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Surprise – Re: All the talkers – : DIG – Re: Solving Great Math Mystery

From: gg <gary>
Subject: Surprise – Re: All the talkers – : DIG – Re: Solving Great Math Mystery
Date: January 16, 2018 at 7:14:48 PM PST
To: “Derek Abbott – Physicist and Electronic Engineer; participant in NOVA The Great Math Mystery” <>
Cc: rest; Dr. Rod Smith Phd – formerly of RAND \”Think Tank\” – Principal Waterstrategist – Facebook friend of GG and also present at the Wetherly Capital Group board meeting on Feb. 8, 2002 held in the corporate headquarters of Arden Realty, the largest REIT trading on the New York Stock Exchange before being bought out by General Electric.” <rsmith>, “Geoffrey Rothwell Phd – Principal Economist at De Beers-Barclays Bank controlled, US Nuclear Energy Agency of the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development, headquartered in Paris, France. Former 27 year senior Stanford University lecturer.” <Geoffrey.ROTHWELL>, Alan Dershowitz – Harvard Law School <dersh>, “Tomer Tene – IAF Lt. Colonel + organic produce farmer. FB friend of Gary Gevisser” <tene.organi>, Benjamin Netanyahu – Prime Minister of Israel <bnetanyahu>, Vegetarian Tzipora Malka Tzipi Livni <zlivni>

You have only got 2 emails from me which were on point with your request, “Sure”.

Also remember you have a lot of time to not only appear on camera but espouse on an economic solution for the Middle East which is quite unusual for both someone who doesn’t have the time as well as someone who is so busy in the sciences which of course should have had you thinking far more logically before entering into politics-economics where you now know you are a neophyte.

Notice how very light I went on you in an attempt to bring out the best in you.

I will assume that you are now working on another grant.

Let’s see how your colleagues handle the matter.

[Word count 124]

On Jan 16, 2018, at 7:01 PM, Derek Abbott <a1065010> wrote:

Please stop sending the emails. I do not have time to read them.

2 messages:

From: gg <gary>
Subject: All the talkers – : DIG – Re: Solving Great Math Mystery
Date: January 16, 2018 at 6:58:28 PM PST
To: “Derek Abbott – Physicist and Electronic Engineer; participant in NOVA The Great Math Mystery” <>
Cc: “Dr. Rod Smith Ph. d – Alumni of RAND Corporation. Facebook friend of Gary Gevisser” <smith>

I removed one “when” at the end, reducing the word count to 3264, and added the GDP graphic.

Of lesser importance is what the world learned on March 19, 1989 about Harry Oppenheimer’s Empire.

Nothing in the history of man’s existence which of course predates by millions of years the discovery of mathematics as the catastrophically ugly GDP index which does not tell you that people like Milton Friedman and John Maynard Keynes had healthy minds, or anything close despite the accolades that intellectual midgets still choose to bestow on these two, to mention little of the huge numbers of people throughout the globe so proud to call themselves economists.

Why is it when you get a math problem right you know that you have no one to thank other than yourself or your good teacher, but you do know that you should not berate yourself because you got it right.

You have to stop whatever it is you are doing when you have got something such as the GDP completely wrong.

But the economists have not stopped talking GDP.

They have simply ignored the entire foundation of the modern study of economics without which they would argue there is no way to gauge the relative economies of the world.

Just because a group of individuals cannot find purpose for their existence does not mean they should be allowed to cater to the mineral monopolists who are far removed from being Benevolent Dictators.

Hitler, if he didn’t understand what was going on with GDP then it meant he had to be on meth 24/7 or he simply got caught up in his power hungry drive, just like the world’s economists.

You can’t expect Hitler to say he is sorry because he is dead; and nor did he establish the GDP.

The GDP is responsible for all the bloodshed and chaos that still exists.

Just because the human gets used to something like eating rotten food but it is spiced up to taste good, does not mean one should continue consuming something that you know is killing you but it tastes good in the moment.

The fact that humans have a horrendously difficult time changing their bad eating habits still does not explain the across the board reluctance of economists and journalists who write about economics-money to shake this monkey loose from their brain.

You don’t eat economics. It is words that make no sense and best of all the mathematics demonstrate beyond a shadow of a doubt that there is nothing rationale about economics.

What if it wasn’t me exposing this epic crime?

What if I had taken sick this morning or been killed? You wouldn’t expect any of the silent to suddenly pull out all stops to end this totally stupid destruction of the earth as besides for punishing the “shit hole” peoples in mineral rich lands is the greatest contributor to consumerism.

