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Insensitivity wherever you look – piss on the one I ate – question every single Wall Street transaction – carefully sanitized – murder

From: gg <gary>
Subject: Insensitivity wherever you look – piss on the one I ate – question every single Wall Street transaction – carefully sanitized – murder
Date: January 30, 2018 at 10:39:18 PM PST
To: “Tomer Tene – IAF Lt. Colonel + organic produce farmer. FB friend of Gary Gevisser” <tene.organi>
Cc: rest; Dr. Barry Molk MD – Cardiologist + First cousin of Gary Gevisser” <blmolk1>, Devin Standard <NHgoldendragon>, Office for the Israeli Department of Defense Attache Israeli Embassy Washington DC <Att-sec>, “Dr. Rod Smith Phd – formerly of RAND Think Tank – Principal Waterstrategist – Facebook friend of GG and also present at the Wetherly Capital Group board meeting on Feb. 8, 2002 held in the corporate headquarters of Arden Realty, the largest REIT trading on the New York Stock Exchange before being bought out by General Electric.” <rsmith>, “Professor Norman Finkelstein Phd.” <normfinkelstein>, Rafa Zulueta – Spanish Central Bank official <rafazulueta>, Wendy Dicks – Highbury alumni <alumni>, “Wendy Ann Bouman – High school history teacher of Gary Gevisser and FB friend.” <wabouman>, “Laura Malter – ex CIA – has twice now deactivated and reactivated her facebook and still avoiding answering a most important question about The Diamond Invention book. No longer a FB friend of GG.” <lauramalter>, “Keisha Whitaker – wife of Forest Whitaker; FB friend of Gary Gevisser” <kbabies1>, Andrea Gambling Money Charity Giver Kerzner <akerzner>, “Christopher Mooney – American lawyer making money suing the wrong banks for price fixing gold so very undervalued.” <cmooney>, Jeff Johnson – lead in 180º South – FB of Gary Gevisser <jeff>, Noa Rotem – Israeli movie producer <noarotem77>, Derek Abbott – participant in NOVA The Great Math Mystery <a1065010>, Max Tegmark – participant in NOVA The Great Math Mystery <max>, Savas Dimopoulos – participant in NOVA The Great Math Mystery <savas>, “Clint Eastwood – Chairman of Monetery Peninsula Foundation c/o Morgan Matthews – Executive Director, Player Relations” <MMacias>, Noam Chomsky – I AM movie <chomsky>, Alan Dershowitz – Harvard Law School <dersh>, “South African-British solicitor Ray Oshry – classmate of Gary Gevisser and GG’s murdered cousin Sandy Moshal Jacobson [1957-1997]. R. Oshry remains a FB friend of GG but blocks GG from messaging on Facebook.” <ray.oshry>, “Elad Davidovitch – former Israeli army reservists and movie maker who lacks information.” <eldspro>, “David Milne – Distracting member of Tripping Up Trump and also in Baxter’s You’ve Been Trumped & A Dangerous Game. Milne still a FB friend of GG.” <david>, “Romana Hansal – Emotionally vocal participant in Anthony Baxter’s documentary, A Dangerous Game.” <ashnala>, “Rafael Adolf – Brazilian Radiologist practicing in Germany + no longer FB friend.” <rafadolf>, “Dr. Peter Chait MD – Radiologist, Facebook friend of Gary Gevisser” <peter.chait>, Max Abelson – Reporting on Wall Street’s money and power for Bloomberg and Businessweek <max.abelson>, “Gordon Torr – author, Kill Yourself & Count to 10 – Greefswald inmate” <gordontorr>, “Barrie Spero – served time in the South African Apartheid Regime’s notorious the notorious Greefswald camp overseen by infamous Jewish medical doctor, Dr. Aubrey Levin and where Spero once witnessed up close the presence of high ranking American military officers.” <barriespero>, Jerry Rothwell – Film Director <jerryrothwell>, Barry Solomon – No longer FB friend of Gary Gevisser <barrysolomon11>, “Brian Steinhobel – No longer FB friend of Gary Gevisser and yet to provide GG with his positive and negative experiences with both Venture Capitalists and Angel Investors.” <design>, Jeff Stein – No longer FB friend of Gary Gevisser <jeffsteiniphone>, Michael Ditz – FB friend of Gary Gevisser <michaeld>, “Charite Sandra Williams – Law Student, International at Uganda Christian University (UCU) Mukono – No longer FB of GG.” <nyesigc>, “Gonen Ben Itzhak – Shin Bet handler of Mosaf “Green Prince”, son of Hamas founder, Sheikh Hassan Yousef” <gonenb1>, “Olg Zabludoffa – former Editor-in-chief at National Association of Educational Broadcasters – No longer Facebook friend of Gary Gevisser + previously open challenger of Jerusalem Post’s Steve Linde. Olg’s husband Sid is a 33 year veteran CIA economist [1962-1995] who worked directly for President from 1969 until 1972; and Sid Zabludoff was in the White House when President Nixon gave his most distracting and illogical speech on August 15, 1971 announcing the official end of the Gold Standard and placing the principal profiteers of our Jewish Holocaust, the German-South African Oppenheimer family in charge of the money and the allocation of the world’s resources both human labor and raw war materials in particular.” <ozabludoff>, Galit Tassi <galit.tassi>, Uri Cash in suitcases makes the world go around Rosenberg <urir77>, “Guy Bechor – principal G.Planet Israel” <guy.bechor>, Uri Bar-Joseph <ubarjoseph>, “Geoffrey Rothwell Phd – Principal Economist at De Beers-Barclays Bank controlled, US Nuclear Energy Agency of the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development, headquartered in Paris, France. Former 27 year senior Stanford University lecturer.” <Geoffrey.ROTHWELL>

Tomer – I sent you earlier a What’s App text which ended, “Do you see increasing insensitivity wherever you look”?

Below is my FB messaging with Haaretz reporter Noa Shpigel who has been covering the hooking of Netanyahu’s son.

Noa Shpigel

You and Noa Shpigel aren’t connected on Facebook
‎כתבת בצפון‎ at ‎Haaretz הארץ‎
Lives in Kiryat Tivon
THU 4:52PM
There is a bigger and more uplifting story than Yair Netanyahu.

[W]ould you like to hear it?

SAT 2:28PM
Noa Shpigel accepted your request.



Shalom to you.

Before I begin this uplifting story which again is much bigger than Netanyahu’s son, I just happened to notice that at the top of you article

and right below the photo of the two of them was writing which had which had the Hebrew letter “ש” replacing the “a” in “and”:

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu שnd his son Yair on March 18, 2015.

Could that be nothing more than the “Hand of God” at work?

I thought that I would quickly share with you this gift “The hand to ward off the evil eye” which my extraordinary and inspirational mother Zena

sent me with on July 24, 2001 with a note written on stationary of the King David Hotel which has been much more than a “second home” of my mother’s ever since she began visiting Israel from the earliest days of 1949 two to three times a year; and yet my mother knows no more than a handful of Hebrew words including “shabbat shalom”; but that is a story for another day.

I thought I saw you writing, so I was waiting to hear if you had any other comment on the “ש”?

I guess it’s just a mistake…

BTW, 173 days before, February 1, 2001, the Jerusalem Post published my first of 4 letters, and the 4th on May 1, 2001, 4 months and 11 days prior to 9/11.

