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A Test of Humanity – 15


Screenshot: 11:01 PM France time, 15 Oct 23


Aug 17, 2023, 11:34 PM

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@Errol Graham Musk notice that the “Sneerson” [sic] is like the most ridiculous palm reader.

It is more than predominantly that you get money wealth by just faith in God, although there was a piece about the button in the right place on the jacket.

This is for real.

How could someone make this all up?

God is the only possible explanantion for making these clowns so laughable.

No less ingenius you have the most skeptical secular Jewish people of Israel who have to win wars through stealth with ingenuity, rational thinking at all times, lapping up this nonsense talk by an incessant talker dolling out money.

How can you not grow up in such an environment fixated on nothing else but money and sex to get your mind off the grossest display of stupidity?

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The best is that you tons of clowns like worshipping ink on paper @David Levy moving to Israel because the United States is not religious enough.

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There is nothing about the money culture that is smart.

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Let me repeat, there is absolutely nothing about the money culture that is smart.

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Let’s now talk about what Gomorrah is thinking.

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Gomorrah, can you come in now?

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When you wrestle with the chicken or cow or turkey or fish, does the thought come to mind that you are a good observant Jew because your mind says with Israel translating literally into “Wrestle-Struggle with God” that you are doing exactly that?

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Why is it do you think God hasn’t implanted in all your heads how to eat healthy and treat the animals better than slaughtering them?

This is very fundamental to your stupidity.

The very first thing a religious stupid person has to ask themself, “Why does God have me stupid?”.

In the next instant they have to conclude it is the result of having done something wrong, such as being a hypocrite.

The fact that they are conditioned to believe that if you have money you are smart, doesn’t make them less stupid, because it is the most stupid thing possible given the source of all the money-land wealth other than being stupid to eat stuff that makes you bloated, fat and slow.

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Who here has spouse/significant other who is slow and/or has to bed someone who is slow because they control the money?

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Without forgetting Demi Moore or all that I did in my career that allowed me to impress member @Jeffrey Robert Krinsk Esq. to engage my “risk assessment” services, what if you are real estate rich that allows you to buy things like luxury apartments, 5 star villa restorts in places like Rancho Sante Fe which the Essakows have theirs, and you are bored stiff with your annoying spouse asking for this and that, complaining about this and that, gossiping day and night about everyone else, and because you want to restrict the movement of your local girlfriend you provide her with a permanent apartment or one of your villas.

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She happens to be talking with one of the help who is wanting to bed her and he tells her that he is following along the fb symposiums of this Gary Gevisser and only out of his owns concerns, which is only to bag her before the next person, provides the details.

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What does she do after first giving him a complementary blow job?

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Harry Oppenheimer had all this figured out before deciding that he was going to be the Trojan Horse in General Smuts’ United Party which had Smuts defeated in the rigged 26 May 1948 South African General Election while Harry won his first seat in the South African Parliament.

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@Errol Graham Musk are you following along?

@Sofiaan Fraval what about you?

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What no one could predict other than the murderer and God, was that the Nazi Hendrik Verwoerd who became the 6th Prime Minister of South Africa on 2 September 1958, would be assassinated by a crazed Greek, Dimitri Tsafendas on 6 September 1966, 21 days following the success of Israel Mossad Operation Diamond, where a number of beautiful models participated.

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Those of you who forget what you ate for breakfast might not remember that in 1958 when my mother’s model, member @Penny Rey (Coelen) won the Miss World whose contestants didn’t include either Gomorrah’s wife or mother or for that matter any member of ChaBAD sic, Marc Rich came under the watchful eye of Mossad head, David Ben Gurion who was very slow to order the execution of the enemies of us Jewish people knowing how quickly they would be replaced and all the intelligence gathered on their inner circle might as well be tossed.

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Member @Jeffrey Robert Krinsk Esq. gathered very quickly at our first official meeting at Rainwaters in downtown San Diego that I was very discrete because I was smart and never talked about all the money people I knew throughout the world.

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Again, had our first meeting not taken place at the Matre D restaurant in the flats of La Jolla, California, then we all wouldn’t be talking today.

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There is not a single element in this universe, not a single atom that is out of place.

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All that is out of place is the accumulation of atoms which make up the insufferable humans with so few exceptions it is utterly delightful.

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Not a single atom needs energy to keep its motor running but when combined with others in no less precision, it has to feed.

Therefore it makes sense when doing such an important job to be in the company of someone beautiful who inspires otherwise you might as well jump off a cliff, wouldn’t you agree @Cliff Friedman?