There is probably no institution in the world today who has more finance-economic Phds than the OECD. Their huge salaries cannot be the only reason they are incapable of thinking.

In fact whatever you get paid should have no bearing on your level of stupidity unless that is your punishment.

At what point do you think we as a species should start talking about what role the “Hand of God” plays in everything, and the conversation made so much easier by being able to eliminate very quickly all the religious hypocrites who have failed to come forward.

You would expect if religious that you would be the first that God would empower with enlightenment.

If you are not smart to work out the GDP’s ugliness in the extreme then you cannot say you are enlightened.

Therefore all the time and effort you have put into studying scripture couldn’t have been for the betterment of humankind, the oxymoron of all time, but for you wanting to appear as righteous, which obviously hasn’t fooled God.

That leaves the rest of us with logic to figure out how best to reduce overpopulation and consumerism and restore health and dignity to the poor.

So go ahead and smack yourself lightly on the head for assuming the top economists in the world must have known what they are talking about as they sucked you in to this abnormality unprecedented in human thought.

Note as well that you won’t even find the few critics of GDP out there coming close to explaining its debauchery.

The third hyperlink I provided to you just over an hour ago takes you to the most important human case study ever conducted.

Harry Oppenheimer was not senile at the time.

The editors of the New York Times perfectly understood what the world would never be able to deny; and yet there wasn’t even a ripple effect from academia questioning why one of their own, such as Alan Dershowitz wasn’t all “up in arms”.

I only found out about this “Octopus” reaching into everyone’s living room well after the event because I was on my first trip to the Far East including Japan, Taiwan, Hong Kong and mainland China where I got to see the build up of the Tiananmen Square massacre which like all massacres before the cameras are carefully orchestrated which is not to suggest that the innocent victims were aware of their pawn role.

There is even mention near to the start of accusations that the Oppenheimers had helped arm Nazi Germany which again the editors-publishers of the New York Times knew that they didn’t need to go far to get the same source documents from the US Justice Department that Epstein had got his hands on 11 odd years earlier.

Remember, we are not talking history when there is no reaction from all the talkers.

I am looking to see Harry Oppenheimer’s human study of stupidity of the Nth Degree ending by the time the sun rises tomorrow on the west coast of the United States.

You can make that happen.


[Word count 1002]

Begin forwarded message:

From: gg <gary>
Subject: DIG – Re: Solving Great Math Mystery
Date: January 16, 2018 at 4:26:58 PM PST
To: Derek Abbott <>
Cc: “Dr. Rod Smith Phd – formerly of RAND Think Tank – Principal Waterstrategist – Facebook friend of GG and also present at the Wetherly Capital Group board meeting on Feb. 8, 2002 held in the corporate headquarters of Arden Realty, the largest REIT trading on the New York Stock Exchange before being bought out by General Electric.” <rsmith>

Derek, I apologize for misspelling your first name.

The delay in getting back to you is that for the past going on 4 hours I have been assisting my Française-Canadienne wife in sanding a wooden floor and one wooden beam which was the easiest part; but all fun and rewarding because it was a positive step in beautifying the entrance to the rock cabin and coupled with helping to exercise the body-mind, what more can one ask for?

Quick background.

This March 24 I will be 61; and if I am as healthy as I am right now, that will be great, and even better if I am healthier which is very possible because there will be less dust which I have yet to get out of my lungs because I’m just sitting down. When 21 I completed a year long orientation into De Beers-Barclays

which was directly overseen by its head Harry Oppenheimer.

Harry Oppenheimer

knew who I was because his “muscle on the ground” in mineral rich South Africa, American-German Charles W. Engelhard Jr.

was my immediate family’s “strategic partner” in our huge ACME TIMBER INDUSTRIES

which did much more than control the timber, construction and furniture sector of the South African economy, while Engelhard and his junior partner, Harry Oppenheimer controlled the rest of the economy including the public sector, making any distinction between the private and public sector a farce, and not only in South Africa.

While you can see that Engelhard Jr. who had no loyalty to any political party, country, race, or religion, left us with “administrative and technical control” of ACME, we were pions in the scheme of things, but that didn’t mean all of us Gevissers were totally stupid.

When the deck is stacked against you, it simply means one has to bide one’s time and that does not mean “talking to talk”.

6 years before, back in 1972 and 15 years of age, my 4 month Ulpan-Gadna training at Mossad head, David Ben-Gurion’s kibbutz Sde Boker ended with Ben-Gurion asking, “What did you most learn?” and my reply, “Those who know, don’t talk; those who don’t do all the talking; once you tell a secret, it is no longer a secret” did not fall on deaf ears.

