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They only have themselves to blame – Re: Ash-Re: Angel

From: gg <>

Subject: They only have themselves to blame – Re: Ash-Re: Angel
Date: August 10, 2017 at 9:14:23 PM PDT
To: “Patrick K. Tillman Sr. Esq. – father of American Football athlete Pat Tillman who was killed by friendly fire in Afghanistan.” <>
Cc: rest; Matthew Margo – Senior attorney CBS – 60 Minutes. Matthew and I have known each other intimately since I headed up the restructuring team of Epilady USA Inc. starting back in late 1989.” <>, Kieber Matthias <>, Daniel Halper <>, Matthew Hoh – former US Captain who resigned from US State Department <>, “William H. Jackson – Attorney for Wetherly Capital Group” <>, Marco Gonzales – lawyer <>,, “Vicky L. Schiff – co-managing director Wetherly Capital Group.” <>, Chinese Embassy – USA <>, Brazil Embassy – USA <>, Marina Pickler Rorata – Brazilian lawyer – FB friend of Gary Gevisser <>, Jerusalem Post <>, “Alain Passard – Paris, France across from Musee Rodin Paris” <>, Mary Valder – Personal assistant David Rockefeller <>, “Bernard Wolfsdorf Esq. – FB friend of Gary Gevisser” <>,,, “Carrie Warren – Paralegal & Assistant Secretary to the Board of Trustees, Office of the President, Metropolitan State University of Denver” <>, Kristin Casper – Greenpeace litigation counsel <>, “Tony Leon – Fomer head of the South African Oppostion Party to the current ANC regime. Immediate past ANC South African Ambassador to Argentinia. Tony wrote praising obituaries for both Harry Oppenheimer [1908-2000] and David Gevisser [1926-2009]” <>, “Andrea Renee St. Julian – Attorney At Law – Certified Appellate Specialist – State Bar of California Board of Legal Specialization” <>

From: gg <>
Subject: They only have themselves to blame – Re: Ash-Re: Angel
Date: August 10, 2017 at 8:34:03 PM PDT
To: Kalliope Tsouroupidou <>, “” <>, Oldřich Černý – Prague Security Studies Institute <>, Peter Schweizer c/o Eric Eggers <>, Jo Becker – New York Times journalist – Cash Flowed to Clinton Foundation Amid Russian Uranium Deal <>, Adam Hochschild – author of Blood & Treasures – founder of Mother Jones <>, Embassy of Sweden – Washington DC <>, Chinese Embassy – USA <>, Jerusalem Post <>, Annabel Linder – South African Radio Show Host and FB friend of Gary Gevisser <>,, Michael Ditz – FB friend of Gary Gevisser <>,, Giovanna Possevini <>, Emmanuel Ofosu Yeboah <>, The Villa Rosa <>, Mark Lavender <>,, Frankie Selikow <>, Lynne Karen Bentel <>, “” <>, Charles Ivie <>, Marine Clain <>, “Dr. Barry Molk MD.” <>,, “Radiologist Dr. Peter Chait MD – FB friend of Gary Gevisser.” <>, Darren {I still want to have lunch with you … but we can’t talk on Facebook} Krok <>,, Vic Shayne – co-author of American George Lichter’s autobiography <>, “Yoav Galant – Chief of Staff Israel Defense Force; former Commander of Shayetet-Flotilla 13; c/o Ami Ayalon former Admiral of Israel Navy.” <>
Cc: rest; Peter Schweizer c/o Eric Eggers <>,, Frank Rich <>, JULIO CEJUDO <>, JULIO ARTURO CEJUDO GONZALEZ <>, Julio Arturo Cejudo González <>, Khalil Wayzani <>, “” <>, Nacer Cerna <>, Daniel Bignon <>, Daniel SIAUD <>, “” <>, “” <>, “” <>, DANY DOMICILE <>, dany miers <>, “” <>, dave pederson <>, “” <>, “” <>, De VITRY Jean-Pierre <>, “” <>, “” <>, Debout la République <>, “” <>, “” <>, Gaby Cervantes <>, “” <>, Game Daniel <>, Gana Marc <>, gary <>, gary <>, Gary Cantwell <>, “” <>, “” <>, genius germany <>, Gérard Laffargue <>, Gerard Lupin <>, gerard raymondo <>, gerard raymondo <>, “” <>, gilbert collard <>, Jacques Blanchard <>, Jacques Journaliste <>, Jacques Visquis <>, Jacques Visquis <>, “” <>, Jaime Gonzalez <>, Jean – Claude Carole <>, jean francois paulus <>, Jean Luc Le Bouedec <>, Jean Michel Cochois <>, Jean-Charles Desbiez <>, Jean-Jacques Souligoux <>, Kimberly Ortega <>, koulinska <>, laurent olivier <>, Lauro Castro <>, Le LOUARN Claude <>, Leonardo Cejudo Gonzalez <>, “” <>, Lila Larrieu <>, Lilia Milanes <>, Lilia Milanes <>, “” <>, Loic Journaliste <>, longuet aurore <>, Lorena Ochoa <>, malinowski henri <>, Malossane Denis <>, Manoir de la Canche <>, “” <>, Marcel Livolsi <>, Marie-Claire Figadere <>, Martha Lorena <>, Martine GIACOMETTI <>, Maryse Douezan <>, Maryse Joissains Masini <>, Mc Galich <>, Michel Samourcachian <>, “” <>, Mike Ochoa <>, MOREL Corinne <>, myram calut <>, Myriam <>, Myriam lusson <>, “” <>, Nariman Ghannaj <>, Nariman Ghannaj <>, Natalia Lozano Fimbres <>, Nathalie Donders Ropert Comédienne <>, Nathalie FIGADERE <>, Nathalie FIGADERE <>, Nathalie Moreaux <>, Nathalie Revillion Castro <>, nathalie Ruppert <>, Nicolas Cabrié <>, “” <>, Oliver Green <>, OLIVER Shah <>, Oliver Shykles – reseach associate – Greg Palast <>, Guy & Muhammad – Israeli pharmacist friends of Zena Ash Gevisser Zulman <>, “Elria Wessels – Wessels – No longer FB of GG.” <>, “Eduardo Grillo – FB friend of Gary Gevisser, but he has blocked GG from sending him any more FB messages.” <>, “Brian Steinhobel – No longer FB friend of Gary Gevisser and yet to provide GG with his positive and negative experiences with both Venture Capitalists and Angel Investors.” <>, Jeff Stein – Facebook friend of Gary Gevisser <>, Captain Charles Ross – South African Navy <>, Jeff Johnson – lead in 180º South – FB of Gary Gevisser <>,, Fabienne Lacourpaille – Unfriended as a FB friend by Gary Gevisser <>,, “Dr. Teri Lawton” <>, Sundays <>, “Oprah. com” <>