August 18

Aug 18, 2023, 12:36 AM

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@Malcolm Steele Steele, you haven’t yet said if you have lost your religion?

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Can you at least say if you would like either the “Sneerson” [sic] or Gomorrah as your father?

August 18

Aug 18, 2023, 1:01 AM

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“If you re-button your coat to close right over left, it will bring improvement in your livelihood. Your coat is buttoned in a way that the left side is over the right side. When you fix it – ask a tailor to do it – it will bring success in your livelihood.”

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Look at that youngster in the background looking on at this mess. Notice he already has a stomach.

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@Shneur Reti-Waks based on your personal experience do you think a brainwashed kid is more malleable for rape?

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@Shani Weltsman Moran what are you waiting for before sharing your knowledge about the sexual abuse in the ultraorthodox communities of Israel?

Are you planning on writing a book?

Do you have a literary agent?

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All the abundant prayers over food, before the gorging and then the long session following, and they can’t step back and ask themselves what they are possibly doing wrong?

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Who feels that if they said more prayers they would be able to float into outer space just from their fart propulsion?

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Let’s go through it again.

“If you re-button your coat to close right over left, it will bring improvement in your livelihood. Your coat is buttoned in a way that the left side is over the right side. When you fix it – ask a tailor to do it – it will bring success in your livelihood”.

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Common sense would tell you that each and every religious and secular leader was provided a dossier on the De Beers-Anglo American Corporation playbook.

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Another confirmation is the extraordinarily well kept secret.

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Besides for Ben Gurion and General Smuts can anyone name others weren’t corrupt?

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Trust me when I tell you that it was not possible to impress Harry Oppenheimer by speaking nonsense.

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Harry Oppenheimer knowing how stupid the people were, and getting more stupid as he went about destroying the environment and the main culprit was overpopulation because that is what he demanded of his bought religious and secular heads, didn’t leave anything to chance.

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One slip up such as a small speech, “We really should look at this De Beers organization given that its founder was a very successful monopolist who dominated the landscape of mineral rich South Africa” and the SA Oppenheimer-De empire would evaporate in the next instant.

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Notice that you are all still here, and depending on each to hold on to your loot without being generous with everyone.

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Once the cat was out of the bag, neither the “Sneerson” [sic] nor the Pope nor any of their politicians could say, “No please. I don’t want to hear any more. And you must keep it all to yourself!”.

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Who figures that cackling Tucker Carlson simply put my first email broadcast aside without reading it, but read everything else, and manages to avoid any conversation about the SA Oppenheimers?

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Imagine right now Donald Trump long having all this information, hating the world but yet unwilling to expose all the hypocrites.

Yes, that is easy to imagine.

He wants to hold on to his airplane and Marlo Lago.

But not all of you are as rich as the next person who you would be willing to trash if they were rude to you?

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Yes, it is all too mindblowing to contemplate that so many of you could have been fooled for so long.

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Nor would you need to officially suffer from Asperger’s Syndrome to go out of your mind triggering other neurological diseases such as Parkinson’s and Alzheimers

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Nor do I think for a moment that Elon Musk suffers from Asperger’s Syndrome.

Errol, do you think he does?

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@Clifford Benn why don’t you tell us about your experience when they caught you violating the sacrosanct IDB [Illicit Diamond Buying] laws which they considered far worse than committing murder, did

 the SA Oppenheimers’ South African Secret Police let you keep the strainer as a memento?

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The pristine air is now smelling of smoke. There could be a fire.

August 18

Aug 18, 2023, 1:41 AM

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Im still here.

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The sky is pink.

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Planes are circling.

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It could just be a training exercise which has never happened before or it could just be a once in a lifetime event where there are more than 3 relatively low flying aircraft, none of which look like air tankers.

@Cynthia Cindy Petit can you check?

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@Cynthia Cindy Petit I notice that you quickly lost your sense of humor following, “Yes, it is all too mindblowing to contemplate that so many of you could have been fooled for so long”.

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Who would like to see both Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg on board Koru?

Who would like to see any of our ATOH membership sitting on board Koru shooting the breeze?

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I take very seriously all your maliciousness towards my mother Zena who you all wish you had as your mother, assuming she loved you as much as my mother loves me.

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Fortunately in Judasim there is no absolution or escaping the past.

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@Tikvah Abro shall we now dig in to all you financially profiting from the silencing of my mother, but nor have you been able to get my mother to speak and refute The Lady’s Speech.

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Each of you must be capable of thinking what punishment lies ahead for you callous dismissal of my mother’s wishes.