Ben-Gurion also knew my British-English mother Zena

very well because her paternal grandmother, Nechie Becker Bardash [1874-1943]

was as close a “kinsman” as it could get given how non-talker Nechie when 14 survived a pogrom by hiding in a tiny closet as a gang of Cossacks slashed the throats, wiping out her entire immediate family in the little village of Plonsk White Russia-Poland where Ben-Gurion had been born 2 years before.

Israel doesn’t have all the gold, diamonds, uranium and oil in the world, but it has known long before it became a country how to get it’s needs, because locating the raw war materials is no secret.

What is important is the military might, and that simply means being able to compete with everyone else while avoiding as much as possible a local conflict such as a war with Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, Gaza strip, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Afghanistan, north Korea, can easily spill over.

Remember what I said about those who don’t know.

I see that you have written a paper on, How to solve the Israel-Palestine conflict

Whatever reaction you have received so far, you would now know to take with a pinch of salt.

Many countries including China are constantly reclaiming sea for land use without all that many thinking about the conflict which could occur when someone’s view is disturbed in the new territory as well as what if the human got really smart and started like China to control its population numbers?

What about the impact on the world’s stock market if the population dropped back to dramatically?

Have you ever thought about why there is so much talk about human overpopulation which causes us human rats to behave exactly the way starved sewer rats behave and yet we can’t blame any of the other animal species or plant life for discovering the gun?

Fortunately for you, your area of expertise in terms of how you make a living is not in my area of expertise; namely the HEMP (history, economics, military & politics).

What I want to avoid is having you dig your heels in because that would not benefit you or the planet which is what I am most concerned with because so long as there is still sufficient wilderness where there is less noise than the toxic cities, the human can begin to think.

I also know how to write which alongside having a better than average command of numbers was a prerequisite for joining De Beers-Barclays at their highest level on US soil in early spring 1979 by which time De Beers-Barclays were well on their way to wiping out all the resisting Israeli diamond merchants which was only possible with the full support of the Israeli Knesset who perfectly understood that not only would puppets replace those wiped out, but Harry Oppenheimer and his father Sir Ernest should have been the first prosecuted at Nuremberg.

There is a lot for you to digest, and in all probability more confusing despite it all being crystal clear and easily verifiable, than anything you have encountered so far in your life, other than if you have been so fortunate as to having experienced true love either from your parents or even better a life partner.

There is also no guarantee that I will live to see another day, and so I include for the present time my close colleague Dr. Rod Smith Phd who is much more than one of my 399 Facebook friends because he and I go back to 2001 when we both witnessed the makings of voter fraud which would later take place in the November 2002 California Gubernatorial elections.

Since then neither of us has forgotten those events including the great reluctance of corrupted government pawns to do anything about the rigging of a most important election where a very close affiliate of De Beers, Veolia-Vivendi were part of the proposed “greasing of the wheels”, and nor have we become naive.

Dr. Smith Phd will have little difficulty agreeing with me that there is no one on the planet today who understands better than me the extraordinary power and influence of the De Beers-Oppenheimer organization as a result of having got away with providing Hitler with both a critical mineral resources, industrial diamonds as well as untraceable diamond currency to purchase other raw war materials such as oil from the Rockefellers who also couldn’t be prosecuted even though their AG Farben was producing Zyklon B in the dead center of Auschwitz because to prosecute the Rockefellers or the Fords would instantly focus attention on De Beers who are nothing less than the central bank of central banks.

Yes, I am teaching you and I could easily be teaching all the participants in The Great Math Mystery the subject of “military economics” which could be taught to kids in elementary school and that would mean few to none of these kids would go to university to study law, economics, finance and political science.

How you react to this newfound knowledge will have future generations of children learning a great deal.

Hillel ~ If I am not for myself, who is for me? If I am only for myself, who am I? If not now when?

Timing is everything, but that does not mean us humans are supposed to be brighter than what our minds tell us.

If it turns out that Mario Livio is correct that the number 2 is the only concept in math that we “invent” then that still does not explain the invention of the human mind that doesn’t appear to be any more mathematical than any other living organism.

If it turns out that everything including the number 2 is “discovered”, then we are all living in a “make believe” world.

There is nothing funny or metaphysical about “military economics”. It is in fact a totally sick reality.

I see the “reality” and the metaphysical-spiritual world all coming together now with no one claiming they have any more special powers than the next person because all it is takes is one nutcase with a big ego to start a small war that dominos.