Given how I have a better than average grasp of numbers which in turn led to me to realize that it pays to pay attention to “coincidences”, I see not much lost with me sharing with you that 2 months prior, December 1, 2000, which was 9 months and 11 days exactly prior to 9/11, I sent out my first and largest to date email broadcast. It went out to my entire email list and it included 14 addendums. It was an invitation to my New Beginning Party

and it was addressed to Wall Streeter, Randall Kaplan whose business partner, multi-billionaire Daniel Lewin, an officer in Sayeret Matkal was mostly likely the first killed on 9/11 as he flew in the business class section of American Airlines flight 11, the first to fly into the Twin Towers. December 1, 2000 was also the 27th anniversary of the death of Ben Gurion. My communique began:

Today is the 27th anniversary of Ben Gurion’s death.

The Post Script read:

Judge Cecil Margo whose son is a friend of mine passed away last week. Judge Margo was the commander Ben Gurion chose after the 1948 War of Independence to develop the blueprints that would become the foundation of the Israeli Air Force. The funeral started the clock on his full comeuppance.

On December 1, 2000 the share price of Kaplan and Lewin’s hugely successful Internet algorithm corporation AKAMAI which is Hawaiian for “wisdom”, last traded at $27, not a penny more, not a penny less.

To mention little of my last name Gevisser, similar to Gewissen in Germany translates into “conscience”.

BTW, the address of our Moshal Gevisser headquarters in Durban was 173 Maydon Road.

That first letter not only caught the attention of my mother Zena as well as my Allied Fighter Bomber Pilot father Bernie

and who on many of his miraculous 71 dive bombing missions during WW2 was wingman to Syd Cohen

who went on to command the IAF’s only fighter squadron, Squadron 101 following the death of her first commander Modi Alon on December 16, 1948, 6 days after my parents’ very distracting wedding which took place at the Durban Jewish Club, South Africa.


[First letter published in the J. Post and titled, Heads up, you lose. Tails we all lose.]

Dear Jonathan Pollard;

The pardon of Marc Rich eliminated not only an opportunity of justice being served but it would have allowed the public to view the role that oil brokers play in furthering terrorism.

This debacle also makes a mockery of your fight for true justice. Although you have now shown remorse, into your 16th year for providing Israel with a “heads up”, your biggest mistake was that you should have charged more, stashed it away in Switzerland, and you would have got your comeuppance a little sooner. Where was your Yiddisha kop?

Your pal, Israel’s premier Barak, became so mesmerized by the glitter of “Richy Rich” that he failed to grasp that Rich’s under-the-table deals paved the way for Israel enemies to hit soft targets. It is ironic that while your actions strengthened Israel’s security, Rich’s brokerage operation softened the will of Israelis resulting in the embrace of spiked peace initiatives. Surely you are also wondering if Mr. Barak’s source of newfound wisdom comes from reading the funnies having forgotten the
History of the Jews.

Barak brings shame to Jewish people who grew up believing that when push comes to shove our leaders would know better than to sell their souls in return for a good shmooze albeit with a womanizer supposedly with a good head, wouldn’t you agree? None of us should be all that surprised by Clinton’s call. His actions were simply in character but don’t try arguing that point to our senators Feinstein and Boxer.

The tail this pardon leaves may yet come back to bite us all. In prison you are safe from terrorist actions. Here in Del Mar surfing conditions have been pretty good lately, but who knows what sharks may appear as the oceans warm up.

Hang tight. Odds are help may yet come knocking on your door but don’t count on the Democrats.

Gary S. Gevisser
Del Mar, California

It is also highly probable that in the history of the fledgling State of Israel, there has never been so a clear finger pointed at the current prime minister, let alone someone as highly decorated as Barak.

This of course was not lost on all who read that communique.

Moreover, it did not escape my or my parents’ attention the fact that the editor/s of the JP allowed me to continue writing and knowing that publishing my criticism would not sit well with all those profiting from war and who see peace as war on their profits.

Furthermore, you can see that while my name might mean nothing to you, I am someone who knows how to think as well as address my audience without losing their interest.

That first 32 word sentence, even if you were the Director of Mossad and filled up a large room of the smartest Mossad agents from all over the world, it is highly unlikely that you could improve on those words; bearing in mind that it was an “open letter” to Soviet-American-Israeli spy Jonathan Pollard who was considered the “evil incarnate”; and no doubt a great many Americans still feel very “pationately” [sic] about the wrongs that Pollard did.

So with that as a “backdrop”, let’s move on to the important and uplifting story, which puts into better perspective the rants and raves of Yair Netanyahu.

BTW, I will be 61 on March 24, and my health, my fitness, flexibility and stamina-endurance is significantly better than when I was 24 and playing my best rugby which wasn’t bad when I was in my mid-teens

which was when I first met David Ben Gurion while on a 4 month Ulpan-Gadna training at his Midsrasha-Kibbutz Sde Boker.

Not to mention, Ben Gurion and my paternal great grandmother, Nechie Becker Bardash [1874-1943] were the closest of “kinsmen” which began with both of them born in the same tiny village of Plonsk, White Russia-Poland and when she was 14 and Ben Gurion just 2, Nechie witness the slaughter of her entire immediate family by a gang of Cossacks on a night out on the town having fun killing Jewish people.

To mention little of Nechie in 1925 moved from Leeds, England to Tel-Aviv and only returned in 1929 to England when my mother Zena was born and who greatly benefitted for the first 14 years of her life by the presence of her one of a kind grandmother who died after falling down a flight of stairs in a boarding house where she was recuperating after being run over in a “hit and run” which Ben Gurion did not believe for a moment that either event was an accident.

To mention in passing, in December 1972 as I was preparing to return to South Africa having done well both in the academics and Gadna training where I consistently scored perfect scores on the shooting range, Ben Gurion asked me, “What did you most learn?” and I quickly replied, “Those who know, don’t talk; those who don’t, do all the talking; once you tell a secret, it is no longer a secret”.

The closest anyone who has written about Ben Gurion and come to the truth about this “General of Generals” who was smart in his choice of female bodyguards, is Professor Tuvia Friling of Ben Gurion University who you may be very familiar with and possibly read his most very well researched book, ARROWS IN THE DARK where he “descibes” [sic] a scene between Ben Gurion and Polish officials in exile over in England, I believe, where Ben Gurion makes it very clear that what he says for public consumption should be taken with a pinch of salt, at best, and only paying attention to what he says in private; and the short of that little speech, “Mossad have long memories. We will not forget those who didn’t do enough to save Jewish lives.”

Friling, however, got the ransom monies that the Nazis were offering in exchange for the Jewish people of Hungary not being sent to Auschwitz, totally wrong; and this is where the important and uplifting story begins.

The Nazis were never short of cash or raw war materials.

They got both of those from my future employer, De Beers-Barclays

Have you heard of scholarly Edward J. Epstein’s non-fiction book, The Diamond Invention?

Noa, I was just waiting for your answer to that question which would allow me to gauge better your knowledge of the HEMP [history, economics, military & politics].

Should I continue?

I also have other matters to take care of, and so I don’t mind taking a break.

SUN 12:29PM
You are quiet even though FB show that you saw my last writings at 10:19pm Calif time last night.

Perhaps that is because you are not used to people asking you questions on an important subject that you haven’t thought about?

No doubt you are already shocked by what I have already revealed, and you are staying “tuned” because you would prefer to get this knowledge firsthand rather than through the “grapevine”.

You couldn’t write that first sentence of my first letter published in the JP exposing to the light a matter that most people simply attributed to Marc Rich making donations of money to the Clintons who are of course not quite as powerful as those pulling their strings.

Nor do I have any great respect for Republicans who are generally less talkative than democrats.

Yes, you have to know the history of the modern state of Israel as well as me in order not to get caught up in petty politic talk.

Nor are you the first journalist I have met in my life, and that is obvious from those 4 very important letters which obviously no one shared with you.

