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Which side are you on? Set up – Re: Act in good faith – Re: Untidy – Re: Re: Gevisser

From: gg <>
Subject: Which side are you on? Set up – Re: Act in good faith – Re: Untidy – Re: Re: Gevisser
Date: September 28, 2016 at 10:34:11 AM GMT+3
To: ורדה אפרת <>
Cc: rest;, Office for the Israeli Department of Defense Attache Israeli Embassy Washington DC <>, Galit Tassi <>, Tzipora Malka Tzipi Livni <>, Benjamin Netanyahu – Prime Minister of Israel <>, “Chief Rabbi of the United States, Rabbi Capers Funnye – close cousin of First Lady Michelle Obama, and Facebook friend of GG.” <>, “Keisha Whitaker – wife of Forest Whitaker; FB friend of Gary Gevisser” <>, “Major Tuvia Friling – Israel Defense Force, Deputy Commander Golani Brigade, Professor Ben Gurion University, Beersheba, Negev Desert, Israel – Author of ARROWS IN THE DARK” <>, “Aharon Barak – President of the Supreme Court of Israel [1995-2006]” <>, Werner Herzog – Filmmaker <>, Deborah_NY Sturman <>, Mossad <>,, Brazil Embassy – USA <>, Nobel Prize Committee <>, “Matthew Margo – Senior attorney CBS – 60 Minutes.” <>, 60 Minutes <>, “Russian Defense Attache – Russian Embassy, Washington DC. Russian Embassy” <>, “Mr. PAVAN KAPOOR India Ambassador to Israel.” <>, “ 

Now let me give you more a piece of my mind.
You spoke with liar-lawyer Ayala Wiesel or YOU THINK EXACTLY like her.
As you all go for the money, you are looking to rewrite history by making out that if only I would “behave” and agree to their NEW TERMS that have been imposed on me since arriving in Israel, I could see my mother Zena, and you would all be happy waiting for her to die a slow death.
You must wish that you had a mother like mine who at 87, and surrounded by the most vile human beings imaginable, here in the State of Israel, spoke so well on the important issues of life, just this past Saturday at the King David Hotel, Jerusalem.
You lawyers and judges have decided, no different to my disgusting siblings that my mother is a total non-entity and does not DESERVE QUALITY TIME, which explains why you don’t have an opinion on what my mother wishes.
You must live the remainder of your lives being reminded of my mother’s images and words of just 5 days ago as you contribute to putting her in an early grave.
It is not for you to decide for me what terms I agreed to with my sister Kathy before traveling all the way to Israel and then to be subjected to the most obscene acts by officials acting on behalf of criminals.
Which side are you on?
Most shameful!
[Word count 267]

On Sep 28, 2016, at 9:21 AM, GaryStevenGevisser <> wrote:
I read everything that you write. I could understand that you wrote English in the first sentence, but I couldn’t understand the point you were making about “it will be cheaper for you to stay in a hotel then to pay for a lawyer”.

Why would you associate the cost of where we stay with paying for a lawyer?

That is the most bizarre thing I have ever read in my entire life.

You could have said, “It will be cheaper for you to eat at McDonalds then to pay for a lawyer”.

You could also have said, “It will be cheaper for you to join a tent city for the poor of Israel then to pay for a lawyer”.

You could also have said, “It will be cheaper for you to write nonsense then to pay for a lawyer”.

You could also have said, “It will be cheaper for you to travel to Mars if you can get a free ride, then to pay for a lawyer”.

You could also have said, “It will be cheaper for you to take a slow boat to China, find a Chinese lawyer who speaks good English and Hebrew, travel back to Israel on the same slow boat, and so what if you miss the court date on Oct 5 because you ran into bad weather and your sail mast broke, then to pay for a lawyer”.

Have you intentionally chosen to distract because you now fully understand the “set up”?

Or are you convinced that I have no evidence to support that I was set up in coming to Israel?