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For sure you cannot think you are going to be rewarding with a great life ahead.

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Nor am I suggesting that you being kind to other animals is going to change your destiny.

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I couldn’t think of a worse crime and therefore the punishment has to be the worst possible thing you can imagine.

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Go ahead @Cynthia Cindy Petit give it your biggest laugh emoji.

August 18

Aug 18, 2023, 2:22 AM

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“A blessing for … for livelihood, he should have no worries.”

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Why should he worry?

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Worrying can only do damage.

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Having more faith in God will mean less worries,

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and he’ll have good news.

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God creates livelihood, you merely need to collect it.

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May God help you to collect it soon.

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You should check your teffilin and mezuzos,

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This will also improve your financial state,

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when both your tefillin and mezuzos are kosher.

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Good tidings.

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Much success.

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You should pledge to God that you’ll tithe from your net profit,

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and this will add success in all your personal endeavors.

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Much success.

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Good tidings.

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Much success.

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“If you re-button your coat to close right over left, it will bring improvement in your livelihood. Your coat is buttoned in a way that the left side is over the right side. When you fix it – ask a tailor to do it – it will bring success in your livelihood.”

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@Cynthia Cindy Petit, your father who was the one brother of my mother’s father Al Ash, was of course Jewish, but your mother is Roman Catholic and you were raised Roman Catholic.

Would you say that the bad stereotype of the Jew, is that the Jew is all about money and the rest is all a sham?

If you agree with that, why do you think the ChaBAD sic network didn’t put a stop to it?

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Who thinks it is quite amazing in this great expanse of the universe, some 92 billion light years across, that clown Jeff Bezos is cruising in his luxury yacht all built on the backs of the small merchant who have wiped out, while you have 18 year old kids a short helicopter ride away losing limbs left and right to prop up the lifestyles of the most unconscious who look down on the poor as stupid, and yet they put out quite the effort in the trenches before they lose limbs or get completely smoked?

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Remember we are only talking about atoms which we can’t see with the naked eye.

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They make up the entire universe.

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You are mostly thinking about money and all the hoopla surrounding the next election and whether they will be good or bad for the economy.

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Let’s now come back to “If you re-button your coat to close right over left …”

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Do you think the “Sneerson” [sic] gives a fuck about God or that he simply thinks he is God and say the biggest bunch of crap and these idiots will lap it up thinking it is God speaking?

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Why do I put my faith in God?

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Only God could have created such a joke species amidst the otherwise beauty of the universe.

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You can all go to sleep with your worst nightmares.

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@Lee-Anne Dalley (Benn) instead of all the monies you have spent a liftime handing to palm readers, you could have got the same thing from “Sneerson” [sic] and walked away each time with a $1.

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Edit: … spent a “liftime” [sic] …

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Someone needs to ask Elon Musk how after watching this sickening clip that ChaBAD sic are so proud of, how he would define success, and what monies should be sent to all the combatants in Ukraine for them to purchase 5 star Spa resorts and employ slave wage earners.

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@Jeffrey Essakow when last did you clean the toilets of your Rancho Sante Fe Spa?

August 18

Aug 18, 2023, 5:22 AM

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You added a participant to the group.

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Added @Robert Wolfe who has 3.5K followers on Facebook.

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My fb conversations with Mr. Wolfe began yesterday at 3:39 PM Calif. time.

It is now 9:25 AM Friday 18 August.

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Thu 3:39 PM


What is your business?

Thu 7:58 PM


Stopping violence to the innocent.

Today 6:26 AM


Doesn’t it seem insane that the religious leadership haven’t picked up the suffering of the animals and the death it brings to those who eat animals?

7:49 AM


I agree. It should be a moral imperative. But those that are involved in the religious orders are of damaged backgrounds themselves and going into positions of authority in those institutions means that our institutions are managed by damaged people. In other words in my opinion I don’t think there’s much hope for Humanity. But as the Buddhist practice equanimity is to just continue to do what I know is right even if there is no change.

The Dalai Lama said that if we started teaching the mindfulness skill of being aware, calming the mind and within that teaching compassion.. of how would we want to be treated and therefore we should treat others in the same way. Or rephrased before I do something I would ask myself what I want to be on the receiving end of this act. The answer is no, then it is something that I will not do. The Dalai Lama said that within one generation we could eliminate nearly all of the violence and victimization on our planet.

8:00 AM


the dali lama eats meat and he is probably a pedophile

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8:47 AM


I notice that 42 minutes have elapsed and you are quiet.