It is also not very polite when someone has been so forthcoming as me to be sitting there just waiting to grab as much information as you possibly can as well find reason to retaliate for your anger at yourself for not being as knowledgeable as someone your age and experience in writing for a well known newspaper is thought to be.

Given my experience with others as well as what I encountered going on 40 years ago when I first began my year long orientation into De Beers-Barclays

you would have by now jumped in on all fours into Epstein’s The D I book and very likely when coming to chapter 16 which you can also directly access by clicking the hyperlink above, you didn’t take long to go into total shock.

If you had any background in finance, economics, law or political science, you would have gone into a tailspin, and that would explain your current status of not knowing whether you are coming or going.

yes, you are reading along in real time. And I make a note of that for obvious reasons, so that there is a clear record of events.

I am not out to “catch you” but rather to bring out the very best in you, as I do with everyone.

But I was getting very well schooled in the real world back in early 1978 when having turned just 21 and my year long entrance exam overseen directly by the head of D-B, Harry Oppenheimer.

Of course I was very well schooled long before that, both in my Jewish day schooling at Carmel College, Durban, South Africa

as well as a brief period at a non-Jewish boarding school, Highbury

when I encountered the exact opposite of anti-Semitism, all thanks to my extraordinary and inspirational mother Zena and my no less amazingly accomplished father Bernie who was just as surprised as my mother when I decided when just 10 years old and very much liking my schooling at Carmel to follow in my eldest brother Neil’s footsteps and attend Highbury, which on a scholastic as well as athletic level was as high as it got, and most of the kids going on to the most elite high school in South Africa, Michaelhouse.

It is my brother Neil seated at the table at the Roydon Hotel near both Highbury and Michaelhouse and he is wearing part of his Honors attire for having made it into Natal Schools for hockey where he was goalie.

You would expect Ben Gurion to know everything there was to know about the great grandchildren of his most trusted “runner” Nechie who my brother is named after.

So did Harry Oppenheimer who wasted no time once I demonstrated a strong proficiency in being able to analyze financial statements and how best to approach target corporations starting with the largest in the world who all are tied in with the weapons development business, to make me aware of how people when presented with the gun-money power of De Beers-Barclays simply cave.

I am also in a dialogue with one of the producers of 5 Broken Cameras and so if I “break off” you would understand why.

I had no difficulty grasping very quickly how journalists like yourself would react when finding out rather late in life to how misguided you are about the real world because my mother Zena

who was much more than the Queen of Charm School

teaching in South Africa and in fact throughout the world where she had no equal, taught me the finer points of journalism; namely, “The only thing you should believe in the newspapers is the date, and then double check that!”

Here is my mother expressing herself wonderfully at the King David Hotel, Jerusalem back on September 24, 2016

And again on sex

Notice how loving my mother is towards me; and she is very consistent

Have you yet figured out why Yair Netanyahu is such a prick?

Are you aware of the measures Harry Oppenheimer first needed to put in place before he, with the almost unimaginable help of Barclays Bank the premier banking institution throughout the western world, wiped out the resisting Israeli diamond merchants?

The thought must now be crossing your mind, “What if Gary Gevisser was not here today spelling it all out?”

You probably previously thought, “How come they haven’t managed to stop him?”

Yes, you would not expect either arrogant, big ego people or those corrupt wanting to help me get out the truth about [how] the money system really works.

That would explain why after a year of official employment which began in early spring 1979 by which time any vestiges of democracy in the fledgling State of Israel had disappeared into thin dust, I had moved on.

This is how I looked just a few weeks before leaving Chicago for New York City.

It is my mother Zena standing next me looking proudly on.

Her only instruction and knowing that I could get any position I wanted within the monopolist of monopolists, The Octopus

was not to cut my hair, which you can see was much darker compared to when I was toddler alongside my mother when we visited my brother Neil at Highbury.

With that bushy hair I had no trouble fitting in on 47th Street Manhattan, but I most certainly did not wear the garb of the Black Hatters.

Of course you would recognize the Rebbe Schneerson who is today so “ everred” [sic] in Israel even by the secular Jewish people.

You may have noticed that one of my FB friends is IAF Lt. Colonel Tomer Tene who is also the largest organic farmer in Israel.

As you would expect Tomer knows most of this, but I haven’t quite put it altogether as I have for you.

Again, when it comes to the subjects of the HEMP there are few to none alive today who know as much as me and those who do only know because I have taught them; and no less important and it is worth repeating, no one thought to share this invaluable knowledge with you.

I had two choices when Codiam Inc., who I had been assigned to and which was my request, informed me in early 1980 when I was back in South Africa getting treatment for my liver having been “ oisoined” [sic], wrote me a letter letting me know that my position with De Beers’ most important site holder on US soil had been “dispensed with”.

I could just go quietly and knowing that I had done nothing wrong as I had fulfilled all the job requirements which were to simply sit in on conversations between Codiam’s puppet head, Stephen Cohen, a distant relation of mine, and a most important De Beers’ operative Martin Rapaport who if you haven’t heard of, then you will find Google most helpful, or I could just pick up the phone or travel to London and have an audience with Harry Oppenheimer who would greet me warmly, given again the fact that I had done everything that was asked of me; and nor had I spoken a word out of school, not even to my mother or my father.

You remember, “Those who know…”

I see you still following along in real time.

I decided to go quiet although my mother Zena was ready to go ballistic.

I had made no enemies at Codiam Inc. who remain headquartered on 47th Street and my liver damage could easily have been accidental despite the fact that I arrived in New York in very good health and I continued to eat relatively healthy and was consistently exercizing.

My mother and father knew as well as me that there was great jealousy towards my immediate family by our close and distant relatives, with very few exceptions, but to want me dead seemed a little going overboard; but then again, like with all very successful families including Jewish families jealousy is very deep rooted and with my paternal side who owned the hugely successful multi-national trading conglomerate The Moshal Gevisser Group of Companies [1910-1970] jealousy was rife.

We even had close blood relations trying to burn down our warehouses and steal our customers, and which my father’s first cousin David Gevisser [1926-2009], the “male heir”

of American-German monopolist Charles W. Engelhard Jr. [1917-1971], described in detail in his 2006 memoir THE UNLIKELY FORESTER

When reading about our ACME TIMBER INDUSTRIES above which is a page out of a 24 page booklet commemorating the 50th anniversary of the founding of Moshal Gevisser which began with the Durban Bottle Exchange

and which was very possibly the first recycling company in South Africa, you will encounter Mr. Engelhard who in 1956, the same year as the Suez Crisis took a majority interest in ACME which owned not only the timber industry in South Africa but all those industries such as construction and furniture which were dependent on wood products.

So you can see that we were “real players” in South Africa.

That did not mean that any of my 3 elder siblings or great many cousins were afforded the opportunity to join De Beers-Barclays at their highest levels, because I was the only one.

While my mother Zena was livid and knowing that the only thing I could possibly do wrong was open mouth to the wrong person and the chances of that being nil, I knew that it was legitimate about my position at Codiam no longer being necessary.

De Beers-Barclays had won the war.

Even though Codiam was an important cog in price fixing diamond currency on US soil which was a serious violation of the law which De Beers-Oppenheimer had instituted here in the United States and they were also instrumental in the disposal of the diamonds that Barclays had accumulated when bankrupting the resisting Israeli diamond merchants, they were never more than stooges; the same with the rest of the De Beers site holders.

If you haven’t yet realized the extraordinary lending capacity of each site holder which so long as they were in the “good books” of Harry Oppenheimer they were more powerful than all the worlds’ central banks combined, now you know.

I only joined De Beers because if you have an interest in money, why look anywhere else?