From: gg <>
Subject: They only have themselves to blame – Re: Ash-Re: Angel
Date: August 10, 2017 at 6:50:31 PM PDT
To: Marcia Kramer – Political / Investigative Correspondent WCBS-TV <>, “Kevin Hall – Pulitzer Prize Winner, Panama Papers” <>, Steven Haigh – Director of Met Media – Metropolitan State University of Denver <>, “Laura Poitras – Director Citizenfour, co-producer 1971 ” <>, “Kimberly \”This Dog Don’t Hunt” <>, Nobel Prize Committee <>
Cc: rest; Deborah Sturman Esq. – replaced Kathy Gevisser Danziger as executor of Alan Zulman’s estate on Zulman’s death bed.” <>, “Shmuel Rabi -American-Israeli lawyer practising Jewish Law in Israel. Nephew of Deborah Sturman Esq.” <>, נפתלי בנט שר החינוך <>,, “” <>,, to,, Lauren Cordova – Photo Editor <>,, Chris Giles <>,, Jsiegel <>, “Cohn, Michael” <>, Jay McMichael – CNN Photojournalist <>,, “Shoichet, Catherine” <>,, “McKirdy, Euan” <>,, “Anna. Quindlen” <>, Jeremy Youde <>, Nina Sencar – FB friend of Gary Gevisser <>, “Professor Norman Finkelstein Phd. Finkelstein Phd.” <>, Alan Dershowitz – Harvard Law School <>, Editor-shanghai daily <>, South China Morning Post <>, cc-Ahackner <>, Cc-Alanditz <>, cc-Bergermd <>, cc-BermanJ <>, cc-Bubs <>, cc-Clive Bernstein <>, Cc-Colin Puterman <>, Cc-Elaine Zulberg <>, cc-Jbkrifcher <>, Cc-Joanneazzil <>, cc-Kellyberm <>, “cc-Lance. Berman” <>, Cc-Lframe <>, Cc-Michael Arinov <>, cc-paulClapper <>, cc-Ronnie <>, cc-Saul Basckin <>, cc-Saul levin <>, cc-Sir <>, cc-Spberman <>, cc4wellness <>, ccLhack <>, Christa Clark-Jones <>, “” <>, Conrad Wolff – supporter of Roy Essakow <>,, “Bernard Wolfsdorf Esq. – FB friend of Gary Gevisser” <>, Lwinokur Winokur <>, “Larry Summers – former President Harvard and key male player in Inside Job.” <>, “Larry J. Merlo – Chief Executive Officer CVS Officer CVS” <>, Smoky Simon – Chairman World Machal <>, “T. Colin Campbell, PhD – Cornell University The China Study” <>, Professor Abblbaum – Hebrew University – Archeology <>, “Professor Jared Diamond – author, Guns, Gems & Steel” <>, “Professor Padayacheev – University of Natal-Kwazulu, South Africa” <>, Professor John Raines – one of the Burglars <>, “Professor \”Richhard\” (sic) Klein – Stanford University University” <>, “Malcolm Ness – British architect and political commentator. No longer FB friend of Gary Gevisser.” <>, Paco Furió Marco – Spanish-German Business News TV Anchor <>, Dave Fifield – Gerhard <>, Andrew Corser <>, Justin Smith – Producer/Director/Writer $TATIN NATION <>, erich zeller <>, david price <>, “Esther K. Ilan” <>, Menashe Cohen <>, yossi menachem <>, “Showley, Roger” <>, Laurie Black <>, Lisa Fugard – Daughter of South African playwrite and actor Athol Fugard who played Jan Smuts in Ghandi <>, Noam Chomsky – I AM movie <chomsky@MIT.EDU>, Trevor Noah – Daily Show <>,, “Jeffrey R. Krinsk Esq. Krinsk Esq.” <>,, Zvi Remak <>,, Alan Cline – No longer FB friend of Gary Gevisser <>, “Ralph Cilevitz – still FB of Gary Gevisser but blocks messages from GG.” <>, “South African-British solicitor Ray Oshry – classmate of Gary Gevisser and GG’s murdered cousin Sandy Moshal Jacobson [1957-1997]. R. Oshry remains a FB \”friend\” of GG but blocks GG from messaging on Facebook.” <>, “Christopher Mooney – American lawyer making money suing the wrong banks for price fixing gold so very undervalued.” <>