8:51 AM


How could you not be aware of the treachery, hypocrisy of the Dali Lama, and yet you write so glowingly of him, feeling the need to “rephrase”?

Let me share something else with you.

When I received a phone call from the father of the man on the right

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in early 1978 once I began officially my post graduate university business-economics studies, and still 20 years of age, that he wanted to speak with me, I wondered how many other students he picked up the phone to, and realized that he would be spending a lot of his time in this endeavor and that would leave little time for anything else.

I correctly assumed that it couldn’t possibly be every student at every university in the world.

I also figured that it was most likely something I had achieved that made me stand out.

Throughout my schooling starting with primary school

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I was one of the quietest kids but not so quiet that my teachers and school principals thought there was something wrong in my head.

I also figured out that the sooner I got to the rugby

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ball, the less chance of running into players ahead of me.

That first of all meant I had to be fortunate enough to be born with fast acting leg muscles which logically were not deprived in my other limbs.

A good athlete shows a healthy brain.

When you are singled out by the richest and most powerful person on the planet, it would be wrong to assume it is smart to delay demonstrating that you can think on your feet.

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The first conversations began with me being handed financial statements of several corporations; some had stamped on the top “audited” and others “unaudited”.

The “unaudited” interested me more because they too were public corporations whose shares were traded on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange.

I also knew his business model which at its core was muscling in on target companies by threatening to support weaker corporations.

So I asked, “Can you trust the people handing over confidential information that isn’t available to the general public?”.

When someone shows weakness of mind it indicates that they are more likely to be compromised.

Do you agree with that assessment?

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It has been 13 odd minutes since Mr. Wolfe read, “… Do you agree with that assessment?”

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Gomorrah, do you want to address before you start your hypocritical observance of the Jewish Sabbath, why it is highly likely there is no less rape of ChaBAD sic youth such as member @Shneur Reti-Waks and his eldest brother Manny than in the Roman Catholic Church?

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@Robert Wolfe can you give us some idea of the number of people you have given that Dali Lama speech?

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@Robert Wolfe what do you think would be the easiest way to identify first year university students who have unhappy childhoods and can’t wait to get out of the house and be as far away from their parents-grandparents as possible, and want to do as much as they can to make the world a happier and safer place for children?

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@Robert Wolfe wouldn’t it make sense that those bullied as youngsters either by their parents or peers would turn out bullies themselves, rather than empathizing with the downtrodden?

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Gomorrah, did the “Sneerson” [sic] ever counsel you on how you should separate from your Holocaust survivor parents once you began having sexual deviant thoughts, “I think that you may have been molested as a child and it may have been from some animal who claimed to be a Rabbi. Am I correct?”?

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Gomorrah, did “Sneerson” [sic] ever mention in his discourses to those lining up for his genius words of advice, “The buttons on your jacket look like they are stretching the fabric of your coat to the limit; don’t you want to consider adding nutrition to your diet that will make your atoms more joyful by rigorous exercise that follows naturally?”?

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@Alan Woolf, we all see you continuing to play voyeur. Can you add to your deafening silence?

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Is there anyone here who would like to own an interest in a 5 Star Rancho Sante Re Luxury Spa Resort where if you stick around the bar long enough, you are likely to find a barfly willing to have her “poke” you?

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It has been 22 years, 6 months and 29 days since Cecil Rhodes-De Beers-Sir Ernest Oppenheimer-INVESTEC Scholar, Bill Clinton from the Class of ’68 granted terrorist financier Marc Rich the pardon.

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When you are all alone in a sick society, you don’t need lots of followers.

August 18

Aug 18, 2023, 8:25 PM

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At 10:21 @Robert Wolfe answered, “Gary. What is your interest and intent here?”.

A contact left the group.

August 18

Aug 18, 2023, 10:42 PM

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August 18

Aug 18, 2023, 11:35 PM

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It is possible that Bono knows today that Mandela sold out not only the 50 million non-white South Africans who survived the 46 year uninterrupted rule of the SA-Oppenheimers-Barclays Bank-INVESTEC’s Apartheid Regime aka The Third Reich’s, but those who didn’t make it to the ANC training camps, and then of course there were those like Richard Turner and Steve Biko who probably felt great relief as he was being thrown out the window of John Vorster Square.

August 19

Aug 19, 2023, 12:27 AM

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There is always the possibility that U2’s advance team were provided a briefing ahead of Bono’s arrival in Cape Town of Mandela changing his mind well before April 1994 when the world went ape shit in celebration.

