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One lawyer a good person

From: Gary S Gevisser <>

Date: March 22, 2012 10:05:05 PM PDT
To: “Thomas Gorrill” <>
Cc: rest; Beverly Stacey – Lloyds of London Insurance <>, Trisha Luallin <>, Shannon Gorrill <>, Marcia Kramer – Political / Investigative Correspondent WCBS-TV <>, Laura Malter – former CIA officer <>, “Rabbi Capers C. Funnye – close cousin of First Lady Michelle Obama who is married to President OBAMA” <>, Michael Big Grant – WBF Heavyweight Champion <>, Nitza Lite <>, Jeffrey Krinsk <>, “De Beers – Ernest Slotar Inc.” <>, “Russian Defense Attache – Russian Embassy, Washington DC.” <>, Rose Tchang Sun Yat-sen <>, Travel China Tour Guide <>, Department of Justice – Anti-Trust Division <>, “Patrick. J. Fitzgerald – US Attorney – prosecuted successfully Presidential Pardoned Marc Rich’s attorney Scooter Libby.” <>, “Patrick K. Tillman Sr. Esq. – father of American Football athlete Pat Tillman who was killed by “friendly fire” in Afghanistan.” <>, Ron Bellows – US Government owned American International Group – Chief Executive Officer President Barrak Obama – Nobel Peace Prize winner on 10/9/2009 <>, “Alan Loewinsohn Esq. – Dallas, Texas based attorney for CIA Charles Knuff” <>, “Paul S. Chan – ex CIA Charles Knuff Century City lawyer” <>,, Rush Limbaugh feigned opponent of Obama <>,, “JOÃO DE VALLERA – Portuguese Ambassador to the US.” <>, Chinese Embassy – USA <>,,, “Adam Lee Tucker – Weak-kneed Principal co-defendant in Knuff lawsuit who was severed from the lawsuit on the day the most fraudulent defamation $4 million DEATH SENTENCE was handed to GSGevissr on January 21st, 2011.” <>, Texas 5th Court of Appeals <>, “Texas American Civil Liberties Union [ACLU]” <>, Texas Judge Martin Lowy <>, “Mark Silverstein Esq. -c/o Alison May – ACLU – roommate of King Golden Jr. at the University of Virginia Law School” <>, “Kenneth Standard Esq. – former 25 year in-house General Counsel of Bristol Meyers; most recently past President of the New York Bar Association – Harvard Law School.” <>, “Keri Adwin – American Jewish Committee [AJC]” <>, “Gillian Tett – Financial Times of London, US Managing Editor” <>, “Scott Shane – New York Times – “In Afghan War, Officer Becomes a Whistle-Blower”.” <>, Allie Meyer-why we fight <>, Amanda Lopez – US ARMY recruiter <>, Matthew Hoh – former US Captain who resigned from US State Department <>, Matthew Margo <>, 60 Minutes <>, Edward Jay Epstein – Author of The Diamond Invention <>, Marco Gonzales – lawyer <>, “Sidney Abelski – lawyer – only child of two Auschwitz survivors.” <>, “Steve Wizburd Esq.” <>, “” <>

Subject: One lawyer a good person – Re: Transition so smoothly – Re: Is bankruptcy an option? – Gevisser Vs Knuff – State of Texas case no. 10-02004 – Sister Judgement California CASE NUMBER: 37-2011-00088438-CU-EN-CTL


Mr. Gorrill, 

You do realize that even when you receive something from me for the first time you quickly realize that I write for a much larger audience who with each passing moment trust each other that much less, because they know their entire trust system; i.e. their money me society is built on quicksand; and yet you write me what amounts to nothing less than a standard form letter.

You also didn’t think that I would now have you consider that what you last wrote me, just like what others have written me including when choosing not to speak, is their legacy; and others can only learn from how easily you brush off your total ignorance about very important matters about how a foreign based mineral monopolist has hijacked not so much the 3 Branches of the US Government but failed to pay our soldiers doing the heavy lifting to keep them in the “pounds seats” a fair wage for risking life and limb.

Okay, so that is too bloody a sport to contemplate at this late hour.

How about your fiduciary responsibility to disclose material information to your clients and prospects beginning with why it is that you did not think it important the failure of your profession who make up most of the corrupt lawmakers to tell American citizens the reason why the German-South African Oppenheimers saw it as a risk worth taking to have their Lloyds of London Insurance ban American citizens from investing in Lloyds that set the price of all commerce that includes weapon systems as well as how much you pay for malpractice liability insurance that ultimately leads back to how the Oppenheimers-De Beers-Anglo American Corporation fix the price of their worthless diamonds that are unlimited in supply without the Oppenheimers ever once providing an inventory of their diamonds to any of their governments beginning with the US Government who have afforded the Oppenheimer all their protection.