Once I saw with my own eyes exactly how they operated and Mr. Rapaport’s ongoing role no less important as he promotes not only himself as an opponent of De Beers but he is heavy duty into the auction business where a significant element is worthless, price fixed modern abstract art, there was nothing more for me to do, but continue observing very closely how De Beers-Barclays continued to rule the world.

The moment I responded “Leave Stephen Cohen to me” after my mother Zena spoke her clear mind in denoucing Mr. Cohen, “I will fix him”, I also decided that I would never say a word more about De Beers and their tentacles which extend to all 4 corners of the globe.

Nor was I in the least bit bitter because I saw nothing virtuous in being allied with such an anti-Semitic, anti-Israel, anti-human rights institution even if they owned every government as well as Captain of Industry.

Are you familiar with this photo?

Unless you have been researching me and feeling like you are “ ne step ahead”, you in all probability wouldn’t recognize the man on the right but still that photo [September 5, 2006], unless you thought it was doctored, should worry you a great deal as it does everyone.

Once you know that the man on the right is the only son of Harry Oppenheimer and Nick born on the same day my paternal grandmother Kate Sher Gevisser died, June 8, 1945, you feel like you have fallen 10 feet on to solid concrete and landed on your coccyx.

In fact I was most relieved that Harry Oppenheimer didn’t contact me directly or send an emmisary to see if I was interested in moving further up the DAAC [De Beers-Anglo American Corporation] pyramid; and again, I also knew that he couldn’t be mad with me.

Nor would he have forgotten that I had the choice of avoiding 47th Street altogether and to be his most trusted aide in identifying target corporations for acquistions/mergers.

I also knew their modus operandi which was quite simple and one you could figure out easily on your own once reading Epstein’s book; namely to conduct the vast majority of acquisitions in off balance sheet transactions.

Now that term “off balance sheet” might throw you a little off just as it does most of Wall Street eventhough it is a term most have heard, still you should be able to get your head around it.

When, however, “off balance sheet” transactions are applied to a monopolist who has their own untraceable currency, it brings into question every single Wall Street transaction.

It is now 2:07pm California time, and you remain deadly silent, while reading along.

You can easily imagine every first year student of journalism seated on the edge of their seat were I to be presenting to them the way John Paul Dijoria who collected another $5.1 billion last Monday for the sale of his Patron hard liquor, presented to the Stanford University Graduate School of Business back in 2011

In fact, I will be writing shortly to Mr. Dijoria who I have never met or communicated with but I just happened to run into his best friend for the second time, on Tuesday and he shared with me the “good news”.

You could also imagine Mr. Dijoria, or Mark Zuckerberg, or George Soris, in fact all those named in the FORBES list of billionaires reading this and also seated on the edge of their seat knowing that someone like Donald Trump and Benjamin Netanyahu would be doing the same.

Without mentioning a word to anyone, I began preparing in late 2003 for breaking my silence with De Beers-Barclays once coming across Epstein’s The D I book when doing research for a shareholder class action litigator client of mine, Mr. Jeffrey R. Krinsk Esquire

As you would expect, I first wrote to Epstein, and my “pool resources” email began:

Mr. Epstein – I recently came across your website while doing sum research of chemicals being imported into the United States on behalf of SCALs more commonly known as Shareholder Class ActionLitigators.

I have skimmed through your Internet book although I realize that when Simon & Schuster decided to publish The Diamond Invention the Internet was nothing short of a “pipedream” and I assume you are still alive, an Oppenheimer offshoot hasn’t got one of his cricket buddies to place a pipe bomb under your car, yet?

I came across in Chapter 18 reference to “Engelhard arranged for Oppenheimer to buy a controlling interest in his far-flung empire, since he had no male heirs to take over.” It so happens that my father’s first cousin, David Gevisser, was, I believe, the sole executor of Charles Engelhard’s worldwide estate.

You can click on the hyperlink below to read the rest of it.

14 years and 15 days have elapsed since writing to Epstein who knew at least 3 very important things once reading those first 3 paragraphs.

First, he was talking to someone who knew more than he did about the world’s most brutal and secretive institution who had got away with genocide when not being the first prosecuted at Nuremberg.

Second, he had left out a material piece of information in the so very factual, date, and people important chapter 18, THE AMERICAN CONSPIRACY.

Third, his bizarre mention of Engelhard having “no male heirs” was now beginning to make sense.

While Epstein has remained quiet which does not mean he failed to forward my communique to Nick Oppenheimer who most likely decided that there was nothing to be gained by doing anything more than saying nothing and waiting my next move, I am still here.

I am also going to eat alongside my beautiful Française-Canadienne wife Marie Dion our very late but very healthy breakfast, which I put off to write to you.

When I come back, and of course there is no guarantee that will occur, I will continue the uplifting story which of course has me most saddened by the fact that my mother Zena remains captive in her Netanya apartment and her wishes for me to take care of her are not being met.

Not to mention, right before I broke my 24 year deafening silence with De Beers on 11.11.2004 which you can find on my clever name website – just in case you have forgotten – I told my mother Zena what I was about to do, and she cautioned me, “ARE YOU NOT CONCERNED FOR YOUR LIFE!!”.

And yes immediately following, my mother began sitting shiva without either of us losing any hope.

If you are not smart enough to figure “The Hand of God” in everything then you are simply not smart enough and something you will inevitably have to take up with God.

God is not, however, Harry Oppenheimer or De Beers or their puppets.

So while I take another break, why don’t you study carefully the New York Times feature story of March 19, 1989

and see if you can figure out on your own the discord with the obituary the New York Times published on August 21, 2000

You would also expect that I would make a back up of this, and so should you.

The first copy I will be sending to Tomer Tene.

SUN 4:35PM
I’m back and the time in Israel is 2:35am [tomorrow] and the time here in Calif. is 4:35pm and the wind is howling.

It was not my intention to follow you on FB when sending you a FB friend invitation; but you had reached the 5000 limit and they make it automatic that Im now following you.

If you could tell me how, I would like to change that.

As you go back and look at everything that you have written in different newspapers as well as the last 3 photos you have placed up on your FB wall, you must realize that it all sounds very silly compared to the truth about the rigging of the money.

You also know that this knowledge was known to those doing the rigging, beginning with German-South African Harry Oppenheimer and his partner German-American Charles W. Engelhard Jr. going back well before the insanely illogical and morally indefensible GDP index was introduced back in 1934, although the stupid as well as corrupt economists have gone back further in time calculating the Gross Domestic Product in order to give it timewise more legitimacy.

Your eyes have been opened up to a whole new world, and no doubt you wish like a great many that you could turn back the clock, and approach life very differently.

On January 22, I wrote one of your colleagues Gideon Levy the following email:

From: GaryStevenGevisser <garystevengevisser>

Subject: I have an uplifting story – 5 Broken Cameras

Date: January 22, 2018 at 12:02:58 PM PST

To: levy

Dear Mr Levy,

While there can be nothing good, other than truth, that came out of 5 Broken Cameras, the genius of truth is that it all turns out good.

We are all only here for a very short period, and so I will keep it short.

There is the “money angle” that is consistently absent from war on the poor. The ethnic, religious aspect is never part of it, other than differences in race, religion etc are there to distract.

I have a unique view given how I was born into the right family at the right time, and I asked a lot of questions.

It is possible that you have not heard of Edward J. Epstein’s 1978 The Diamond Invention book

Would you like to hear more?


G. Levy has not replied.

That is not important.

You can choose to do nothing or approach him and/or others at Haaretz and/or everyone else you know including your 5,000 FB friends.

Those who profit from the development and selling of weapon systems do not care about humanitarian efforts as much as they might protest they do.