August 19

Aug 19, 2023, 4:20 AM

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August 19

Aug 19, 2023, 4:42 AM

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A storm is coming and it is so pretty. The previous rainstorm cleaned up a lot of dust. The colors are more intensified.

A contact left the group.

August 22

Aug 22, 2023, 5:04 PM

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It is now 8:04 AM Calif time Tuesday 22 Aug.

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A couple of days ago Big Deli sic Lama pusher Robert Wolfe left after giving a 


 to “… the colors are more intensified.

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Just earlier he removed from our fb messaging dialogue what he last posted on the 18th at 10:21 AM, “Gary. What is your interest and intent here?”.

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Non-white South Africans of age during the Apartheid Regime era were most used to their rank and file being fully infiltrated all the while the most sought after lands were taken and placed in the hands of the most obedient whites who enjoyed the praise of both the banks, all marching to the drums of the SA Oppenheimer family and their duplicitous minions and the religious leadership.

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White South Africans were close behind the nonwhites in recognizing the infiltration.

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It was more transparent to the nonwhites because their youth kept disappearing on their way to the ANC’s military training camps.

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The rest of the world were oblivious to what was happening in mineral rich South Africa because their religious leadership were the first to be bought and they maintained the narrative “In support of our South East Asia policy”.

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Granted, if I wasn’t spelling it all out which a well adjusted 12 year old wouldn’t require because all they would need was common sense and good parents such as mine who recognize common sense, all this knowledge would forever be lost and you would all escape Scott Free.

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But that isn’t the case.

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Yesterday at 5:03 PM I began an email broadcast, Hidden Truth State of Decay in South Africa.

A good number of you including the deviant, degenerate Gomorrah received a copy of the 4248 word communique. a book call it, which ended referencing 29 year old Ahmed Timol’s torture death on 27 October 1971 at John Vorster Square.

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Let’s see if we can bring back Robert Wolfe.

You added a participant to the group.

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@Robert Wolfe can you explain what you hoped to achieve by removing your unconscious words without commenting here other than the 


 and then making a beeline for the exit?

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Currently I’m watching a group of about 20 ants moving around making the most of the wonderful rains brought by the Hurricane.

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I won’t take a photo of them because you know what your future immediate ancestors look like unless God decides the spineless jellyfish is best suited.

Of course there is also the rattlesnake and scorpion who earlier before climbing this amazing pristine mountain range

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on my bicycle that is 100% non electric pedal powered I removed gently to a better place for both of us.

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Later if I make it down in one piece I will upload video of the downhill run that should take approximately 11 minutes.

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Btw, a young lady who we often see on the trails with her 2 coonhounds and we don’t know her name as we have never stopped to chat but her dogs are like her very friendly, stopped my wife and I as we were returning last evening late from a hike to tell us, and she was heartbroken, that her 10 year old was bitten and killed by a rattlesnake in the area back on 1 July.

It was like it happened yesterday.

Both her dogs instinctively chase raccoons up trees. They are strong.

Within seconds of the bite her male keeled over totally paralyzed but his death took a couple of days.

August 22

Aug 22, 2023, 6:17 PM

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@Robert Wolfe lingers , but as you can see from the screenshot above, he has read my response to his quiet removal of his offensive, defensive writings of 18 Aug.

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Who can the masses trust if the religious are represented by GemACH sic aka Gomorrah and the vegan 



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… no better.

August 22

Aug 22, 2023, 10:32 PM



Gary you have a nice day as well.

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It is now 1:42 PM Calif time.

10 minutes ago the degenerate, deviant Gomorrah “… molested as a child …”came up for air, letting us know that he hasn’t fully metamorphosed into a jellyfish but the rest of you all know that when he speaks he is most defiant of God, giving God the middle finger.

Gomorrah why don’t you at least admit that you are in 2 minds about God. 

First, only God could have created someone as dumb and ugly as you based on your previous lifetime horrific performance which you still haven’t learned from, and the same with “Sneerson” (sic) aka Rebbe Schneerson.

Second, if God existed  then God would have long ended your life, were it not for God wanting you and everyone else to see you suffering horribly with long life; the aches and pains getting worse, and to top it off you wake up every morning that much more depressed to a fat and smelly wife alongside who puts on the pounds in the hope it will prevent you from asking her if you can at least poke some of the many cellulite crevices.

