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On the phone with the Attorney General of New York State

From: Gary S. Gevisser
Sent: Monday, November 29, 2004 9:22 AM PT
To: Whitman Knapp Esq. – Office of the Attorney General of New York;
Cc: rest;;; Deborah Sturman Esq.
Subject: RE: Comments to AG from Web Site

Attorney Knapp – Although we r on the phone at this moment may I make one further suggestion, have Mr. Spitzer not spare another moment in calling me on 1-858-945-6398 bearing in mind that the likes of Maurice Hank Greenberg Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer of AIG-Marsh & McLennan-ACE Ltd require little or no screening before accepting my calls.

Each moment that ticks by has the “brainne dead” [sic] masses while less and less ignorant thanks in no small measure due to your refreshing complaint against the $280 billion criminal megalopoly of AIG-M-ACE Ltd has enough of them still thinking that the rich getting richer and the poor the picture is a function of “deep rooted racism” that all your efforts will amount to a big squat zero at best, more likely a terrific PR campaign for the pitiful Greenbergs, the First Family of Insurance, Ms. Greenberg London getting quite the support of co-opted senior executives such as Ron Bellows Senior to play “victim” of “overzealous prosecutors” trying to “get by in this world not able to compete in the real word” focused exclusively on getting a name for themselves” before going “cap in hand” to a big time law firm where “they will get a real paying job as long as they have demonstrated beyond a shadow of a doubt that while employed working on behalf of the public trust they behaved themselves especially the Lilly White Wheaty Eating Boys and Girls.

Smart educated people, however, know the problems of the world have nothing to do with race, sex, color or religion simply poor parental religious teaching the result of a relatively small number of greedy people at the top of the pyramid colluding employing the likes of senior Risk Management Specialists such as Ron Bellows Senior to do their “dirty work“, his foul bigoted mouth serving as quite an effective smokescreen, agree?

Yours truly,

Gary S. Gevisser

A Name From Here You Can Trust Over There

Ps – While the likes of RBS have to constantly weigh in this “Dog eat God Aspartame” [sic] world the benefits and costs of continuing to take a paycheck from criminal enterprises versus what you pay for folks entering Federal Witness protection programs I have to simply be focused on telling the truth knowing the most effective way for the truth to get out is in bringing international public attention to such very important matters.

Over the course of the next several days I will sharing my “findings” with people like Lilly White Wheaty Eaters like my friend Dr. Jonathan Beare who sit at the top of the pyramid as well as those like Mr. Tefo Mohapi a 25 year old Black South African entrepreneur who managed to get Mr. RBS to keep his foul mouth shut with this communiqué.