And as I said in my opening, nothing rationale can explain that the fundamentals of all economic theory which is “pricing” has never been investigated by economists, and what is even more mind-boggling is that without exception they all ignore the irrefutable truths. Yet, they know the truth cannot be wished away. Moreover, these people who have very big egos and constantly battling for the big Nobel prize while mostly jostling in the interim to achieving fame and fortune with word contests, are relying on one another to “hold fort”.

They also know that an amateur student of economics which I take it, you see yourself as, could burst their bubble in the next instant on their own accord by contacting all of their FB friends and this awakening going viral, or just marrying the daughter of someone famous like Donald Trump and to get a cushy White House job and a promise of a grand inheritance shares privately with Mr. Trump all this knowledge and agrees to help the President keep it all a secret.

Only in the movies do you have trust amongst thieves.

No one likes to be fooled just like no one likes to be bought and those doing the corrupting are only thinking about saving their own skin.

Bear in mind that the most important economist in the world today, Dr. Geoffrey Rothwell Phd has sought me out to assist him with his “mind problems”. Rothwell is the principal economist for the Nuclear Energy Agency that is housed within the all powerful OECD, established in the upside down year of 1961 and immediately began to promote the totally illogical GDP index that is as heinous as it is void of intellectualism given how it punished twice mineral rich countries who are first raped and then puppets put in place who agree to the pricing structure of the strongest invader.

Rothwell got the highest paying job he could in government based on what he believed was his accurate prediction of price fixed enriched uranium.

I’m not adding Dr. Rothwell Phd to this conversation because at the present time he adds nothing of value to the discourse.

You of course haven’t forgotten South African Invader Charles W. Engelhard Jr.,

I first want to bring you up to speed, and then you can decide how best you wish to contribute to a more enlightened society.

If you want to understand why there is little to no logic to the study of economics you first of all have to understand the power of the gun which in fact takes little imagination.

We are however hamstrung by the proliferation of lawyers, economists and politicians whose goal, apart from a luxurious lifestyle is to have the citizens of the world believe that the “fairness doctrine” is pervasive because that is what our court system keeps telling us; and we see judgments handed out that make the winner rich and the loser poorer if not bankrupted; and then there are the criminal penalties that result in jail time.

So the people are constantly on the edge and that makes it that much more difficult to think outside the box, and when we come up with solutions the solutions never focus on the problem of overpopulation because to do so inches us that much closer to the cause of human overpopulation which are important if your business benefits in any way, shape or form to more rather than less refugees.

Human overpopulation is critical in two other areas, of course connected to the very important refugee crisis one after the other as the abandoned lands also make way for future tourist destinations and casinos and super wonderful large shopping centers with Amazon delivering both your food and favorite call girl to your front door. Well, that is the current future.

First, to cover the tracks of the warmongers; and second, for the sale of weapon systems which people profiting see either as a “necessary evil” and/or a good business, whereas those on the receiving end, but survive the brutality quickly get into the war business because there are not many alternatives to make an honest living.

The study of economics was a discipline I first had to master before sitting for that one of kind entrance exam knowing that Harry Oppenheimer had the “pick of the crop” amongst the smartest coming out of university; and nor was it considered a “positive” to have a masters or Phd in economics because that meant you weren’t all that smart.

I had an advantage over most interested in “money” because South African Invader

Engelhard Jr. decided not only what price he would pay for the majority ownership of ACME TIMBER INDUSTRIES but even how much he was going to let people like Natie Kirsh

sell maize for the laborers to eat.

When Natie Kirsh then came calling to “asset strip” our Moshal Gevisser Group of Companies

all the rest of the players sat on the sidelines with folded arms which tells you about how much a monopolist like De Beers-Anglo American Corporation-De Beers tolerate competition.

Those who played by Engelhard-Oppenheimer’s rules

were rewarded and those who didn’t paid a hefty price.

Again, that didn’t mean those of us who saw the impossible, the rearming of Nazi Germany which was not only prohibited by the Versailles Peace Treaty but Germany was totally bankrupted internally which is why the Germans were starving and only a global enterprise like De Beers which has controlled the world’s drilling industry since the turn of the last century could make their and Hitler’s dream a reality, were asleep at the wheel.

Nor did my mother Zena feel that it was important when she met with President Kennedy as well as his brother Attorney General Robert Kennedy that she gave them a “piece of her mind”. It was just important that my mother made her way into the highest social circles. Nor was my mother in these meetings to teach the staff how to serve tea.