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Note that crowd pleaser, realtor @Neil Resnick remains glued, a change of pace wouldn’t you say @Douglas Behr, and nor has @Robert Wolfe disembarked or for that matter explained that when his hero the “Deli” (sic) Lama stuck out his tongue close to the child’s mouth he was only playing medical doctor and felt the child was not yet old enough to understand the words “stick out your tongue”, not to mention how in the world can a religious person not be vegan.

In regard to the rest of you sticking, I could say the same about all of you who have one thing besides for breathing air in common; namely, a fixation in avoiding contributing to the spread of knowledge that the most price fixed trade-able  commodity is the money; and were such an important truth to go viral, it would wipe the smile off the faces of all the billionaires.

Now imagine not only Elon Musk never again Tweeting a joke, but Jeff Bezos having to live the remainder of his life eating alone.

Again, that would apply to most all of you.

In short order, I will be responding to an esteemed Professor of mathematics and physics who is the first and only Professor to write to me a genuine “thank you”; moreover, this professor I first came across when he was giving a lecture on physicist J Robert Oppenheimer at the Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton University where Manhattan Project chief physicist, Jewish Robert Oppenheimer went on to become Director of this most prestigious physics institution and whose alumni included Jewish Albert Einstein.

Why it is that the masses indoctrinated from birth that the only God is money and the most prominent Wall Street-Real Estate crooks are Jewish, and led by the Rothschilds, and no focus on what made Albert Einstein, J Robert Oppenheimer, Neils Bohr and Richard Feynman so utterly spectacular?

Of course when you see who controls the money and the religious most promoting the money as the best gauge of success it all makes perfect sense.

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Even if you had bad parents which obviously Gomorrah blames for his unconscious behavior,   were you so fortunate to be blessed at birth with common sense, you would have figured out on your own that the money is rigged by simply looking at where the money is most concentrated.

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Gomorrah you are thrashing about trying to be funny and make small talk, but it isn’t working.

Nor will it ever work.

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You have to resign yourself to the worst punishment of all, never being able to make love to a beautiful woman, and each time you look in the mirror you can only curse God as the increased ugliness gets you no “I want to have sex with you” from a beautiful woman, quite the opposite in fact, and confounded by what horrific actions you committed in the previous lifetime to have to endure this horrific fate.

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Of course a beautiful and smart mother like mine who understands the problems of the world and the solutions to many of them, would simply do no more than point the common sense child in the direction 1066 Battle of Hastings and leave it to the child to ask the right questions and figure out the aftermath of such an important event where the victor, brilliant long archer and battlefield technician, William The Conqueror left alone the small enclave City of London

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within the greater metropolitan City of London.

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Those of you who are fashion conscious and it helps invigorate the atoms if you have a clothes horse body that of course is not ridden with cellulite, might have noticed that Bezos, the clown, is now selling clothing on

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Gomorroah, where do you and your wife shop for your clothing?

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Who thinks Elon Musk is still unaware that to have a single shopping mall representing different clothing manufacturers only makes sense in order to maintain the illusion of competition for money?

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This mass psychosis of stupidity which one couldn’t produce an algorithm to reproduce extends into every aspect of modern day society including those such as B.COMM graduate, Peter Athenaios’ Toronto Anti-Vivisection Alliance – TAVA whose “mission is to urge University of Toronto to stop using animals for research and educational purposes”.

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For those of you such as Gomorrah, @Robert Wolfe, @Roy Essakow, @Jeffrey Essakow, @Steven David Sobol, @Alan Brivik, @Alan Yudelman, @Alan Cline, @Alan Woolf, @David Levy, @David Friedman, @David Schmahmann, @David Monk, ChaBAD sic rabbi @David Masinter, @Richard Friedman, @Michael Sewitz, @Micha-el Frame, @Lynne Karen Bentel, @Trevor Goldberg, @Trevor Rubelli, @Trevor Manuel, @Trevor Abramson, @Hedda Gevisser, @Mark Gevisser, @Mark Kromer, @Mark Weinstein, @Nelson Guedes, @Jonathan Gevisser, @Jonathan Marine, @Steven Bailey, @Stephanie Marine, @Stephen Ross, @Karen Krok, and @Solly Krok, why don’t you drop Peter Athenaios a line and ask him what suddenly caused him to block me on facebook messaging.

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BTW, I just advised of a Tweet communication from Elon Musk of some 22 hours ago:

If you’re a journalist who wants more freedom to write and a higher income, then publish directly on this platform!

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Income means absolutely nothing when the money is price fixed.

The fact that this most important aspect is not covered by the lecturers or the university economic text books tells you how rotten is the State of Denmark.

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Gomorrah, I assume that you wanted to protray to all of us that your day is going just great.

