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A lo parlare agi mesura” (mind what you say)

to  Hollywood Director/Producer Marshall Curry
On Jan 27 2018, I wrote on Curry’s wall:

Subject: A lo parlare agi mesura” (mind what you say) – Word count 2929

Marshall Curry, I have watched your piece as well as narrative, and like you, I also “zoomed in” on the gleeful kid.

As I mentioned the other day when coming across your Oscar nomination, “We will have to see the movie, and I’ll mention it to the former Director of Versailles who we had dinner with on Saturday; not to mention our interesting conversation continuing on to breakfast Sunday” but it didn’t take Hubert Astier long to go quiet, the same with his Japanese wife Yoko A. Grandsagne.

Bear in mind that it is only in very recent times since the advent of radio and totally brain numbing tv that the human needs to keep things short, corresponding with its short attention span, not to mention the irreparable short-circuits in the brain created by the lies, and consequently history keeps not simply repeating itself, but the unhealthy mind transfers it “damaged thoughts” to the body whose putrefaction creates an endless cycle of violent thoughts.

Yes, it is inevitable that the space between the ears of the liar reflects the perfect vacuum of deep space where no sound can be heard.

Back in 1939 those in the audience demonstrating clearly their demented minds were far healthier than the average westerner today and this fat talkative cell disease is now inundating the east.

You have heard me time and again urge the people to read anything but conspiracy theorist, Professor Edward Jay Epstein’s epic non-fiction 1978 novel, The Diamond Invention which begins, “In Japan.”

The D I book does the best job to date in explaining, with great specificity, that it was the extraordinarily rich, white German-South African Oppenheimer family who provided Nazi Germany

with the critical raw war materials as well as untraceable diamond currency; not to mention, I would eventually join De beers-Barclays

[Chapter 16 of The D I, titled, WARRING WITH ISRAEL]

in that fateful year 1978 when they succeeded in wiping out the last of their resistance in Israel.

So if you are going to focus on a young kid being so heavily indoctrinated with false propaganda then you have to dig a little deeper even if it means “violating” the human’s comfort zone.

The human brain has been evolving much longer than the Diamond Invention Game [DIG] and so it would be wrong to “play God” and think that because human adults can only be relied upon to focus on nothing more than a short news headline unless it has blood splattered all over it and/or there is a photo of a most beautiful naked female body and porn getting bigger and bigger for good reason and the beauty of other animals nothing close to as bloodthirsty as the human taking a backseat as their environment is being totally destroyed, that we should therefore abandon the teaching of the children to wrong history books and history documentaries; let alone the insanely illogical and morally indefensible Gross Domestic Product index which not only punishes twice mineral raped regions of the world but has produced this insane consumerism and which the overcompensated economists and politicians don’t touch with a 100 foot pole.

The human overpopulation has the “rich” human feeling entitled to cancer causing meat that has been known since the time of Pythagorus to make man aggressive and cattle herding creating all the ugly, in every sense of the word, fences.


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Eating meat is also habit forming but bad habits can be broken with common sense, but since when does an official profiting from the war business which requires that aggressiveness be nurtured from cradle to grave want to see a healthy society, as much as all officials would argue otherwise?

The erecting of fences gave rise to giving work to lawyers and medical doctors who advocate a pill long before a healthy diet which they abhor because a healthy person doesn’t visit the doctor quite so often, if at all, other than for a bandage for an injury or to help heal a broken limb.

Eating meat is also conducive to a sedentary society herded into toxic cities and increasingly removed from our nature roots.

There were no fences anywhere in the world including in the United States prior to us white Americans arriving and realizing that we first needed to subdue the 10 million native American Indians before getting our democracy and even then, the US Declaration of Independence in 1776 said nothing about a woman’s right or the right for black African imported slaves to be returned to their ancestral lands with fair compensation to reclaim their stolen lands, while just a few words down from “All men are created equal” was the word “savage” when describing the less than human native American Indian; so much time and effort has gone into keeping the attention span of the fast devolving human short and not questioning when the falsehood is repeated enough times.

Hitler-Goebells, “The great masses will more easily fall victim to a big lie than a small lie.”

For good reason you were also most likely not taught in your schooling that Hitler looked up to us white Americans as he didn’t mince words when saying that he was proud of the way America dealt with our “Indian problem”.

Yes, Hitler did not expect much resistance from us Americans and you must remember that it was the most liberal, “Ask not what your country can do for you – ask what you can do for your country” Democrat Kennedy clan led by their patriarch, bootlegger Joe Kennedy Senior who did more than seek appeasement with Hitler as his Nazi leanings in fact got him the most coveted American Ambassadorship to Great Britain, and during the Battle of Britain when us Americans were most conspicuously absent, and most military experts expected Britain to be soundly defeated, Kennedy left heavily bombarded London for the sanctuary of the English countryside and advocated surrender.