They are for the most part far more financially richer than journalists such as yourself.

But now you know that there is a whole other way to bribe officials who want to keep their cushy jobs and most often when De Beers-Barclays come calling, whether it is for you to write a distracting article or agree to raise the prices of your organic tomatoes or lower their price, it only costs them words.

One of the biggest players in the security business in Israel today is Natie Kirsh who was given a “ ree pass” to “asset strip” and then close shop of our hugely successful Moshal Gevisser Group of Companies which had the backing of the majority black African and Indian communities in South Africa given how extraordinarily sensitive was my paternal grandfather Israel Issy Gevisser and his elder brother Morris who fathered my “lucky uncle” Dave.

Issy and Morris would get up at the crack of dawn in Durban and prepare breakfast for the poorest of the black African street traders and after cleaning up the two of them would join their customers picking up unbroken bottles off the dirt streets using wheelbarrows.

Imagine the sight.

Could you imagine these very poor black people not marveling at these two Jewish boys?

Issy arrived in Durban from Vilnius in mid-1904, two years after monopolist Sir Ernest Oppenheimer arrived in mineral rich South Africa. Oppenheimer was 17 back in 1902. Issy in 1904 was anywhere between 12 and 14 years of age, and he knew a little about cooking from his mother and he could certainly count.

In 1912 when a distant relation, and member of the very close-knit Durban Jewish community, Sam Hackner decided to cut corners and ride the coat-tails of Issy and Morris’ hard work, both Issy and Morris who was 10 years older than Issy, were not deaf, dumb and blind.

You want to play stupid, that is your business.

You want to call me stupid, that too is your business.

My mother Zena is being murdered at this very moment only because she loves me more than anything in the world and for good reason.

Her second husband, Alan Zulman was a difficult man and he had no relationship with his two daughters and his only son Lance is autistic and proved a great disappointment to his father who was very into sports, especially squash where he did well even though he was not a natural athlete like my father Bernie who was never competitive, at least not after achieving the most sought after commission in all the armies.

A fighter pilot of WW2 was the dream of every boy.

The very best of the fighter pilots bowed to people like my father who went on to complete the Fighter Bomber Pilot training course.

It did not take my dad long to realize the strong resentment felt by all those in Durban’s Jewish community who were jealous.

His mother Kate’s one brother Louis Sher attacked my dad with a kitchen knife soon after my dad returned from war on April 23, 1945 having completed his miraculous 71st mission on April 15, 3 days after President Roosevelt died, and by this time the war in Europe was over and my dad’s Squadron 11 was preparing to join the war in the Pacific.

That is hugely important because it gives you a good idea of the resources that the Allies had to shake up the Japanese without having to introduce nuclear weapons or for that matter risk a single soldier.

Nor did the Japanese have the ability to launch a single aircraft as their airforce like the German airforce was totally kaput.

You have also possibly seen the Spielberg’s very distracting Above and Beyond which chronicles the birth of the Israel Air Force.

If you didn’t know, now you now that neither Nancy nor Steven Spielberg would like to engage me in a live debate.

Just like there is a very significant disconnect between The NY Times article of March 19, 1989, HARRY OPPENHEIMER’S EMPIRE: GOING FOR THE GOLD and the obituary for him going on 11 odd years later, the gap between Above and Beyond and the truth is the same as the difference between night and day.

My father Bernie quickly learned that the only way to survive in this dog eat dog world was to get on with everyone, but nor could you push my father around either physically or mentally.

He knew that his uncle Louis Sher was heartbroken over the pending death of his sister who my father only found out that his beloved mother was ill when he landed after his 71st mission and his Commanding Officers who had known all along had decided that it was the right thing to do even though my dad’s wingmen like Syd Cohen would be at more risk with my father being absent from the few remaining missions they would need to perform.

Remember no one knew for certain whether Hitler had a nuclear bomb up his sleeve and nor was there any certainty that Stalin hadn’t got his bomb given how Stalin had at least two spies deeply imbedded in the Manhattan Project.

There were other reasons to keep pilots like my dad and Syd Cohen flying as long as possible.

The experience in war conditions are everything and second, the Commanding Officer of the South African Air Force, General Jan Christiaan Smuts was fully aware that the Jewish Holocaust would only be over once us Jewish people were in a position to defend ourselves.

Air warfare changed the battlefield in WW2 and it was going to continue that way for many more decades until man woke up to [his] senses.

There were extraordinarily few Allied Fighter Bomber Pilots to begin with, and even fewer who were Jewish.

There was also only one of them linked to very important Issy and Morris Gevisser.

Both his father and his uncle knew every time my dad returned safe from a mission and it was Issy’s call to keep his favorite son on the frontlines of the very bloody battlefields.

The battlelines for Israel’s survival had already been drawn in the sand.

The architects and greatest profiteers of our Jewish Holocaust De Beers-Barclays never expected that their FINAL SOLUTION of all 12 million would be interrupted halfway.

So they simply made the necessary adjustments and expected Israel to be defeated in a matter of hours following the commencement of hostilities on May 15, 1948, by which time my father had already been engaged to my mother Zena for almost 2 months.

The above photo was taken on their engagement day, March 20, 1948.

Smuts was also second in command to Churchill; meaning that if Churchill died or became incapacitated then Smuts would have become Prime Minister of Great Britain and South Africa.

In mid-February 1948, Ben Gurion sent South African-Israeli Fighter Bomber Pilot Boris Senior [1924-2004] back to South Africa to secure fighter bomber aircraft as well as recruit volunteers like my father.

A very well orchestrated effort prevented Senior who I got to know very well during my 4 month ulpan-Gadna training in 1972, from meeting up with my dad, and both of them knew each other well and they were good friends, even though Boris had a very difficult time getting into the SAAF despite his elder brother Leon already a seasoned high altitude bomber pilot; not to mention, in March 1945 Boris was shot down after scoring a direct hit on the large German vessel, Otto Leonhardt; just days after his only brother Leon was shot down and killed.

The relationship between Ben Gurion and Smuts was as tight as it could possibly be.

Both were trained lawyers and their knowledge of those with monopolistic powers who made all the laws, made them especially close.

Moreover, Smuts whose first job after graduating top of his class in reading law at Cambridge was to join De Beers founder Cecil Rhodes who was no friend of Jewish people, was the best friend the Jewish people have ever had. Smuts’ actions more than matched his words which were solidly in support of the Jewish people as well as the fledgling State of Israel.

Given the few experienced fighter bomber pilots at the end of WW2, keeping them on the battlefield was a matter of necessity, just so long as their nerves were not shot which was not the case with many as a great many fighter pilots with far fewer missions than my dad had thrown in the towel, and nor is there any bullshitting going on when it comes to the world of a fighter bomber pilot as there are not only other pilots alongside but the air forces fly reconnaissance just to make certain.

You recall me mentioning yesterday about my parents’ very distracting wedding.

They were also very much in love which made the job of their parents much easier.

Upon arrival back in South Africa Boris Senior was met with a very rude awakening. The Jewish community of South Africa like all Jewish communities throughout the world still had to deal with the “Jewish problem”.

Neither Ben Gurion nor Smuts who would be thrown out of office on May 26, 1948 after using his 78th birthday 2 days before, the same birthday as Queen Victoria, to recognize the State of Israel, were in the least bit surprised, but still it did not make things pleasant for Boris Senior who performed well when dealing with the Jewish leadership who didn’t want to “create waves” and so he gave them a piece of his mind given their reluctance to help Israel in her great time of need.

Senior, despite being a very seasoned spy for the Irgun soon after WW2 ended and working with the likes of future President of Israel Ezer Weitzman, only knew what he knew.