Do you ever remember one of your law professors every explaining why it is that the insurance game is the protection racket of protection rackets?

Could you explain to me how a lawyer teaches their children a moral code?

What did you feel like after reading Edward Jay Epstein’s The Diamond Invention book, specifically Chapter 9, DIAMONDS FOR HITLER? [CLICK HERE

I just heard an explosion; should I be worried?

Have you ever thought about giving up the practice of law, and why?

Project forward to the day that you realize that it was not smart to support this conspiracy by your profession that talks so much about justice and truth but back at the ranch it is all about your court rules to confuse the masses and when you fail to fool someone such as me, you just say, “We’ll show him how much in charge we are by smacking him with the most outrageous, totally illogical and unprecedented $4 million DEATH SENTENCE to serve as warning.

How sick that not one of you, despite all this information out there from prior to the erection of the first death factory in Germany-Poland, have thought it important to go after the Oppenheimers and all their main collaborators at the highest levels of the US Government, for their war crimes during The Holocaust and their genocide on the poor of the world continuing to this very moment?

Not one of you?

Can you name me one lawyer who is currently alive that you can say is a good person?

Does it make you feel better that not one Jewish American lawyer has thought it worth the risk of not getting rich by just taking out one full page ad in say the New York Times asking the Oppenheimers what happened to the diamonds they gave Hitler that they didn’t use to build mass killing machines?

The next time you see either a war documentary or just a historical movie based partially on truth, do you think you will find yourself at best listening with half an ear?

Do you feel that you have found your purpose in life?

Do you feel closer or less close to G-d?

All I know is that if I was an honest lawyer, I would want Beverly Stacey of Lloyds to explain what in our communications she and Lloyd’s legal department took issue with?

Feel free to contact Mr. Jeffrey Krinsk Esq. of Finkelstein & Krinsk to get his input.

Do you have any idea how quickly this communication can go viral?

Let’s now assume that tonight’s sunset is the last one I get to see but you break all records and live to 120 in the most perfect health and your intellect only improves. I would prefer my fate.

I know that you perfectly understand that there has never been a lawsuit such as this in the history of the world, which is the reason why you are not the first lawyer to refuse to get involved.

I am going to win because I have already won, and you prove it, no different to all the other lawyers I have approached who also had no difficulty picking up that this was the horror story of horror stories for the law profession throughout the world.

All your vagueness is in stark contrast to me explaining in simple English how easy it has been for one mineral monopolist to control most of all the educational system where the least accomplished rise to the top but think they are so much smarter than anyone else because their law professors told them they have to be smart to be able to study the law and all its intricacies, while failing to remind you all that it remains military might that determines the relative value of the world’s currencies and they did that because the next logical question assuming you had the mental capacity to figure that out, was why the law professors such as President Obama didn’t explain why the US was the first superpower to stop paying its militia the lion’s share of the spoils of war.

It is your right to disregard everything that I say, but that does not make you any less of coward.

I am so blessed knowing that G-d rules, and you will all get your justice because you already are as the pain in your heads most of all tells you that it is logically wrong to fool yourselves in thinking you are still bright.

Notice that until you take your final breath you can always choose change but you cannot reverse the past.


[Word count 1109]

On Mar 22, 2012, at 8:43 PM, Thomas Gorrill wrote:
Mr. Gevisser:
Unfortunately what might appear at first blush as a simple question cannot be correctly and completely answered outside the context of your particular, complex and extensive case.  This is why my office of only 2 people and a part-time person will be unable to be of assistance.
Tom Gorrill
From: Gary S Gevisser <>
Date: March 22, 2012 7:59:22 PM PDT
To: “Trisha Luallin” <>
Cc: rest; Thomas Gorrill <>, Shannon Gorrill <>, Marcia Kramer – Political / Investigative Correspondent WCBS-TV <>, Laura Malter – former CIA officer <>, “Rabbi Capers C. Funnye – close cousin of First Lady Michelle Obama who is married to President OBAMA ” <>, “Michael “Big” Grant – WBF Heavyweight Champion” <>, Nitza Lite <>, Jeffrey Krinsk <>, Beverly Stacey – Lloyds of London Insurance <>, “De Beers – Ernest Slotar Inc.” <>, “Russian Defense Attache – Russian Embassy, Washington DC.” <>, Rose Tchang Sun Yat-sen <>, Travel China Tour Guide <>

Subject: Transition so smoothly – Re: Is bankruptcy an option? – Gevisser Vs Knuff – State of Texas case no. 10-02004 – Sister Judgement California CASE NUMBER: 37-2011-00088438-CU-EN-CTL
Trisha, all I was as…
