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Meet-Re: Who do you consider smart?-Marie Dion, “Interesting communications, effective” -Fwd: “uranium enrichment” Russia “South Africa”

From: Gary Steven Gevisser <garystevengevisser>
Date: Mon, Jul 1, 2013 at 7:19 PM
Subject: Meet-Re: “uranium enrichment” Russia “South Africa”
To: Geoffrey Rothwell <geoffreyrothwell>

Geoff, please send me more now. There is no time like the present when it comes to such important matters.

What do you mean “Im giving you a heads up on the Russians in South Africa”?

Putin knew what he was doing when he authorized the Kremlin to release the photo of him and Nick Oppenheimer.

I think it is time for you and me to collaborate much more in exposing this most insidious criminal conspiracy that is not good for our children, and if you don’t care about the children of the world equally then you suffer horribly first with diminished mental capacity.

Tell me more about your personal life. I recall you had a son who you were proud of? Are you married or otherwise engaged to a smart and beautiful woman?

Are you employed full time by the OECD?

Do you recall the most crystal clear “Heads up” I gave the world with my 1st of 4 letters to the editor of the Israel Jerusalem Post that was published on Feb.1, 2001, and the 4th, equally eloquent and most on point, “The pardon of Marc Rich eliminated not only an opportunity of justice being served but it would have allowed the public to view the role that oil brokers play in furthering terrorism” was published on May 1st; and you would know Israel’s Mossad provided both the FBI and CIA the most crystal clear heads up in August, one month prior to 9/11.

The 1st letter was titled, “Heads up, you lose. Tails we all lose” – CLICK HERE.

Do you think Marc Rich has heard of me? You know there is a strong connection between the price of oil and nuclear energy that is priced based on the cost of enriched uranium that is as price fixed as it gets?

If so what would he be saying about me?

You would also know the connection between Rich and Engelhard Minerals & Chemicals, the parent corporation of Engelhard Enterprises South Africa whose Chief Executive Officer was my “lucky uncle” David Gevissser who when his 4 year tenure ended in 1973 he hadn’t forgotten he held all the goods on all the world’s most corrupt.

22 years later when he and I met in Johannesburg for an all day meeting that began well before mid-morning tea because we had been sitting chatting for a couple of hours before his private secretary served us, David Gevisser hadn’t forgotten why he decided to tell only my mother Zena that he received a $6 million “sign on bonus” when agreeing to add to his title, CEO of Engelhard Enterprises SA, the world’s mineral richest corporation, that of executor of Engelhard Jr.’s estate that included all of Wall Street, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar etc etc – CLICK HERE – because Engelhard Jr. had the goods on all the world’s most powerful politicians.

That made my mother in early 1971, the second most powerful person in the world, and all she would say to me from that moment forth was, “When you are 21 the world will be your oyster!”

Given how well you follow my history you would know that on March 17, 1978, one week shy of my 21st, I arrived in the United States with a most important Letter of Introduction to De Beers that was signed by David Gevisser.

No one on this planet understands the uranium enrichment market better than you.

Together we are unbeatable.

Don’t you want to meet my French-Canadian wife Marie Dion and Mango?


On Jul 1, 2013, at 7:57 AM, Geoffrey Rothwell <geoffreyrothwell> wrote:

The reason is that you know so much about South Africa.
I came across a report from a Russian about selling the South Africans reactors and fuel cycle facilities.

I had extended my earlier enrichment cost structure paper to Russia, and presented it at CSIS June 2012.
I believe that Russia is looking for uranium. They took hundreds of thousands of tonnes out of the former
East Germany and Czechoslovakia, but lost these sources in the late 1980s;
and they didn’t develop their own uranium mines and are now looking for sources.

If they had access to more uranium, they could leverage their cheap enrichment to dominate nuclear fuel supplies.

I turned to you because I thought you might know about the South African uranium mining industry.
I assume it is dominated by similar people that you have been watching, but I don’t know.
Anyway, I’m giving you a heads up on the Russians in South Africa.
More later,

“Ce qui se compte n’importe pas toujours,
ce qui importe ne se compte pas toujours.”

from the office of Albert Einstein

From: GaryStevenGevisser <garystevengevisser>
To: geoffreyrothwell
Sent: Monday, July 1, 2013 12:39 AM
Subject: Risk is they will not start-Re: Who do you consider smart?-Marie Dion, “Interesting communications, effective” -Fwd: “uranium enrichment” Russia “South Africa”


As you suggested I typed the following into Google Search:

“uranium enrichment” Russia “South Africa”

All they hyperlinks on the first page worked.

You must have another reason for getting me to focus that much more on nuclear. Please tell me what it is.

I also read very carefully your 20 page 2010 paper, and I assume the main purpose was for me to focus on what the Managing Director of Urenco was threatening:

“If machines are stopped, risk is they will not start again”

Did I miss anything?


On Jun 30, 2013, at 1:52 AM, geoffreyrothwell wrote:

Coming from you, thanks for the complement. Have you read my 2010 paper on the cost structure of the uranium enrichment market? (In Scince and Global Security)

Now that I’m living in Paris, I appreciate your emails, tying me to my earlier world.
