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From: Gary S Gevisser []
Sent: Saturday, January 10, 2009 9:09 PM
To: Jason M. Ritchie –’
Cc: ‘Adam L Tucker’
Subject: Look at refinement.

I refined for Sana Shiraz, a Muslim friend, what I sent you earlier. Bear in mind as you read what I sent her that she has some 309 odd friends and just one, Dareen Abdullah
has “accepted” to be my “friend” and Dareen has some 267 “friends”. I don’t believe I have contacted any of Dareen friends to be my friend and nor have I tried contacting any more of Sana’s Facebook “friends”. This is really important stuff I am sharing with you.

Ask Francine Orlin Kades to be your friend

Between Sana Shiraz and You

Gary S. Gevisser
Today at 8:58pm

Dont have me explain again why I know versus believe we were “placed together” on that plane trip, but I will if you insist.

I want you to see what Francine has allowed me to post up on her wall

Invite her to be one of your friends.

In the message section tell her that you are a friend of mine.

You can reach her by looking at my “friends”.

While she is Jewish like me, and “pro Israel” she is not only WALING UP big time to how the masses around the world have been brainwashed including Israeli and Jewish people like her who live here in the State, but so she is allowing me to WAKE UP her 84 friends, most of whom I beleive are Jewish but are only Jewish when it suits them, no different Christians and Muslims who are hypocrites.

The fact that she has allowed me to post up so much on her wall is most telling to her “friends”, many if not most would not want to agree with what I have to say, but they know it is the truth and they now have to really examine their consciences, perhaps for the first time ahead of their pocket books.

It is possible that I only see what I have posted up, but I don’t think so.

I believe she is nothing short of “blown away” by what I have to say.

Unless she married someone very rich, which I doubt, because someone very rich wouldn’t allow me such “access” to all their “friends”, this is not a woman “of means”, and has to work very hard to “scrape by”. But she knows and grew up amongst very rich people who only now she is finding out are “scum”.

Worse they are showing her in “real time” their “true colors” as they “hide” not just from me.

From: Gary S Gevisser []
Sent: Saturday, January 10, 2009 8:41 PM
To: ‘’
Cc: ‘Adam L Tucker’
Subject: RE: did you receive a notification from facebook that I had posted up something on the wall of Francine Orlin Kades?

Invite her to be one of your friends.

In the message section tell her that you are a friend of mine.

You can reach her by looking at my “friends”.

The attached file shows you everything I have posted up on her wall. She currently has 84 friends.

Much more importantly is the fact that she has allowed me to post up so much on her wall which is most telling to her “friends”.

It is possible that I only see what I have posted up, but I don’t think so.

I believe she is nothing short of “blown away” by what I have to say.

Unless she married someone very rich, which I doubt, because someone very rich wouldn’t allow me such “access” to all their “friends”, this is not a woman “of means”, and has to work very hard to “scrape by”. But she knows and grew up amongst very rich people who only now she is finding out are “scum”.

Worse they are showing her in “real time” their “true colors” as they “hide” not just from me.

From: J R []
Sent: Saturday, January 10, 2009 8:19 PM
To: Gary S Gevisser
Subject: Re: did you receive a notification from facebook that I had posted up something on the wall of Francine Orlin Kades?



— On Sun, 1/11/09, Gary S Gevisser wrote:
From: Gary S Gevisser
Subject: did you receive a notification from facebook that I had posted up something on the wall of Francine Orlin Kades?
To: “Jason Ritchie – Honored US Navy submarine Sonar Operator with Top Secret Clearance”
Date: Sunday, January 11, 2009, 4:09 AM
