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Meet alone

From: Gary S Gevisser
Date: January 3, 2012 6:40:38 PM PST
To: “Terry Samples”
Subject: Re: Marie says that you and me should meet and I assume alone. Can you make it over here or midway? What about a good thai restaurant. I know of one in hillcrest but im not sure how to get there. I assume you got my coffee stain email.

can we have thai food for lunch tomorrow? it has to be high quality because we should treat every meal as our last.(Marie and I are now talking about opening a gallery/tea coffee/book-philosophy shop)

the subject: Cyndi Lauper Live At the Great Wall (2004)

the same subject: I need to know everything there is to know about you that will bring out the very best in you to bring out the best in Cyndi beginning with realizing what extraordinary odds it took for you and me to meet. The fact that both of hus ad very accomplished fighter pilot fathers which very few boys can say about their father and remember you have never had a son of your own and therefore can only vaguely remember how much you looked up to your dad who was still flying when you were 15 versus my dad who I only knew from flying small Cessnas which I accompanied him only a handful of times which stopped at around age 10 but each time was more than any of my friends could say about their dad, and not one could come close to saying their dad survived a single dive bombing mission in the most dangerous rugged terrain war zone of World War II when just surviving heavy ak ak was a hair raising nightmare, because none of their fathers even learned to fly, let alone complete 71 miraculous missions without being shot down once. I say vague because it is highly doubtful you knew how good your dad was by the deafening silence that surrounded my dad other than David Ben Gurion when I was 15 made a point at our first meeting on 11.1.1972, 50 years to the day that Marie’s father Johny, a tailgunner during WW II was born, of letting me know that he was talking to me when speaking about the bravery of South African Fighter Bomber Pilots during WW II as I looked around and realized that not one of my friends sitting alongside me outside Ben Gurion’s modest home on Kibbutz Sde Boker were even pilots during WW II.

On Jan 3, 2012, at 6:07 PM, Terry Samples wrote:

subject of the meeting would be? tonight is out of the question for me. tomorrow early would be ok say around 10:30AM.

Terry Samples MBA , B.Sci. , MCSE
Direct Line (619) 272-9004

——– Original Message ——–
Subject: Marie says that you and me should meet and I assume alone. Can
you make it over here or midway? What about a good thai restaurant. I
know of one in hillcrest but im not sure how to get there. I assume you
got my coffee stain email.
From: Gary S Gevisser
Date: Tue, January 03, 2012 5:52 pm
To: “Terry “Smilin Sam” Samples – Chief webmaster –
Veteran F-15 c Eagle Fighter Pilot +++”