From: gg <>
Subject: They only have themselves to blame – Re: Ash-Re: Angel
Date: August 10, 2017 at 5:23:11 PM PDT
To: Uri Bar-Joseph <>
Cc: rest; Julia Samaniego – Great-grandaughter of John Tyler of Virginia,10th US President 1841-45, relinquished his US citizenship upon joining the Confederate Congress of 1861. FB friend of Gary Gevisser” <>, “Geoffrey Rothwell Phd – Principal Economist at De Beers-Barclays Bank controlled, US Nuclear Energy Agency of the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development, headquartered in Paris, France. Former 27 year senior Stanford University lecturer.” <>, “Guy Bechor – principal” <>, “Tomer Tene – IAF Lt. Colonel + organic produce farmer. FB friend of Gary Gevisser” <>,, Galit Tassi <>, Vernon Smith – 2002 Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences <>, “Dr. Rod Smith Phd – formerly of RAND Think Tank – Principal – Facebook friend of GG and also present at the Wetherly Capital Group board meeting on Feb. 8, 2002 held in the corporate headquarters of Arden Realty, the largest REIT trading on the New York Stock Exchange before being bought out by General Electric.” <>, “Dr. Daniel Ellsberg Phd – released the Pentagon Papers in March 1971. In 1970, married his second wife Patricia Marx, whose father Louis Marx, an industrialist of the Military-Industrial-Complex was a close friend of President Nixon.” <>, “Amanda Byrd – Penthouse, Director, Global Licensing” <>, “” <>, “” <>,, Smoky Simon – Chairman World Machal <>, Vic Shayne – co-author of American George Lichter’s autobiography <>, “Tomer – Israeli farmer and former Israel Air Force [IAF] pilot ותומר טנא” <>, Ron Bellows – US Government owned American International Group – Chief Executive Officer President Barrak Obama – Nobel Peace Prize winner on 10/9/2009 <>, “Jeffrey R. Krinsk Esq.” <>, “” <>, anthonywithers <>, “Major Tuvia Friling – Israel Defense Force, Deputy Commander Golani Brigade, Professor Ben Gurion University, Beersheba, Negev Desert, Israel – Author of ARROWS IN THE DARK” <>, Alan Dershowitz – Harvard Law School <>, Noam Chomsky – I AM movie <chomsky@MIT.EDU>, Gary Barber – Co-Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer of MGM <>, “The coupon clipper is the Jeffrey Jack The Ripper Essakow – co-owner of the Marc Rich and Co. Flower Hill Mall, Solana Beach, California” <>, “Emmanuel Ofosu Yeboah – Star of Emmanuel’s Gift produced by The Coupon Clipper is The Jeffrey Jack The Ripper Essakow. Emmanuel is a FB friend of Gary S. Gevisser but Emmanuel has blocked GG from sending him any more FB messages.” <>, Roy Essakow – Marc Rich Lieutenant <>, Werner Herzog – Filmmaker <>, Hlumelo Biko – son of Steve Biko murdered on 9/11/1977 – now running a Wall Street charity-investment portfolio <>, “Jann Turner – daughter of slain white South African Richard Turner [September 21, 1941 – January 8, 1978] co-founder with Steve Biko [Decem,ber 18, 1946 – September 11-12, 1977] of Durban Movement.” <>, “Jill Hogan – younger sister of ANC official Barbara Hogan who is the only white South African convicted by the South African Apartheid Regime for treason, and tortured during her captivity.” <>, “Mark Gevisser – author of autobiography of Thabo Mbeki former President of South Africa. Mark Gevisser is the son of David Gevisser male heir of American-German Charles W. Engelhard Jr. assassinated by the Mossad on March 2 1971 and buried at St. Mary’s Abbey Church Morristown, New Jersey.” <>, “Adele Strous {Im not interested in history of Israel} Clingman – wife of CIA oil trader Alan Clingman and business partner of Roy Essakow-Marc Rich and company.” <>, “Adele Breytenbach – Professor of economics, UNISA” <>, “Sam Schaffer – J. Essakow’s best friend + Adele Breytenbach, but still FB friend of Gary Gevisser” <>, Sam Hackner – Chief Executive Officer – Investec South Africa <>, Doctors Without Borders c/o Miriam Ross – Survival International Survival International <>, “Nbci. Snl” <>, Peter Schweizer c/o Eric Eggers <>,, “Devin Standard – eldest son of former President of New York State Bar Kenneth Standard.” <>, “Kenneth Standard Esq. – former 25 year in-house General Counsel of Bristol Meyers; most recently past President of the New York Bar Association – Harvard Law School.” <>, Kenneth_Silva <Kenneth_Silva@Brown.EDU>, “Howard Berkson – Owner of Anthology, San Diego.” <>, Howard Schultz – Starbucks <>, “Steven Lee Parkinson – Mothercare – Middleast – In the summer of 2006 on a trip down the Yangze River Mr. Parkinson explained why neither Mothercare or Starbucks who use the same Kuwaiti Royal Family business partner to ensure Starbucks’ growth rate of 5 new shops per week and Mothercare’s 2 shops per week in the Middle East have no shops in Israel.” <>, “” <>, Natalie Jacobs <>, “Keisha Whitaker – wife of Forest Whitaker; FB friend of Gary Gevisser” <>, “Capers Funnye No longer Facebook friend of GG as of February 21, 2017. Chief Rabbi of the United States Rabbi Capers Funnye – close cousin of First Lady Michelle Obama” <>, Shaun Marsh – No longer FB friend of Gary Gevisser <>, Barry Solomon – FB friend of Gary Gevisser & Vic Wartski <>, Uri Rosenberg <>, “Dr. Paul Bozo the Clown Teirstein MD. Teirstein, very recently joined by South African American cadiologist Kevin Rapeport at Scripps, La Jolla – interventionists.” <>, Beverly Stacey – Lloyds of London Insurance <>, “Olg Zabludoffa – former Editor-in-chief at National Association of Educational Broadcasters – Facebook friend of Gary Gevisser + open challenger of Jerusalem Post’s Steve Linde. Olg’s husband Sid is a 33 year veteran CIA economist [1962-1995] who worked directly for President from 1969 until 1972.” <>, “Steve Linde – South African-Israeli Editor in Chief of Jerusalem Post – I’m not saying anything about anything – July 31, 2015” <>, Dovid Katz <>, “Frenchman Jean Figadera – multiple South African Aerobatics champion. Unfriended as a FB friend by Gary Gevisser” <>, “South African-British solicitor Ray Oshry – classmate of Gary Gevisser and GG’s murdered cousin Sandy Moshal Jacobson [1957-1997]. R. Oshry remains a FB friend of GG but blocks GG from messaging on Facebook.” <>, “Gary Firer – another quiet classmate of Gary Gevisser and GG’s cousin, murdered armed wing of the ANC member, Sandy Moshal Jacobson [1957-1997].” <>, “Neil Gould – no longer FB friend of Gary Gevisser.” <>, “Geoff Norris – South African-British actor who produces, directs and acts in his self described absolutely crap Youtube promotion of himself as an actor, teacher and singer.” <>, Kolonel in SA Apartheid Regime Maurice Kessler – Unfriended by Gary Gevisser on FB right before Neil Gould fell apart and decided to unfriend GSG <>, Haneen Zoabi – Muslim Arab member of Israeli Knesset <>, “Jonathan Cooke – British author and Israel tour guide.” <>, “Dave Osh – former Israeli Fighter Pilot now working with Vistage and supporter of the BDS movement.” <>, Del Mar Times – Del Mar Times – Editor <>, South China Morning Post <>, “Nina Wiener – Managing Editor TASCHEN – left FB group chat FORGETFULNESS on Tuesday, July 4, 2017 at 7:48PM France time.” <>, Erik Moeller <>, Julian Assange – Wikileaks <>, Wikipedia Board <>, “Erik de Jong – Directeur, Museum aan het Vrijthof” <>, Nitza Lite <>,, “Jerry Phillips Esq.” <JPHILLIPS@LOEB.COM>, Jerry Rothwell – Film Director <>, Barry Pepper – Actor – Saving Private Ryan <>, “Michael Sewitz – Brother-in-law of Gary Gevisser’s close cousin Gary Levinsohn, co-producer with Spielberg of Saving Private Ryan” <>, “Renee Gild – No longer FB friend of Gary S. Gevisser and voluntarily unsubscribed to REASON FOR BEING HERE – PART I when falling flat on her face after her weak challenge that she thought, “I’ll brave him”.” <>, “Mike Flint – Hollywood producer looking for funding of Angels in the Sky – The Birth of the Israeli Air Force.” <>, Nancy Spielberg – Producer of very distracting Above and Beyond <>, Simon Schama – Professor of History Columbia University <>,, Zvi Remak <>, Office for the Israeli Department of Defense Attache Israeli Embassy Washington DC <>, “Aharon Barak – President of the Supreme Court of Israel [1995-2006]” <>, Tzipora Malka Tzipi Livni <>, “Wendy Ann Bouman – High school history teacher of Gary Gevisser and FB friend.” <>, Wendy Dicks – Highbury alumni <>, Benjamin Netanyah – Prime Minister of Israel <>, Johann DeJager – South African Reserve Bank <>, Jo Becker – New York Times journalist – Cash Flowed to Clinton Foundation Amid Russian Uranium Deal <>, “Terry Rosenberg – Director of Uranium One [2006-2010] which is controlled by Putin and owns 20% of the United States’ uranium reserves. Prior was the top dog of failed Jonathan Beare’s Prefcor-McCarthy Holding Group-Avenger before Brand Pretorius took over on October 1, 1999, the same day the epic Revlon Corporation class action lawsuit was filed; the same day Russian forces invaded Chechnya following Russian false flag operation in the heart of Moscow.” <>, Jonathan Beare – founder Investec <>, Rafa Zulueta – Spanish Central Bank official <>, “Michael Strauss – International Monetary Fund – former student of Grundfest. Met Strauss on June 20, 2006 at bottom of zipline at Simatai Great Wall, China. Most shocked was Strauss to hear that DeBeers had established retail shops on US soil.” <>, “Joe Grundfest – former Commissioner of the SEC and Stanford Law School, who wrote Gary Gevisser on April 23, 2002, Could I stop you?” <>, “Laura Malter – ex CIA – has twice now deactivated and reactivated her facebook and still avoiding answering a most important question about The Diamond Invention book. No longer a FB friend of GG.” <>, “Laura Coyne – Ben Ridge Jewelers founded in 1912 owned by De Beers operative Warren Buffett of Berkshire Hathaway.” <>, Judge Yocheved Greenvald-Rand <>, “” <>

