no remorse, only arrogance.

If you have mended your ways, all you have to do is put it back.

In the event you are lying, that it was not a mistake, and there is a part of your body-mind that tells you we humans who only care so long as we dont have to share, are not alone, then you would expect punishment well before you take your last breath.
So while we wait for you to make up your mind, answer the question, what if any influence does money have on modern day history?

Why do you continue to put up historical stuff without explaining to your audience how you have got everything wrong for the past 30 years because you were ignorant and never thought to question how the money is valued?

How did you think the money was valued?
BTW, in that dialogue I did not show you how the money is valued.

But go ahead and tell us all how the money is valued.

Since you only know from me how the money is valued as you have not said that you learned it from anyone else, then you must remember exactly what I taught you.

You say that you are a teacher. A teacher should have a very good memory otherwise they are not a good teacher.
· Reply · 4 hrs