Smuts and Ben Gurion had organized for him to attend a rigged auction soon after his arrival in SA where he purchased 50 Kittyhawk

American made dive-bombers identical to the one my father flew on all his 71 missions.

Senior paid a total of 300 English Pounds Sterling for these aircraft which were in pefect flying condition, all lined up on a runway and simply needing fueling.

There was one problem. Senior didn’t know how to get them to Israel because of the extraordinarily tight arms embargo instituted and enforced by the Allied United Nations.

In other words we couldn’t blame Stalin and his communist regime.

Let me quickly point you in the direction of Angela Davis

who was a most beautiful, albeit controversial Black African American activist.

Wikipedia, like many news and information sources don’t always get it right, but in this case they are totally “spot on” even if it turns out that Ms. Davis didn’t say the words, but seems very likely that she did:

Cutting and pasting:

After visiting East Berlin during the annual May Day celebration, she [Davis] felt that the East German government was dealing better with the residual effects of fascism than were the West Germans.

In his autobiography, NEW HEAVENS, subtitle, My Life as Fighter Pilot and a founder of the Israel Air Force, Boris Senior

makes it very clear that his decision to leave those 50 Kittyhawk dive-bombers behind in South Africa was the biggest mistake of his life.

NEW HEAVENS was only published after Boris’ death in April 2004.

It should be required reading not only for every Israeli child, both Jewish and non-Jewish, but before any kid is told anything about our horrific Jewish Holocaust, they should read this book.

Our Jewish Holocaust was in fact far worse than anything that has so far been written or presented in documentaries and nor do any of the Holocaust Memorial Museums including Yad Vashem come anywhere close.

They have all been carefully sanitised.

My father Bernie only found out that Boris Senior had returned to South Africa where he recruited Sid Cohen and others including my mother Zena’s lifetime best friend, Leslie Shagam

only once my mother began from the earliest days of 1949, visiting Israel two to three times a year.

Still my mother Zena does not know more than a handful of Hebrew words including “shabbat shalom” which does not mean my mother is anti-Semitic or stupid.

I was also once, back in 1972 fluent in Hebrew; in fact my Hebrew was better than my English by the time I finished the ulpan; and then I lost pretty much all of it. Nor am I someone who is bad in languages.

Once you realize that all people talk the same shit, why even bother?

Nor was my father ever told the truth about why he had been left behind in South Africa until I began writing about this most important trip of Boris Senior right before war broke out in Israel when Allied Field Marshall Montgomery said on the eve of Israel’s pending “annhilation” [sic], “Once the British flag is lowered for the last time in Palestine, the Jews will be overrun”.

Smuts was still very much in power when Ben Gurion declared Jewish Statehood on May 14, and nothing was impossible for Smuts to accomplish when it came to logistics.

Just like the Israeli authorities saw the atocities being filmed by Palestinian activists and which were the entire essence of 5 Broken Cameras, Israel’s enemies in South Africa were watching every military installation.

50 Kittyhawks all lined up perfectly, and at such a bargain basement price was simply too good to be true.

They were also not only the finest and most reliable front line war machine the Americans had built to date, but given Sid Cohen’s and my father’s strong familiarity also with British Spitfires

they knew what they would be up against.

It is my father in the Spitfire with the canopy opened. He and Sid Cohen trained on Spitfires in Egypt in June-July 1944 before moving to northern Italy where all their dive bombing missions took place including the all important two attacks by the Jewish Brigade on March 19, 1945 where my dad flew 2 missions [in support].

With Israel’s enemy spies in South Africa not believing their eyes that someone as creative as Boris Senior couldn’t figure a way to get those Kittyhawks into Israel and no one approaching my father to join the others, and Sid Cohen only arriving in Israel in late June 1945, they concluded that we had to be mashuga [crazy].

My grandather Issy Gevisser could have easily arranged for the aircraft to be dismantled and shipped to ports closer to Israel. My maternal grandfather Al Ash who in September 1941 changed his Hebrew sounding name Alef Bardash to the more Gentile Albert Ash, knew everything there was to know about warfare as he served in the frontlines of WW1 from the very start when he was still 14 years of age until the very end without any serious injury.

Al Ash also took over the responsibiities of organizing “safe houses” for Ben Gurion when he visited London during the war once his mother Nechie died in 1943.

Had a single box been opened, it would have been “lights out” for my immediate family and a much quicker end to The Moshal Gevisser Group of Companies.

Instead, Israel’s enemies were drawn into complacency; and this smugness was passed on to the generals of the 5 Arab invading armies.

Before Sid Cohen joined South African Air Force Squadron 11, he was already a legend.

By the time the war [WW2] ended, he was the most watched Jewish person in South Africa, along with of course my father.

When they also saw Sid Cohen taking his time in getting to Israel, they also thought that it was just going to be a matter of time before he was killed or taken prisoner and then killed.

In the meantime my father was very happily engaged and on his marriage day he was convinced that he was the luckiest man in the world, other than he missed his mother terribly.

Those 50 Kittyhawks did not go to rot; and nor did Boris Senior decide to keep them in his backyard because he was quick to get back to Israel and see in the first Egyptian attack, the few civilian aircraft he had brought in including the one he had personally flown all the way from South Africa being destroyed; and Ben Gurion arrived a few minutes later to share his condolences while allowing Senior to rant.

Both Ben Gurion and Smuts tooks Montgomery’s words most seriously because they were reasonable men.

They believed that at best Israel had a 50-50 chance of survival just so long as the Arab armies were convinced that the only real fighting they were going to have to do was amongst themselves in deciding how to carve up Israel.

But don’t forget the Arabs are not the enemy.

Ben Gurion also made that perfectly clear in 1956 when he told a reporter words to the following effect, “We stole their land. The Arabs had nothing to do with Auschwitz. We need to build a strong army and then forge an everlasting peace with our Arab neighbors.”

Had it looked like Israel was going to be overrun, then Mossad-Hagganah operatives in South Africa would have initiated a second wave of attack. Fuel depots had already been established at different intervals throughout Africa and it would have simply meant finding other fighter bomber pilots like my father to fly the aircraft; and the only people my father would have been able to count on was his fellow non-Jewish Fighter Bomber Pilots from Squadron 11

who would not have hesitated.

None of them, including his first wing commader Colonel Colin Sinclair, would have forgotten my father’s bravery or what it meant to have the “pilot’s pilot” legendary Sid Cohen in their fight against the Nazi bastards.

Getting along with all the jealous people did not mean that my father cared for any of their company, but he also knew that while there were many bad Jewish people throughout the world, it was not us Jewish people responsible for making us the scapegoats.

My mother’s second husband, Alan Zulman was like most men who didn’t fight in WW2 completely clueless about war other than they knew that people died or got injured and that there was an element of surprise that worked in favor of the winner; and that was pretty much it.

But war is principally banking.

The governments of the world are bankers and warmongers second.

They would prefer not to be seen as warmongers unless they are a dictator like Idi Amin or Saddam Hussein or Gadaffi when they have to play the part.

What they most don’t want to be scene as is bankers, but in fact that is all they are.

They have the people believing all that governments do is spend money.

The business of corrupt governments is also to corrupt grass roots organizations before they take root.

Just because people like my father and Syd Cohen didn’t speak and tell it the way it is, has to do with the fact that they cared deeply about their uncorrupted children.

In 2007 when my father was asked via email by a total stranger why he and my mother Zena hadn’t immigrated to Israel when the South African National Party aka The Third Reich’s Southern Division came to power in that rigged May 26, 1948, South African General Election, my father simply answered, “Suggest that you ask my youngst son Gary” [sic].