Uri – I had strong reason to believe that you gave yourself away in your initial response, and I also knew that I was dealing with a very seasoned Israeli Military Intelligence officer, not only from your bio in your book THE ANGEL

URI BAR-JOSEPH is a professor of political science at the University of Haifa and a world-renowned expert on Israeli intelligence. He has written numerous scholarly works, including six books on intelligence, strategy, and the history of the Arab-Israeli conflict. He served for fifteen years as an active and reserve-duty intelligence analyst in the IDF (Israel Defense Forces) Intelligence/Research Division. He lives in Tel Aviv.
but your careful analysis of all the players, in particular still alive 89 year old Israeli Major General Elia Zeira, 
Director of Israeli Military Intelligence [IMI] during the 1973 Yom Kippur War who “went to war” with also still alive 92 year old Zvi Zamir,
also an Israeli Major General, and more importantly, Director of the Mossad from 1968 to 1974.
Such a conflict having its roots in the hours leading up to the start of the Yom Kippur, October 6, 1973 some 44 years ago when both men were at the peak of their intellectual reasoning and one might also argue, their physical strength; Zeira 45 and Zamir 48.
So colossal was their conflict and the resulting loss on life on the Israeli side where the dead were the equivalent of the United States losing 160,000 soldiers in the space of 20 days, that it is not only both men who remain at war with one another but the impact on the Israel Defense Force continues to shake the grunt IDF soldier to the very top generals.
Of course it is much worse than 2 competent professional soldiers having a disagreement on their read of “raw intelligence”, it resulted in Zeira outing publicly Israel’s greatest spy in the history of this 69 year old country which only came about because 6 million Jewish people first had to be slaughtered during our Holocaust of WW 2, and even then the voting by the United Nations could have gone either way, the same with Israel’s War of Independence [1947-1949] that the very top Allied Field Marshall of D-DAY, June 5, 1944 felt on the eve of the official start of hostilities, May 15, 1948, the day following Ben Gurion declaring Jewish Statehood, that Israel did not stand a chance.
Montgomery’s thought provoking words, “When the British flag is lowered for the last time in Palestine, the Jews will be wiped out”.
The hundreds of millions of Arabs against the Israelis who numbered 600,000 with totally inferior weapon systems and every other country on the planet breathing down their necks for them to simply disappear and never have their non-Jewish children relive the Holocaust year after year, war documentary after the next, boring speeches, “Never forget”, can never be explained in short words what a miracle it was.
That is not to say, the IDF was not well trained for they were spectacularly well-trained and fully motivated. So Israel won.
Let’s move on because today is another day and people like President Trump are busy trying to solve the problems of the world while also getting in some R & R.
Nor is [it] unprecedented in Israel’s short history for “their” [sic] to be disagreements between the Prime Minister of Israel and his loyal supporters amongst the IDF’s generals and other IDF generals who disagreed very strongly.
In fact, as you know, but not the world, there was one month into Israel’s first war of survival, the General’s Revolt and Ben Gurion was given a 12 hour ultimatum to “shape up or ship out”.
Let’s look at their ultimatum:
“The heads of departments consider it essential to restore [Israel Galili] to his post until final arrangements are made. If this matter is not settled within the next 12 hours, the heads of departments will cease to consider themselves responsible for the conduct of affairs.