Let’s start out with the animal corpse you last enjoyed. Has it reached your colon, and do you feel if it released along the way any more cancer cells to coalesce with others at varying degrees of metastasis?

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Who feels that “cause and effect”, such as you eat unhealthy, causes stress on the internal workings of the body including the brain and skin, the largest organ; and second, such extraordinary reasoning cannot be the result of random events going back to the beginning of time and space?

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Yes, your minds at an increasing loss which doesn’t mean God has lost control of your unconscious, are thinking about the pivotal moment when the enclave, City of London was spared 957 odd years ago.

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Gomorrah do you feel that God blessed you to be a chemist and surrounded by sick people who get that much sicker with every pill that puts money in your pocket?

Are you looking forward to your next dance with the men?

How old do you have to be before you get asked to dance with you Gomorrah?

You sent

@Shneur Reti-Waks, do you recall what you first thought when you saw these fat, ugly men dancing with each other?

How old were you when they first asked you to join in?

Had the rape taken place earlier?

Do you think ChaBAD sic have fixed their rape problem?

You sent

Gomorrah, do you and your wife talk about the conditions within ChaBAD sic that make rape of young children so fertile?

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Imagine how many rapes would be prevented if these thugs were forced to disband.

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Whoever is in favor, please raise your hand.

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BTW, my response to this important Professors’ “thank you” will hopefully take place before 9/11 (11 September), the 21st anniversary of the Essakow brothers closing for the ridiculous, overpriced, sum of $31.5 million on the Marc Rich-Essakow Flower Hill Mall on the corner of top Southern California real estate, Del Mar, Solana Beach and Rancho Sante Fe where not that long ago Jewish people were not allowed to live, no matter how much they offered in bribes.

Furthermore, 11 September 2002, coming on the first anniversary of 9/11, which those of us in the know fully understood could be traced back to 42nd Commander In Chief, Rhodes-De Beers Class of ’68, Bill Clinton granting terrorist financier Marc Rich a pardon at the 11th hour of his presidency, 20 January 2001.

The smartest people in the world who don’t talk to talk, had been observing terrorist financier Marc Rich ever since he succeeded when first failing horribly in 1958 to purchase a magnesium mine in South Africa from his future bosses American Charles W Engelhard Jr and Harry Oppenheimer.

You sent

Does anyone have a name that they would like to see added to ATOH?

August 23

Aug 23, 2023, 12:44 AM

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Just to tell you how out of this world lentil pasta with mixed stir fried ( no oil no salt no sugar of course) dish is, it would do more than get the attention of Alain Passard

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the owner of the three michelin star restaurant L’Arpège in Paris.

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You unsent a message

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who you see to the right of my amazing F-C [Française-Canadienne] wife Marie Dion.

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Of course the lentil stir fry was all the freshest vegetables.

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For those of you looking for as fresh as it gets Russian woman

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let me tell you what you have to possess besides for an attractive body.

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Gomorrah, are you paying attention?

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You have to own, no mortgage, a massive villa with its own private beach on the island of Corsica, France.

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Second, you need to have sufficient positive cashflow from all your other investments including a mortgage free hotel in Paris, France to afford you to go live permanently in Russia with your Russian girlfriend in the event the Corsican mafia, who make the Sicilian mafia look like the most innocent altar boys, decide to move in.

You sent

Gomorrah, do you think your miracle man, “Messiah” Rebbe Schneerson could have pulled that off given all that he supposedly did for God, and why wouldn’t God be so generous?

Did he ever discuss with you how much sex with a beautiful woman was constantly on his mind?

Obviously that is what he had to be thinking of 24/7 given how insane was his financial-money advice for all the idiots doting on what he said as he handed out $1 bills, so giving God the middle finger.

A contact left the group.

You sent

So how do you end up with such an amazing villa that gets the most beautiful Russian putting aside all the Russian Oligarchs such as Putin and Prigozhin, back to holding fort in Africa after doing an amazing job in cutting to pieces the best of the Ukrainian youngsters in an artillery battle that for every Russian life lost, Putin and Prigozhin rang the Lloyd’s of London bell?

You added a participant to the group.

You sent

@Milton Rene Mills, you too are a social money butterfly who has been grabbing all this information at the same time doing your best to remain inconspicuous, until just a minute ago.

You may have missed the last post.

You sent

Read it again.

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Now Milton, you are free to leave and when closing the door behind remember to unfriend me and to tell our mutual fb friends why.