I place the Latin adverb SIC after my father’s short speech because he mispelled the word “youngest”.

As my one of a kind, most generous and humble father Bernie realized how really screwed up is this world because there are too many of us and that is all because we keep producing more babies than there are natural resources which are continuously being messed with, and the dams just one eyesore and the wind turbines no less so, and all driven [by] the nuclear energy industry who also keep producing the bigger and better nuclear weapons, he agreed with me that if I were to write his biography, it would be titled, My Life as an Allied Fighter Bomber Pilot and the Aftermath of the Nazi Victory.

That is neither defeatist nor depressing.

The truth always sets you free unless your choice is mental suicide.

Nothing in the human design or anywhere else in nature is there any evidence that it is smart to ignore the truth.

Alan Zulman was the most successful South African fundraiser for Israel which did not mean that Ben Gurion thought he was smart.

Zulman looks like he quickly ran in front of the camera to say, “I’m here” and Ben Gurion looks like he was bored and eager to move on.

When you have nuclear weapons and a very strong army which Israel had in 1969 when that photo was taken, you really don’t need to take any crap from anyone.

4 years later Ben Gurion was dead, and the banking mining house De Beers-Barclays still had yet to complete the FINAL SOLUTION.

It took them just 4 years after Ben Gurion’s death on December 1, 1973 to begin their inside out move on Israel which was first to destroy the kibbutz system by simply enticing the kids to leave for more money in the cities, either in Israel or wherever the bankers decided they wanted to revitalize the local or national economy.

You can’t be defeated or depressed or dejected once you know what they are up.

While a great many people have been corrupted the warmongers still have not managed to blow up the world or put behind them all their lying.

Their biggest lie is of course the heinous GDP index.

The fact that modern man over the course of the past 100 years has an increasingly short attention span, and you are doing rather well considering that you have been up since the crack of dawn reading all of this, all the while I have also been paying careful attention to all the other messages being sent to me, and not only from those on FB all wanting to feel relevant, does not mean we cannot find sufficient numbers of people to be interested in what I have to say.

You must also think it is astounding that the two co-producers of 5 Broken Cameras cannot answer the question, “Do you think the Israeli authorities could not ‘forsee’ [sic] the film footage of the atrocities getting out to the news media including those in France who ate not exactly pro Israel, and this would unleash that much more anti-Israel and anti-Semitism throughout the world?”

How difficult is it to figure out that if you are being mostly paid under the table to wage war and you have no other skills than talking, so how big a deal is it breed more anti-Israel, more anti-Semitism, more anti-gay, more pro bigotry of all kinds, just so long as you have a strong enough army and kids willing to die?

My father knew long before he passed away on August 27, 2012 that there were a great many more people than Alan Zulman who had this selfimage of being the savior of Israel, and that bubble I happened to burst back in December 2001 during a private conversation I was having with my mother Zena which Zulman overheard.

That in turn has led to this most evil captivity of my mother Zena.

Wherever there is darkness, there is always much greater good that comes of it.

The light is that it is very simple for all humans to get their heads around the deplorable actions of the Israeli government and the despicable Israeli judge Yocheved Greenwald-Rand allowing this cruelty of the highest order to continue; to mention little of my evil 3 elder siblings wrought with jealousy and greed, and they too have to contend with facing our Maker who doesn’t have to wait until we each take our last breath to dish out the vengeance.

I am done for the day.

MON 8:20AM
I am now in a conversation with the co-producer of 5 Broken Cameras, and she too has fallen apart.

Not to mention, Smuts while starting out an enemy of the British during the Anglo American Boer War of 1899-1902, and no less so monopolistic enterprises, went on to become a member of the British War Cabinet during WW1 where he “fathered” the Royal Air Force and of course the South African Air Force which is the world’s second oldest Air Force and his involvement with the IAF including much more than his most distinguished and legendary Fighter Bomber Pilot, Captain Sid Cohen leading the IAF to victory in Israel’s first war of survival, would also make him the “father” of the IAF.

You will see shortly in an email broadcast why it is that the Israeli government, like any government which is primarily interested in the welfare of those behind the scenes who get them elected, never talk publicly about the forces at play deciding the value of the money, and nor does the principal banking-mining monopolist De Beers-Barclays need welfare payments in order to afford to bribe their corrupted politicians.

Nor do you expect the children of corrupted politicians to always behave properly because they are confused from an early age.

You look like you have no trouble affording your warm coat but had you ever taken the time out to really think about the poor, you would have quickly realized that the poor have no chance unless they suck up, and then they have to be even more brutal to the poor which isn’t difficult because they resent being reminded of what it was like to be poor.

When my beautiful mother Zena decided to sit shiva for me, she did not make a big fuss about it, for all she said was that whatever happened to me she would continue to pray for me. What else could she say?

When you have the whole world silent, you are in fact achieving a miraculous event.

If you were just talking nonsense and everyone in the world was silent, that would not be remarkable.

You notice how most people on FB talk a lot of nonsense because it doesn’t matter to them what they say, whether it is true or lies, just so long as they get some attention, and if no one responds, they will just keep trying.

In the meantime they don’t get any younger or wiser.

I, on the other hand, are bringing a most important truth to the public’s attention, and the fact that the poor as well as the rich all choose to ignore what I have to say about the valuing of the money only means it is statistically very significant.

Yesterday, I lost my newest FB friend Anna Majavu who once lived in Bili’in village, the focus of 5 Broken Cameras. She also blocked me on FB messaging after writing, “you are very weird! and stupid yourself!”

Those 7 odd words took place at 7:04pm last evening, Calif. time. It is now 6:15pm.

Our conversations yesterday began at 2:28pm.

There were approximately 3000 words spoken between us and I also provided her with a fair amount of photographs which I will eventually get around to placing up on my BLOG.

Anna Majavu’s first words to me were:

Hi Gary. Yes, I have seen 5 Broken Cameras and used to live in Bili’in village. Good to meet you. I am a phD student currently.

I replied:

Nice to meet you.

Do you think the Israeli authorities could not forsee the film footage of the atrocities getting out to the news media, including those in France who “ate” [sic] not exactly pro Israel, and this would unleash that much more anti-Israel and anti-Semitism throughout the world?

The reason I bring up France is that the co-producer appears to be French.

Ms. Majavu had no difficulty realizing that I mispelled “are”, placing a “t” instead of an “r”, and quickly replied:

The film has not unleashed anti-semitism at all. It is 6 years old now. What is the issue?

I think you would agree that she was rather abrupt, a little rude, much like you.

It was 2:32pm when she hit the “send” button after finishing writing, “…What is the issue?”

In other words, less than 4 minutes had elapsed.

Between 2:32pm and 7:04pm, she was not hurling insults or vulgarities my way, because while her ego had got dented in big time she was eager to get the information; and she only had herself to blame for it, because she like all of us has no one to blame for having a big ego other than ourselves or the parents who raised us unless we were simply unteachable as children and then we only have ourselves to blame or God.

God though, doesn’t really talk to any of us, at least not in words that we can understand otherwise you wouldn’t find religious Jewish people looking like this

The fact that full of themselves people are most prone to get fat and fat people have the shortest fuses, just look around you, does not mean God is stupid.

If God doesn’t exist then each of us has to make the most logical case to the next person about the fair distribution of wealth because wealth becomes everything, wouldn’t you agree?

I don’t need anyone to convince me that God exists and that God has a plan for each of us.

That does not mean I am right.

It may only be in my imagination that God exists and therefore God does not exist.