They were threatening “mutiny”.

Nor were they “lightweight generals” for they included as big as it gets in courage and leadership, General Yigal Yadin.
Nor did it end there, as the following month June 1948, 4 feet 11 inch Ben Gurion was again fighting for his life and the fledgling State of Israel because if he got it wrong they were all going to be dead with little to none funerals. Ben Gurion held his ground but those Israeli generals never really got over their bruised egos even though Israel won that first war which Ben Gurion was looking for an even greater military victory.
This war that Ben Gurion and the 600,000 Jewish people of Israel waged and won and which of course blew the entire world away including Montgomery, never involved any accusations of treason.
Major General Zeira committed treason. Zeira was malicious in his finger pointing at Israeli spy, Egyptian Ashraf Marwan.
You of course explain it all well in your 375 page book, and Im guessing, 150,000 words.
Everything in my opinion came down to the fact that Ashraf Marwan gave you all the Egyptian battle plans way in advance of the Egyptians crossing the Suez Canal and nor did it require Marwan having to tell you all exactly what day the Egyptians would begin the war, and which he did many, many hours before with plenty of time remaining for Israel to be fully and completely prepared, even without the Israel Air Force launching a preemptive strike.
How could Zeira not take those battle plans seriously even if he thought Marwan was a “double agent”?
When you see a sparrow flying back and forth and your mind tells you that it is leopard, but you have been given a clean bill of mental health, then the first thing you do is get your eyes checked.
The Egyptians never deviated from the battle plans that Marwan provided. Nowhere in the history of mankind, again the oxymoron of all time, is there evidence of a top military official, the most trusted advisor of the Commander In Chief, providing such detailed battle plans and the other side when seeing those battle plans being executed exactly as the plans describe deciding that those battle plans should be questioned.
Every Israeli had the hindsight, once the war was over, to realize that Ashraf Marwin was an Angel placed from heaven.
His entire conduct with Mossad-Israeli Military Intelligence was exemplary in the extreme. You couldn’t prick a hole in any of his beyond belief information sharing.
Why is there any discussion going on right now in Israel about what future lessons the IDF can learn from this debacle?
Why are you all still shaking your heads?
Why did you need to write such a long book where there is quite a bit of repetition?
IMI top official, Major General Eli Zeira simply blew it.
Let’s put it down to Zeira having simply a “bad hair day”.
Why didn’t Golda Meir and the rest of the Israeli War Cabinet call in Zeira once the war was over and the dead bodies counted including my friend, IAF pilot Tomer Tene’s father, a paratrooper killed in the last few hours of the war, and say:
It is hard to tell at this moment if you have committed treason, because there is no evidence at the present time that you intended to harm the fledgling State of Israel. What we do know is that you lied to us and led us to believe that you had activated the non-human listening devices imbedded in Egyptian soil which would have immediately confirmed that large scale war was imminent. You also left the cabinet meeting where my orders were crystal clear that all Israeli tank commanders and their crew in the southern-Sinai command had to be at their battle stations but when leaving the cabinet meeting you spoke in the hallway to the commander of the southern command and you decided to be more than simply unclear; for you told him that you still didn’t think war was going to come. There is obviously something wrong with your mind. You must see a doctor. We insist that you get a permanent rest. You are to never again open your mouth unless it is to feed yourself. If you feel that at any time in the future you need to be intravenously fed, then write me a note and I will do my best to accommodate you. I will, however, not be in a position to resurrect any of the dead Israeli soldiers whose blood you must carry on your hands for the rest of your life.

When Zeira decided that he was going to rewrite history and out Ashraf Marwan, he opened up a can of worms that in my opinion were more devastating to the Egyptians than the 10 plagues God descended upon Pharaoh which had him eventually capitulating and us Jewish people were then allowed to roam free in the desert for 40 years.

We showed the Egyptians that our top intelligence officer was a bumbling idiot and therefore they have all the proof in the world that God is on the side of the Jewish people.
You out a spy who allowed Golda Meir to satisfy President Nixon and his top National Security Advisor Henry Kissinger by holding the IAF back which did not mean that all IAF fighter pilots were given the day off on October 6, 1943 to go cruise the French Riviera, and then Mossad-IMI don’t move heaven and earth to protect this Egyptian Angel and his family, and then he is murdered.
If he wasn’t pushed over his balcony then he was given no choice if he wanted his family to live.
It is also clear to me that you may have your sights set on a movie deal.
That means more money.