Nor was it one giant leap forward from bootlegger to Ambassador of Great Britain who along with her allied Commonwealth Nations were all that stood in the way of us all today speaking German and giving the Nazi salute, because Joe Kennedy was most carefully chosen as the inaugural chairman of the Securities Exchange Commission, right after the puppet Hitler was brought to power, the same year 1934 that the impossible to believe economic index, Gross Domestic Product was “floated” and the “plebes” too heavily distracted with the contrived Great Depression to give the GDP much thought other than no thought.

It also wasn’t a fluke that 17 odd years after the July 1944 Bretton Woods Conference which brought about the formation of the IMF and World Bank the OECD [Organization for Economic Cooperation & Development] was established with the single purpose of advocating the GDP which if you were to explain it to any literate 13 year old who was not on drugs they would laugh at you like you belonged in an insane asylum.

Nor should anyone be too quick to argue that President Franklin Roosevelt who appointed his friend Kennedy to that most important Ambassadorship all the while American Wallis Simpson and her husband the abdicated King of England


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sought to join Hitler on their honeymoon less than two years before the Madison Square Garden’s main event, then recalled Kennedy because no thanks to the Kennedys and their other friends including the German-South African Oppenheimers it was now a completely different GB having defied the odds and won the Battle of Britain; and as you know a son of Joe Kennedy later became President and another became both a US Senator and Attorney General during his elder brother’s administration without either President John F. Kennedy or Robert Kennedy ever once condemning their Nazi father.

Yes it is important to examine most carefully all those whose power grows from failing, starting with the Kennedy clan whose extraordinarily close ties to racist, bigot, anti-Semite, German-American Charles W. Engelhard Jr. and whose “male heir” my “lucky uncle” David Gevisser made the necessary introductions before I sat for the year long entrance exam into the mafia of mafia DAAC [De beers-Anglo American Corporation.

Given Engelhard Jr.’s as well as David Gevisser’s close ties to Harry Oppenheimer

who the viewer is introduced to in chapter 1 of The D I book, A RELUCTANT TYCOON.

Harry Oppenheimer directly oversaw that year long orientation before I moved to New York City to observe the final defeat of Israel.

Not to mention, in September 1938,

just months before the carefully timed and choreographed Madison Square Gardens presentation of the most unsportsmanlike people, Harry Oppenheimer journeyed to Madison Avenue where he made Gerald M. Lauck, the president of N. W. Ayer who had been recommended to Oppenheimer by the Morgan Bank, an offer Lauck couldn’t refuse, and this “take it or leave” proposal did not mean that the Oppenheimers-De beers unfair, mafia tactics trading practices ceased to spread quickly to the west coast Hollywood.

THE DIAMOND MIND is of course much more than the tune, A Diamond Is Forever-A Girl’s Best Friend.

Morgan Bank’s owner JP Morgan’s ties to the founder of De Beers, Cecil Rhodes predate JP Morgan’s bankrolling the Anglo “American” Boer War [1899-1902] and upon Rhodes’ death just prior to the end of this very bloody war and all about mineral resources, just like the German’s genocide of the Herero and Namaqua tribes [1904-1908], JP Morgan found a very willing successor in Ernest Oppenheimer who just happened to arrive in mineral rich South Africa in 1902, the same year Engelhard’s father of the same name, established in New Jersey, the founding place of Hollywood, Engelhard Minerals & Chemicals Corporation which in 1967 acquired Philip Brothers whose “hot shot” trader Marc Rich received a pardon from President Bill Clinton on his last day in office, January 20, 2001, and for those in the know, it was not lost that in 1968, Clinton was afforded a Rhodes-De Beers scholarship where the first course of business is a “rundown” of how De Beers-Barclays-Anglo American Corporation are the single, wildly successful mineral-banking monopolist, second to none.

So when scholarly Epstein writes, that Morgan Bank “had helped his father consolidate his financial empire”, Epstein was simply stating the irrefutable facts.

When you have the bankers in bed with a tyrannical mining institution it is not possible to speak in terms of “rule of law”.

Part and parcel of democracy is “fair elections”.

This is all perfectly understood by all readers of The D I book as well as the DAAC’s senior management.

When you see President Putin seated next to Harry Oppenheimer’s son Nicholas,


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and on the board of advisors of Nicholas’ one charity, The Brenthurst Foundation, former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Richard Meyers

the only question one should have is if there is a single charity that is genuinely motivated to seek peace and security throughout the globe?