Have you or any of your other clients filed a complaint against another lawyer with the bar-law society for failing to act in good faith?

[Word count 294]

On Sep 27, 2016, at 8:19 PM, ורדה אפרת <> wrote:

if you do back on 7 of october it will be cheaper for you to stay in
hotel then to pay for a lawyer.

you can go by yourself
you dont have rigjts in your mother appartment so your case is not simple
you can say that you want to meet her every day  and may be that judge
decide that you meet her outside in a coffe shop for example but the
chance that judge let you live in your mothers house is not high
the representation  that iclides preparing an effidavite and coming to
court costs 4,000 ish

2016-09-27 18:54 GMT‎+03:00‎, garystevengevisser <>:

What do you want to get paid to represent me in court on Oct 5?
What if they delay? We have to go back on the 7th.
The other side is definitely feeling pressure of their fraud.

Sent via the Samsung Galaxy Alpha™, an AT&T 4G LTE smartphone

——– Original message ——–
From: ורדה אפרת <>
Date: 09/27/2016  18:35  (GMT+02:00)
To: garystevengevisser <>
Subject: Re: Untidy – Re: Re: Gevisser

i dont read all what you write.
our meeting has been ended and i can not work more for what you paid

2016-09-27 18:33 GMT‎+03:00‎, ורדה אפרת <>:

in the papers that you got there is a document from court that she is
the gardien of your mother. it means she decide  about your mother.she
is the mannager of her prpperty and she can control her property. i
suggest you to pay money for a translatoyr that will translate it for

2016-09-27 17:11 GMT‎+03:00‎, garystevengevisser

Were those words “she is the gardien for body and property” in the
the police gave me at 1:30 this morning?
Did Wiesel send over to you today the guardian documents she told you on
phone back on Sunday that she would send?
Or was she skipping that professional courteousy and simply getting great
joy and satisfaction having the police barge into my mother’s home in the
middle of the night like I was a fucking terrorist?
I don’t see any outrage on your part by Weisel’s misconduct.
You don’t answer this very important question number 11.
Why are you not helping me to make your job easier by answering my very
logical 11 questions?
Why don’t you see that my French-Canadian citizen wife and me an American
citizen have been set up AND most importantly we have BOTH the evidence
the motives for this criminal action by both a practicing Israeli lawyer
my sister who leaves the care of my very important mother in the hands of
maid who is like Weisel only there for the money?
Again the facts that you have.
1. I asked Weisel soon after my mother’s second husband’s death on Aug 6
when I got her email address from American lawyer Deborah Sturman who has
big conflict with Weisel and my sister, to let me know about who has the
guardianship of my mother. Weizel ignored my written communique.
2. My sibling Kathy gave me express written approval to visit with my
now. If my sister thought I behaved so badly with my mother’s second
Alan Zulman back in January when I visited with my mother and A. Zulman
several Most Terrific photos of me, my beautiful wife Marie as well as



which you can see on my Facebook WHY would my sister give me approval to
meet now with my mother who has been overjoyed to see and be with me –
3. NOW Weisel and my sister Kathy are saying that I didn’t have
to visit now with my mother.
I left the US on Sept 20. I arrived the next day in Israel.
During that period the earth continued to spin.

They knew there was going to be conflict in my mother’s home because my
sister had told me that the maid caregiver ugh needed time off.
They did not tell me ahead of my trip to Israel that I could only go out
with Mary Lou present. They know I would not have come to Israel because
would look like I was being set up.
What caused my sister to agree with my visit?
Have you and Weisel discussed my communique to my evil siblings on Sept 8
Are you getting the big picture? Have I misunderstood any of the claims
this important matter of consent to visit with my mother?
How would you feel being a Jewish person and only doing good and being
treated like a piece of shit by the justice system.
What if you were an Arab living in Israel and not being able to get
answers out of a lawyer that has only been treated right by a foreign
who has met their end of the obligation by paying you in full for your
services previously rendered and is now wanting to move forward but
do so because you are stonewalling me in answering my logical questions?
It looks more and more like the only way I am going to get justice for
myself as well as my mother Zena who is not getting any younger and
just drooling over getting their disgusting dirty paws on her estate [is to bring public international attention].
Which Israeli newspaper do you suggest I approach first to get the
Could you think of a better time than right now to use the F word?
By the way, do you agree with my mother Zena that Israelis are untidy?
PS – My wife Marie just returned my mother’s car to the apartment where
parked it in the garage. Marie was accompanied by two witnesses, Lea
and Lea’s Parisian male friend. Mary Lou refused to sign for the keys and
Marie held on to them.
We are now going to the police, after a tea, maybe a cafe
Sent via the Samsung Galaxy Alpha™, an AT&T 4G LTE smartphone