If I was dealing with one of my regular FB friends such as Julia Tyler Samaniego who does her best to portray that she doesn’t have an out of control ego, and fails hopelessly – CLICK HERE, the same of course with the majority of my currently 159 FB friends, and all of a sudden I am getting requests from a bunch of hot women whose big boobs I do not care for, to be their FB friend, it would be one thing, but you are a very seasoned former Israeli Military Intelligence officer.
Have you been checked out recently?
At 68, if you haven’t changed your diet a long time ago, and given the stress living in Israel, it is highly probable that you are not as bright as you once were?
There could also be another explanation which seems to plague everyone.
I figure that is more likely the case because you can see that my mother last year back in September at age 87 was as sharp as tack – CLICK HERE.
There has never been such evil, such cruelty as what you Israelis have allowed to happen to my very nice mother Zena. It is worse in my opinion than what Major General Eli Zeira committed and it is not simply the fact it is my mother Zena who is being held captive in her Netanya apartment when she is so clear as to her wishes.
Not one voice crying out publicly to this egregious injustice goes back of course to the story of Sodom & Gomorrah which from the time it was written in our Torah up until this very moment seems totally implausible given how we are so much into talking ethics and morals and it is so much easier today with advances in technology to be much kinder to our slaves as well as to each of us; but in fact the opposite is happening.
We are for the first time really seeing the true colors of the very ugly human, and its increasingly warped body shape tells us that clearly but we mostly pay attention to who has the money.
If Donald Trump didn’t have the money, not all of his ardent supporters would love him to death. They of course don’t want to look at how he made his money especially once they have read The Diamond Invention book.
Nor do Donald Trump’s most ardent opponents want to use any of the information they get out of Epstein’s book to hate Trump even more because they are unsure whether he too was fooled or if he has long had the knowledge of The Diamond Invention game and has been fooling everyone.
So you left wing, middle of the road, and right wing people are in fact all the same when it comes to a moral compass.
That is why you are so quiet about me, my mother Zena and The Diamond Invention book, other than when you lash out at us.
What does it say about my FB friends when they cannot pass comment after viewing the “tell tale” videos of my beautiful and so nice mother Zena and my clear explanations that follow drive them that much more to silence.
With friends like that, who needs enemies?
You began to give yourself away when you thought you could smooze me without answering my explicit question because you were using your training as a military intelligence [officer] to avoid like the plague wanting to get irrefutable evidence that you had missed the boat entirely.
You saw a money deficit need smacking you hard in the face, and only now realizing that it isn’t only you in the intelligence communities who never factored in the role that untraceable diamond currency plays in furthering terrorism and how easy it would be to stamp that out in an instant, because there is only one corporation that continues to control the buy and sell sides of diamond transactions which have afforded De Beers-Barclays to parlay their extraordinary profits as well as political clout into every other sector of the world’s economy without any risk of prosecution for either their war crimes or equally flagrant anti-Trust violations.
Yes, their economic and political clout dwarfs computer nerds like Bezos, Bill Gates Jr. Musk and the rest of the gang on the Forbes’ list of billionaires which includes Nick Oppenheimer who would prefer that it is not me questioning him before the European Union Commission or the US Congress how he so understates his wealth.
Then there is the question of how would you estimate President Putin’s wealth were he to be added to the list?
Would you say Putin is the richest man in the world? I would say so without hesitation. 
If you were to argue his wealth is less than Bezos, you still wouldn’t want to see him on the list. 
Without Putin on the list, it makes a joke of the whole list.
Putin knows it is joke. So does Oppenheimer.
Do you have a count in your head how many people have jobs in the financial services industry who already have all this information and are quiet?
Have you noticed how all my FB friends are so quiet and they don’t have all your military intelligence training as well as academic credentials?
They are not the only people on the planet who would have preferred that you had not responded to me, but they only have themselves to blame by not speaking out earlier and then you would have known to keep your mouth shut.
My 74 word introduction was both good and as tight as it could possibly be. It included the salutation “Mr” as well as my Hebrew name “Gabriel” next to my English name Gary, which reduced the word count to 72 which you know according to Kabbalah is the number of names for God.
Your “good” response I found loathing, but I wanted to give you the benefit of the doubt; yes, I was bending over backwards to be nice to you and to bring out the best in you.
Morals are important.
I ended by asking you very appropriately and politely, “Would you like to hear more?
You blew me off. 
Yes, you did not like my previous comment, “With that knowledge your book would have been able to tie up all the loose ends” but it happens to be the truth. 
You also knew that there was a huge likelihood that I was 100% correct that you would have been able to tie up all the loose ends, which you thought did not exist because you have a Phd in political science and your thesis won you a top prize and then you had all your researchers and editors at HarperCollins Publishers Australia Pty. Ltd.who you instantly began to realize had also blown it.
Of course there are a great many people at HarperCollins all over the world who know about me, but they are no different to my FB friends who are not helping me get the information out, other than by their deafening silences.
Never forget, it is the truth that I am telling about the one item money that binds everyone together other than those extraordinarily few of us truly in love.
So I do expect you all to put up the fight of your lives until I am dead.
That does not mean you are all going to win because [for the avalanche to begin it just takes] the first of you to break rank and it could be even Donald Trump’s one daughter married to the Jewish New York real estate guy who of course is a clown when it comes to history, economics, military & politics [HEMP] but even clowns can decide they have had enough of people laughing at them, which I guess is why clowns enjoy most of all scaring the crap out of kids, and their unconscious parents think it is all so funny.
My 14 words, “I have a strong background in the diamond-drilling-banking business De Beers-Barclays” were enough to send you into a tailspin.
Still, I dug deep and wanted to help you as best I could not to remain in Sodom & Gomorrah amongst all the amoral humans.
An amoral person is stupid; and if you cannot figure that out in terms what they would look like in the eyes of God then you would know that if you don’t include untraceable diamond current in the money supply numbers then you are totally stupid.
Once you do include diamond currency in the money supply numbers those numbers disappear into thin air.
You kept quiet.
I am not trying to save Israel. Only God is capable of that.
What I am trying to do is find as many people willing to help me publish my open letter to Netanyahu; “Why put it on the shoulders of the children?”
Yes, your entire thesis that earned your Phd and all the honoraria is total bullshit because if you haven’t addressed the price fixing of the money that means you don’t know the first thing about politics or economics or for that matter warfare.
Why Mossad-IMI still make such a big deal about their agents having to account for every penny on their expense accounts is as big a mystery to me as is how Israel has managed to survive with such incompetency at the very top of MIMI.
If De Beers-Barclays’ top officials know where to go to for all their financial needs, including raiding both public and private corporations including the House of Frazer-Harrods, then you would expect at least one Mossad operative to know, because as you know, Mossad require all new potential recruits to have an IQ of at least 150.
I must go now, but before I do, let me quickly introduce you to Dr. Geoffrey Rothwell Phd, another traitor who approached me on June 25, 2013 to let me know two things.
First, that he had joined in January 2013 the enemy, the OECD-Nuclear Energy Agency who he had been protesting against back in the 1970s along with his current wife Genevieve who threw in the towel once one of her best friends was murdered by people she believed were connected to the pro Nuclear lobby-OECD-NEA; and second, that the OECD-NEA had been wildly successful in wiping out all opposition to nuclear weapons development which drives all other energy forms as well as human overpopulation which supports Wall Street, weapons manufacturing and ultimately the coverup of the price fixing of the money.
PS – If you want to know what I first wrote Guy Bechor last Rosh Hashanah when I was visiting Midrasha Ein Yahav, I suggest that you first start with him and ask if he continues to follow what I have to say without yet informing his subscribers. Then I suggest you start contacting all the journalists around the world who focus on nuclear and why not one of them wanted to touch Dr. Rothwell Phd’s revelations.
You also know that this would not be the first time a high ranking Israeli Military Intelligence officer has “turned”, as you should recall well Avi Elad “turned” well before the start of Israel’s false flag-covert Susannah Operation; and not only were most of the Israeli agents caught and tortured, several hung and those held in atrocious conditions in Egypt from the summer of 1954 only being released in 1968 in a secret prisoner of war of exchange, [but none of] that was not lost on the Egyptians who continued to buy Israelis wanting to enjoy a better lifestyle and seeing all the bullshit fun and games that the Israeli media and other media never reported. Nor of course did the Egyptians have difficulty getting those bribe monies from their Saudi Royal Family partners who have been in bed with De Beers-Barclays from the moment De Beers-Barclays owned the world’s drilling industry from well before the turn of the last century.
BTW, could you submit this on my behalf as a Phd thesis to the University of Haifa, even if it it done posthumously? 
Now that you know that De Beers-Barclays whose business model is to back all sides to war just like they don’t tolerate any competition in both government and private industry, do you think differently first of all about human consciousness given how many people I have educated and each one of them derive great satisfaction in trying not to prove that I am wrong, because that is not possible as the evidence is irrefutable, but to just try and keep having conversations with me about nothing, until they realize that I am not really impressed with their game playing and then they start telling me how rude I am?
Given how not even Ben Gurion or General Smuts made any written notes about the price fixing of the money and I only know from my discussions with Ben Gurion where there were no witnesses to him acknowledging that I had figured out the world’s best kept secret, and Ben Gurion only giving the world a glimpse of his thinking when people would come to him with a big check from all the rich and poor Jewish people throughout the world wanting to help save Israel, he would divert their attention from talking about money and ask them when they were going to come to Israel and be willing to work hard and die.
Of course Ben Gurion put it nicer, “When are you going to make Aliya and help me build a strong army?”
Forget Ben Gurion who has now been dead going on 44 years, now that you know who are the best people to finance the rebuilding of Israel who currently has the ugliest skyscrapers in the middle east because that is what all the bought developers are allowed to build as they constantly complain about government red tape and cost of capital which they have to search far and wife for, as well as get the poor of Israel, starting with Jewish Israelis off the street without pushing them from one city to the next as is done everywhere else in the world, wouldn’t you also go to De Beers-Barclays to fund your pension plan?
Common sense would tell you that there has in fact been no private industry ever since the government got into the business of owning banks, and the first president to do that in modern day times was the not so honest lawyer Abraham Lincoln which caused the former President Tyler, Julia’s great grandfather, to leave the Union and join the southern rebel states, which up until now has not been the first thing taught to American kids about Abraham Lincoln and his most moral opposition, the 10th President of the United States, Tyler who doesn’t get top billing by historians, you don’t need to wonder why?
Amazing isn’t that the one United States President who was in office right before the start of the American Civil War which was exclusively about putting the power of the money into the hands of the politicians that the bankers chose, and was vehemently opposed to a government national bank, has a great granddaughter who is still my FB friend?
Would you feel better if the thought “common sense” never entered human consciousness?
[Word count 4242]
On Aug 10, 2017, at 12:15 AM, GaryStevenGevisser <> wrote:
Uri, you are quiet.