Still when no one wants to debate me on exactly how the financial-money system works and they know that I am neither mad nor close to being stupid given how I can hold my own against not only the very best of Wall Street but every Wall Street [person] currently alive as well as every economist including Dr. Geoffrey Rothwell Phd and my FB friend Dr. Rod Smith Phd., you have something truly remarkable happening.

The fact that you may currently hate me more than anything in the world which would place you in the same room as Anna Majavu who deserves a category all of her own given how incredibly stupid she began by not reading carefully my question; and it was a short and clear question and she prides herself on her ability to read because she is now studying to get her Phd, does not mean I have failed to make a very important point.

I have 3 elder siblings who also have no reason to hate me, but they still hate me because they are jealous.

Being jealous of another human is no reason to hate them.

Someone such as yourself could organize every journalist, every student, every professor, every business person, every scientist, every politician as well as everyone out of work to join us in this Educational Light Journal-One Tribe of Achievers seminar-workshop.

I would also invite all the multi-billionaires I know personally to join us and none of them might show up initially, but they could.

Most importantly everyone would know quickly why they choose to hide, just like my 3 siblings who are counting on the corrupt Israeli judiciary to do their dirty work.

Remember, we are experiencing a miraculous event.

Never before have we had such a bright light shone on the pricing of the money.

All that talk by Yair Netanyahu about the price of hookers and strippers was music to the ears of De Beers-Barclays.

Of course Prime Minister Netanyahu would have far preferred it was someone else’s son.

How much thought have you given to the bodyguard-driver who recorded those disgusting conversations which tell it exactly the way things are done in Israel, no different to any of the surrounding dictatorships?

I didn’t create this money system and nor can you fault me that not a single individual is willing to debate me publicly on the fact that the price mechanism is kaput.

If you don’t consider it a miracle that the world is silent then that does not mean you have your own ideas of how the money system got corrupted and when that took place.

You would also expect me to share our dialogue with others in the best interest of peace.

The corrupted money is driving war and human overpopulation and the two go hand in hand.

Like Steve Linde of the Jerusalem Post, a fellow Durban, South African and we both went to the same Jewish high school, you will be thinking what job would you do in the event there was no war and people knowing that there is a better way to resolve our differences than leaving it to corrupt politicians to wage war which suits the weapons manufacturers and the bankers who are one and the same.

Were you to take a lead then you should be able to make a convincing case that you would be a good resolver of conflict; far better than the judges in Israel responsible for holding my mother Zena captive as they do everything within their power to murder her brain beginning by making it impossible for me to be with my mother which you and the world understand perfectly is her clear wishes.

So you see that there is a connection between the wall of silence which I encounter once I ask for everyone’s opinion on Epstein’s The D I book and the murder of my mother Zena who is unfailing in her support of me.

Irritating the unaccomplished even more is that they are dazzled by my mother’s love and affection towards me and yet 7 days before the filming of the Lady’s Speech an imposter, a corrupt Israeli lawyer had been appointed as my mother’s guardian and knowing that I was on my way to Israel to get the guardianship.

The fact that no one including my sister Kathy who in email communications with me let me know that they were stabbing me and my mother in back is at the heart of their duplicity.

Less than half my FB friends are Sherpas and their English is not very good.

The rest all speak a perfect English and I also write in very simple English so they all perfectly understand.

They represent everyone when they are silent including the Sherpas who have yet to speak their mind.

Total shutdown because I speak an important truth and for that good deed my beloved mother is being murdered right before my eyes and there is nothing I can do about it.

That burden must rest on all your shoulders.

How does the human so eager to put a face on their FB profile that they feel represents them be so unanimously two-faced; such as happily married with a family of smiling face children like my FB friend Jean Edelstein Gaylis who I was on ulpan with in 1972 to yourself who represents that you are first and foremost wanting to be taken seriously as a reporter.

Then there is Tomer Tene who places a photo of his one very good looking kid in between rows in one of his greenhouses which in order to feed, clothe and house his 5 children requires that he imports low slave wage earners from Thailand.

When you are hedging your bets, and you are given all the information, then it means that you would prefer to have me dead or at least stopped.

I like to see the positive in everything because the future of all of us is completely out of our hands once you have decided to do good or bad and there is no in-between once you have the knowledge.

You could begin by contacting Anna Majavu – and I would of course provide you with the entire dialogue ahead of time – and simply tell her that you have read the dialogue and that you are quite shocked that she would react the way she did.

Let me quickly provide you with what came right before her “you are very weird! and stupid..”

It began at 4:39pm and ended at 5:04pm:

You can see my response to Rothwell below the two emails he sent me on June 25, 2013 within 8 minutes of one another.

Those are huge declarations coming from the principal economist of the NEA-OECD who are responsible for wiping out all opposition to nuclear weapons development.

As you have been to Durban you would know that if you went back through all the newspaper articles written by opposition groups to the Apartheid Regime, there is not a single finger pointed at Oppenheimer-De Beers-Anglo American Corporation. On the contrary, Oppenheimers have always contended that they strongly opposed their Apartheid Regime.

Why do you think Phd students never wrote a single thesis in South Africa or anywhere else in the world exposing this transparent hypocrisy?

Remember the in the box thinking?

Before Rothwell joined the Nuclear Energy Agency in early 2013 he was previously the 27 year senior lecturer of economics at Stanford.

He had heard of Snowden as well as Assange.

He also knew the name President Obama and nor has Rothwell forgotten that his relatively new boss is Donald Trump.

So let’s go back to your abrupt initial response to my very good question which contained no tricks.

You wrote back a remarkable statement.

For some reason I thought you were Jewish, which was my mistake if it turns out that you are not Jewish.

If you were Jewish it did seem a little strange to me that you would be so adament that the film “has not unleashed anti-semitism at all”.

You carefully chose not to use the word “anti-Israel” because you must know that the film unleashed a great deal of anti-Israel sentiment, and quite correctly as I have stated repeatedly. Nor would it offend me in the least if you said that the film unleashed anti-Semitism given how not every Jewish person seems offended by the actions of the Israeli police and army.

You also know how there is this collective guilt directed towards us Jewish people.

If you could find a[n] ounce of Jewish blood in Hitler, you might say that us Jewish people were responsible for our Jewish Holocaust?

Notice that is just a question.

Then you go on about the film “is 6 years old”. Was there anything in what I had previously written to you that made you think that I couldn’t count?

So let’s go back to my question where I tighten it a little up, just as I have been doing to other Bili’in villagers and members of MIMI [Mossad-Israeli Military Intelligence].

Do you think the Israeli authorities could not foresee the film footage of the atrocities getting out to the news media, and this would unleash that much more anti-Israel and anti-Semitism throughout the world?

Did your mind or was it your poor vision that prevented you from seeing the prerogative word, “forsee” [sic]?

You ended your silly soliloquy with asking a dumb question, “What is the issue?”

What stupid parent, teacher or professor would have taught you to answer a very straightforward and materially important question by avoiding answering the question, making a statement that is laughable and then asking a question which logically could only have me asking the same question again?

I like Kiwi fruit.

Do you know if there are any negative side effects for people who live close to where they are farmed?

It has been several months since I last ate a kiwi and being organic and shipped from New Zealand I would hope that along the way a rat didn’t sneak up and piss on the one I ate.

It is very hard for the human not to take itself very seriously.

A Phd, for reasons unbeknown to me, think they piss Eau de Cologne.

Do you feel that you have learned anything today, even if it is only about yourself?

Noa, Im now going to take a break, see if I can be of any help to my beautiful F-C wife Marie Dion, perhaps play a little with Mango who got a lot of exercise earlier when he followed me on my mountain bike deep into the forest, and then I might get back to finishing off my follow up email to the Israeli judiciary and including in the cc section many more than all the email addresses I have of Knesset members.