The tentacles of De Beers-Barclays who are the masters of self-dealing reached of course into our immediate family, but you can see that I saw, just like my mother and my equally amazing Allied Fighter Bomber Pilot father Bernie

any virtue in being corrupted.

What is no less important is that nothing has changed

other than it is Harry Oppenheimer’s son, Nicholas

who took over from his father when Harry died in December 2000 after first hooking Warren Buffett into the Diamond Invention Game [DIG] early in May 2000 with Buffett’s purchase of Ben Ridge Jewelers.

It also didn’t escape my attention that you used Buffett as the example of someone who could in an instant pay for the land reclamation and infrastructure to end the Israel-Palestinian conflict and still afford a first class facelift, still die rich while leaving a great legacy behind.

Without the Israel-Palestinian conflict a great many people throughout the world would be out of work including those who produce weapon systems and knowing that “middle-muddling men” such as Marc Rich can be counted on to supply both weapons of war and financing to all sides of the conflict where they cannot possibly lose unless they got caught and that would mean bringing to justice all the bought politicians.

The hyperlink immediately above takes you to my first of four letters published in the Jerusalem Post on Feb. 1, 2001 which was 12 days after Bill “Rhodes-De Beers Scholar” Clinton granted terrorist financier Rich a pardon; and 222 days later we had 9/11 and no investigation resulted in anyone contacting me to explain my first short, clear sentence of the Rich pardon:

The pardon of Marc Rich eliminated not only an opportunity of justice being served but it would have allowed the public to view the role that oil brokers play in furthering terrorism.

I also have a clever name website which goes a long way in flushing out all the world’s two-faced people which is not its primary goal.

What can be better than educating the world, and all at the same time, to think?

A thinking society does not need corrupt government officials to avoid conflict because the business of corrupt government is to corrupt grass roots organizations before they take root.

If you still think one needs financing or grant money, then logic would tell you to bypass both the government and Wall Street and get an audience with Nick Oppenheimer who while not the sharpest tool in the shed knows that the DIG is best left to their bought politicians to figure out.

You, in all likelihood wouldn’t have recognize Nick Oppenheimer seated to the left of Putin who only decided to release this most important photo taken on September 5, 2006 in Cape Town, South Africa, 759 days later. October 3, 2008 was just over one month before Senator Barack Obama became President elect.

They are all playing a distraction game.

There is a reason why no one is talking about Epstein’s The D I book, because there is nothing to argue against it truth, and the crooks just want to ignore it, and so far it has been working.

They are pushing for a replacement of diamond currency and why not go with something even more extreme like Bitcoins which could outlive diamonds or implode in the next instant, all depending on what the central bank decides.

You learn in chapter 18 of scholarly author Epstein’s 1978 The Diamond Invention book, aptly titled, THE AMERICAN CONSPIRACY that President elect, John F. Kennedy was forced to “eat humble pie” when meeting with Harry Oppenheimer at the Carlyle Hotel and it was not only J. Edgar Hoover, Director of the FBI who knew what this entailed but every member of the US Congress who was “put on notice”.

Imagine if you were a member of Kennedy’s US Secret Service detail who would all be curious why President elect Kennedy would be meeting with a South African in such a public setting. Naturally you would enquire more.

Derek, I know how long it takes someone of average intelligence to understand perfectly my writings.

You cannot argue that I have failed to deliver something “revolutionary”.

I now need to get back to my other responsibilities.

Looking forward to hearing from you.


[Word count 3246]

On Jan 16, 2018, at 11:39 AM, Derek Abbott <> wrote:


Sent from Derek’s iPhone

On Jan 17, 2018, at 4:53 AM, GaryStevenGevisser <garystevengevisser> wrote:

Are you the same Derrek Abbott who participated in The Great Math Mystery documentary?

If so, I have something quite “revolutionary” to share with you as it relates to nothing rationale can explain that the fundamentals of all economic theory which is “pricing” has never been investigated by economists.

Moreover, I know the very best of them, and today all of them are very quiet which is most unusual for economists.

Furthermore, their irrational behavior once they are provided with the irrefutable truths is not disheartening, because it is uplifting to have those doing the most talking speaking with silence their confused minds.

You get all the economists in the world to go quiet, then all those depending on logic-math to create “added value” such as a farmer who plants a seed into the ground to grow a flower, to a chef who creates masterful recipes which ignite the mind and sustains us, [will rise to the occasion] and that sensitivity will lead to rational behavior where the last thing people will be thinking about is war.

Would you like to hear more?