Have you got to chapter 16, WARRING WITH ISRAEL?
This is how I looked in early spring 1979
right before joining our enemy De Beers-Barclays at their most important site holder on 47th Street after a year long, exhaustive interviewing process that was overseen directly by De Beers head, Harry Oppenheimer, the [father of] Nicholas Oppenheimer.

Standing next to me is my highly secretive British-English mother Zena who was mostly raised for the first 14 years of her life by her pogrom orphaned paternal grandmother, Nechie Becker Bardash [1874-1943] who died a couple of years after her favorite son, my grandfather Alef Bardash [1899-1965]
who was born in Leeds, England changed their Jewish sounding name to the more English, Al Ash.
Nechie was a “kinsman” of Ben-Gurion. Both were born in the tiny village of Plonsk, White Russia-Poland. Ben-Gurion was 2 and Nechie 14 when Cossacks entered her family’s home and murdered everyone except Nechie who hid in a tiny closet.

Nechie died rather mysteriously for a woman who watched her every step ever since leaving England in 1925 for Israel where she was one of the early residents of Tel-Aviv, and only returning to England when my mother was born in 1929. First she was run over by a car which easily could have been accident. Even Churchill was run over by a car and he had a bodyguard with him. Nechie died, not from those injuries but when she fell down a flight of stairs in the boarding house where she was recuperating after being run over a by a “hit and run” driver. The man who ran over Churchill was later invited to one of Churchill’s public speeches. Churchill didn’t want anyone thinking that what happened to him was anything but an accident.

Ben Gurion never thought it was an accident because Nechie was doing an important job of setting up safe houses for Ben Gurion to meet with one man, South African General Jan Christiaan Smuts who died at age 80 on September 11, 1950.

I had the happiest childhood of anyone I know because I had two spectacular parents.

I have also had the most positive life; and the same cannot be said about my 3 elder siblings who are wrought with jealousy and feeling betrayed by both our parents who realized that my siblings don’t really believe in anything; much the same as most people.

There is a lot of “money talk” in your book as there is in pretty much every book, fiction and non-fiction unless it is a children’s book.

I am not one of those 9/11 conspiracy theorists because I know the “money business”; and if a conspiracy theorist doesn’t address that conspiracy then they are either very naive or bought and then it is very easy to figure out which.