When you “page through” chapter 18 of The D I book and it doesn’t take you long to come across the extraordinary meeting between President elect John F. Kennedy and Harry Oppenheimer at the Carlyle Hotel which was first arranged when Senator JFK and his wife Jackie visited with Engelhard Jr. at Engelhard’s Camp Chaleur estate in Quebec, Canada, you have to give not only President JFK but the most senior members of the US Congress, the Directors of the Secret Service, FBI and CIA top marks for acting.

That does not mean that when people such as Einstein and Ben Gurion got together there was any lack of admiration for one another.


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My 35 odd word posting on your FB wall for good reason drew your “approval”, and nor would your “thumbs up” have been lost on others following my writings ever since I broke my 24 year silence with the DAAC on 11.11.2004, starting with the words, “Remember me?”

So I have survived this long, but of course it has come at a price, including my mother Zena’s captivity in Israel which is nothing less than the most cruel death sentence, but with it the world gets to see itself as more selfish than the human has ever realized, and dumb to boot.

You will have noticed that there have been 1048 independent views and apart from 1 individual who I don’t know and who quickly ran out of steam after saying very little but helping no doubt show up the rest, it is only me who has commented presenting the facts, as the rest hide.

The fact that I am incredibly healthy, the same with my beautiful body-face-mind Française-Canadienne wife Marie Dion, is not lost on me or for that matter my multitude of detractors, but then again each of us knows when we put our mind to it that man never wins any bets against Mother Nature.

If you didn’t have the common sense to figure out the extraordinary nonsense of the GDP economic index and its weaknesses so incredibly transparent and why you won’t find a single human willing to debate me on the merits, then you surely have to ask yourself whether you are also being punished with lack of spiritual reasoning.

How terrible for so many hypocrites to be united in their wish that I either didn’t exist, or that I would have long by now been killed or that I was no different to the rest of cowards and lacking the courage to speak out just so that you could all live with your bad consciences?

Not to mention, all being well tomorrow before heading to Pompei, we plan to visit the monument representing two heads with their tongues out under the writing “A lo parlare agi mesura” (mind what you say).”

At 1:01 pm on January 23, just 4 days ago, and today the 74th anniversary of the Russian Red Army, not American GIs liberating the death factory Auschwitz, I sent 80 year Houbert Astier and 60ish Yoko Grandsagne the following:

Subject: Nominated for an Oscar.

We are now leaving our incredibly quiet apartment in Genoa and for Mango to hopefully enjoy the smells and guide us best on where to go next. We plan to stay at least one more night before heading in the direction of Bologna where we hope to meet up again with Luca and Francesca before probably going on to Teramo.

The goal should always be to achieve harmony and it is the money that is the cause of all the disharmony.

There are no coincidences in life including the word “coin” in coincidences and “mony” in “disharmony”.

Once getting one’s head around the truth about how incredibly misled has been us humans as we simply go back, not to ancient history, but that fateful year 1899, the start of Boxer Rebellion as well as the Anglo “American” Boer War, and it all so obvious of the collusion by all the world’s military strong nations to suppress the largest and most ancient culture Chinese, what can explain how all us humans stopped thinking and believing that following this grand conspiracy there would suddenly be competition amongst the invading armies?

For all questioning to have ceased and at the same time the people began to have “blind faith” trust in the money, is well beyond belief.

There is not a scientist, mathematician, philosopher, economist or politician who could explain such weak thinking. Nature always has a hand in everything.

In fact it does much more than border on the supernatural such lack of thinking.

It is totally unpredictable that anyone would think that Japan would cease to be a slave nation of the United States which was the leader in promoting free markets and capitalism, democracy etc etc given how just half a century before Japan fully surrendered and that loss of sovereignty only motivated the world’s weapon manufacturers who naturally play a significant hand in deciding on the army generals to expand their sphere of influence far and wide.

Naturally, they saw mineral rich South Africa as their next conquest and why not at the same time join all their forces in conquering mineral rich and slave rich China half the world away, and the people would be none the wiser?

The Allied troops invasion of China in 1900 was more than the United States, Britain, Russia, France, Germany, Italy and Austria-Hungry because the Netherlands, Belgium and Spain also dispatched their military might.

To top it off, on September 19, 1931, slave nation Japan invaded Manchuria and the US Congress declared that so long as Japan does not officially declare war on China, then the United States would continue to provide Japan with its weaponry and raw war materials.

We also know what happened next; but in the next instant we could end all this chaos and suffering as the truth is spread, and all so peacefully without the noise of hitting the streets in protest, by just spreading the word over The Internet; and why not now?

There are now sirens going off. There must be something going on here in Genoa that must be dangerous, but nothing to fear as we are clearly not alone.