——– Original message ——–
From: ורדה אפרת <>
Date: 09/27/2016  14:14  (GMT+02:00)
To: garystevengevisser <>
Subject: Re: Re: Gevisser

uou can go alone. it is not must to have a lawyer. you have to bring a
translator with have to prepare an effidavit before the meeing in
court.she is the gardien from 15.9.2016she is the gardien for body and
propertyhave a good day
2016-09-27 12:38 GMT+03:00 garystevengevisser

11) should I file a complaint against weisel to the bar-law society for
failing to act in good faith when not providing me with the guardisshop
papers that I asked for before coming to israel which my sister supported

Sent via the Samsung Galaxy Alpha™, an AT&T 4G LTE smartphone

——– Original message ——–
From: garystevengevisser <>
Date: 09/27/2016  12:35  (GMT+02:00)
To: ורדה אפרת <>
Subject: Fwd: Re: Gevisser

10) are you saying that the papers that were delivered at 1;30 included
guardianship papers you asked for?

Sent via the Samsung Galaxy Alpha™, an AT&T 4G LTE smartphone

——– Original message ——–
From: garystevengevisser <>
Date: 09/27/2016  12:29  (GMT+02:00)
To: ורדה אפרת <>, tomer tene <>,
Subject: Fwd: Re: Gevisser

8) what happens if I don’t show up on the court date?
9) can I respond with a mailed in sworn statement from either Israel or

Sent via the Samsung Galaxy Alpha™, an AT&T 4G LTE smartphone

——– Original message ——–
From: garystevengevisser <>
Date: 09/27/2016  12:26  (GMT+02:00)
To: ורדה אפרת <>
Subject: Re: Gevisser

1)Does the law say I have to have a lawyer to challenge the order?
2)What if I couldn’t afford a lawyer?
3)Are you saying that in Israel a defendant cannot defend themselves?
4)how much would you charge and how would you go about attacking all
claims which I have irrefutable evidence are all lies?
Furthermore both liar-lawyer Weisel and my sister have incriminated
themselves both in their actions and written words.
Would you like to see my written responses to all their baseless claims
before giving me a price?
5) what are the chances of my success?
6) could they delay?
7) would you bring counter charges if they acted in bad faith and trapped
into coming here and the l-lawyer weisel not providing me with the
papers before my arrival or responding to my enquiries of guardianship?

Sent via the Samsung Galaxy Alpha™, an AT&T 4G LTE smartphone

——– Original message ——–
From: ורדה אפרת <>
Date: 09/27/2016  09:14  (GMT+02:00)
To: garystevengevisser <>
Subject: Re: Gevisser

you also not allow to be in a distance of 1 km from her
2016-09-27 9:11 GMT+03:00 ורדה אפרת <>:
court gave an order that you can not enter your  mothers home or speak
her .you have a meeting at court on 5.10.2016if you want to resist the
you have to take a lawyer
2016-09-27 7:36 GMT+03:00 garystevengevisser

Varda – I was handed the attached documents at 1:30 am. Do they include
Guardianship papers?
Thank you


Sent via the Samsung Galaxy Alpha™, an AT&T 4G LTE” <>,, Office of the Public Guardian – United Kingdom <>