That photo Putin and Nick Oppenheimer disturbs everyone including Mossad-Israeli Military Intelligence [MIMI].

It does not bother me because I know everything there is to know about De Beers-Barclays.

Were they to say that I was a “double agent” they would have as difficult time as the Ashraf Marwan and the Egyptian government. Your book makes as watertight case as it can possibly get to prove that Marwan was the best spy ever for Israel and not once blinking about giving Israel the best intelligence he could get his hands on, and only getting disappointed as you so well point out, when Israel blundered horribly.

Things haven’t looked good for Israel ever since; and we can all agree that one man, Elia Zeira is to blame.

If there is a God then only God could have placed such a lunatic in charge of the most important job in all of Israel. Zeira didn’t just blunder, he lied repeatedly to his superiors and to top it off he undermined their authority preventing our forces in the Sinai being better prepared.

Such a blunder you wouldn’t expect from a Banana Republic, and to think it was the head of Israeli Military Intelligence who kept blowing it from blowing off Marwan to failing to activate the buried listening devices and still thinking it was okay to have the southern commander think like him.

This 1 guy could have blown it for every Jewish person on the planet.

Imagine for the moment that Israel got wiped out. What do you think [would have happened to] Ashraf Marwan?

We should be thinking outside the box.

He would never have opened his mouth.

No one would have known the truth.

Today he could be President of Egypt.

Do you think there are heads of state of any countries today who got there by committing treason?

In all your writings and studying has President Nixon’s 15 minute speech on August 15, 1971, come into play?

The human ego and its failings are best represented in the Yom Kippur War.

Yet Golda Meir kept her head and called up the reserves.

Israel hasn’t really learned much, do you want me to explain why?

BTW, I met Ben Gurion for the first time on November 1, 1972 during my 4 month ulpan-Gadna training

at Kibbutz Sde Boker; and as you would know he passed away 13 months later to the day on December 1, 1973; the trauma of the war weighing heavily on his mind.

27 years later, December 1, 2000, I sent out the first email invitation to my official retirement party which I dubbed my New Beginnings Party. December 1, 2000 was 9 months and 11 days exactly prior to 9/11.

It was addressed to the CEO of Akamai, Randall Kaplan whose co-founder was most likely the first victim of 9/11 as Lewin, the Chief Technology Officer of Akamai and also an officer in Sayeret Matkal was sitting in the business class section of American Airline flight 11, the first to hit the Twin Towers.

The invitation began:

Dear Randall,
Today is the 27th anniversary of Ben Gurion’s death.

There were 14 addendums, the largest communication I have ever sent out.

The Post Script read:

P.S. – Judge Cecil Margo whose son [Matthew Margo Esq., senior attorney CBS-60 MINUTES] is a friend of mine passed away last week. Judge Margo was the commander Ben Gurion chose after the 1948 War of Independence to develop the blueprints that would become the foundation of the Israeli Air Force. The funeral started the clock on his full comeuppance.

Akamai’s share price last traded on December 1, 2000 at exactly $27, not a penny more or a penny less.

One further coincidence. Addendum VI, makes reference to prominent Washington attorney, Theodore Olson who was representing at the time American-Soviet-Israeli spy Jonathan Pollard who is also mentioned in that addendum. A segment reads:

Should Olson win today, would you all encourage him to again seek proper justice for Pollard?
Olson’s wife Barbara Olson was a passenger on the hijacked American Airlines Flight 77 that was crashed into the Pentagon.

2 months exactly after I sent out the invitation to NEW BEGINNINGS

my first of four letters was published in the Jerusalem Post. February 1, 2001, 222 prior to 9/11 was an “open letter”

to American-Soviet-Israeli spy

It began:

Dear Jonathan Pollard;
The pardon of Marc Rich eliminated not only an opportunity of justice being served but it would have allowed the public to view the role that oil brokers play in furthering terrorism.

The Diamond Invention book story begins December 4, 1978.

4 days later Golda Meir was dead. She too probably died of a broken heart. If there is a God, and I am convinced there is, without feeling the need to convince anyone, then you would expect God to have consoled both Ben Gurion and Meir that there would come a time when Israel would no longer have to fight wars internally or externally because it is within our reach to stop the financing of the weapons manufacturers without Israel losing any of its strength to forge an everlasting peace with her neighbors and nor does Israel need to give them the option.

All the small talk must now end.

I have an “open letter” to Netanyahu ready to go.

It has it beginnings in what I sent my father Bernie 

on his 77th birthday, October 18, 2000.

I suggest you read it from the end, where I give some of my background.

My dad flew 71 miraculous dive bombing missions

during WW II when he was still 21 years of age. On many, if not most, he was “wingman” to the only other Jewish Fighter Bomber Pilot of Smuts’ South African Air Force Squadron 11, South African Syd Cohen who Ben Gurion appointed to take over as commander of Israel’s only fighter squadron, Squadron 101 when her first commander, Modi Alon was killed on October 16, 1948, 6 days after Smuts’ beloved son Japie died of a 24 hour illness; and October 10th just happened to be the day that my parents were married.

I am now going to sleep.


[Word count 1561]

On Aug 9, 2017, at 9:45 PM, GaryStevenGevisser <> wrote:
Dear Uri,

Timing is everything.
Im on page 307 – reading it on Kindle; and if you are in Israel, then it is early morning.
Have you heard of scholarly Edward J. Epstein’s 1978 non-fiction book The Diamond Invention?

On Aug 9, 2017, at 9:41 PM, Uri Bar-Joseph <> wrote:
Dear Gary,
Thank you for your comments. I appreciate your good words.
Best regards,

On Thu, Aug 10, 2017 at 6:31 AM, GaryStevenGevisser <> wrote:

I will repeat what I just sent you on Facebook:


Mr. Bar-Joseph, 

I am just finishing your interesting book Angel, much of which I am intimately familiar with and your piecing it well, is good, most of all for the truth to be revealed.
I have a strong background in the diamond-drilling-banking business De Beers-Barclays. With that knowledge your book would have been able to tie up all the loose ends.
Would you like to hear more?
Gary ~ Gabriel