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70 mutual fb friends with @Milton Rene Mills who is a bit slow out the door:

Abhas Moonka

80 mutual friends

Allyson Springett

2 mutual friends

Amy Halpern-Laff

36 mutual friends

Ashley Dudczak

12 mutual friends

Carol Pessin

17 mutual friends

Cassie Ito

157 mutual friends

Catherine Land Emond

97 mutual friends

Charles Bivona

104 mutual friends

Chey Sanfilippo Stivers

164 mutual friends

Colleen Patrick-Goudreau

39 mutual friends

Cynthia Xerogianes

9 mutual friends

Dean Milos

4 mutual friends

Donna Benjamin

62 mutual friends

Doris Lin

44 mutual friends

Jackie Cowand

19 mutual friends

Jeanne Kaiser

62 mutual friends

Jeff Adams

50 mutual friends

Jennifer Barrett

41 mutual friends

Jennifer Hotz

170 mutual friends

Jimmy Conway

13 mutual friends

Joanna Blad

73 mutual friends

Kendra Julian

14 mutual friends

Kim Delgado

77 mutual friends

Lance Lincoln

115 mutual friends

Luis David Rojas

39 mutual friends

Marlene Narrow

127 mutual friends

Mary Palisi

37 mutual friends

Michele Anne

141 mutual friends

Nikki Bovigny

28 mutual friends

Randy Powell

35 mutual friends

Richard Boettner

23 mutual friends

Ronald L Knaus

166 mutual friends

Saray Stancic

45 mutual friends

Sharon Green

1 mutual friend

Shawna Bonnett

24 mutual friends

Sjoen V Fuerst

32 mutual friends

Stacey Propst

7 mutual friends

Stefanie C. Ignoffo

63 mutual friends

Veda Stram

110 mutual friends

William James

238 mutual friends

Yeshe-La Chodron

4 mutual friends

Yzky Love

157 mutual friends

Zena Pedia

18 mutual friends

You sent

@Milton Rene Mills please let each of them know that I have a hard time being fb friends with them when you show no spine or intellect that I consider positive.

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The ringing of the Lloyd’s of London bell we can get to later, for those of you unfamiliar with the practice.

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Gomorrah, have you heard of a Jewish shofa, a ram’s horn plucked from a dead ram?

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Gomorrah everyone here knows that you were most insincere with your sick wishes earlier, “,Gary you have a nice day as well.”

They, including The Coupon Clipper is Jack The Ripper realtor @Jeffrey Essakow are more aligned with you morally, and your morals are non-existent, as well as intellectually and you are as dumb as the Essakow brothers and my 3 elder siblings and their murder collaborators, members @Ayala Weisel Esq. and @Deborah Sturman Esq. who for good reason hates Weisel and my 3 elder siblings, but who I have known since she was a teenager playing the French Horn, not a shofar, for the Cologne Philharmonic, loves money more than anything in the world, which is different to the Jewish Kapo-sellouts who kept order for the Nazi SS in the death factories which contributed little to nothing for the Nazi war effort, other than it provided a morale boost for the Nazi SS to get their kicks watching Jewish sellouts beat and kill their fellow Jewish brothers and sisters with a vengeance, much like winning a ticket to go trophy hunting for the 5 big game in Africa.

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Gomorrah, what similarities do you see with your “Gary you have a nice day as well” and The Coupon Clipper is Jack The Ripper realtor @Jeffrey Essakow‘s writings of 14 July 2009 at 2 seconds shy of 8:27 PM Calif time?

“Thanks for the update. I pray things will improve from here on. I will always be there for u if u need to ever just shoot the breeze. Just call. Look forward to seeing u on Saturday.”

You sent

Gomorrah, weren’t you saying, “I will always be there for you if you need to ever just shoot the breeze. Just call. Look forward to seeing u …” with your writings at 1:32 PM which was 4:32 PM your time, and I assume before you clocked out of your chemist-drug dispensing job?

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Gomorrah, why don’t you send both Essakow brothers first a yamulkh accompanied by the same note you sent Ivanka Trump saying that you care about them, and they should send you a lot of money quickly.

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If the money isn’t transferred into your bank account within 24 hours, try sending a case of Tefilin.

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If there is still no response that you are satisfied with, then send a container full of yamulkhs and Tefilin to the Marc Rich-Essakow Flower Hill Mall and a second one to their 5 Star Rancho Sante Fe Retreat.

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Gomorrah, you are not short of money, is the problem, otherwise you would do as I suggest.

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You are ruthless.

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You will stop at nothing to convince ChaBAD sic top officials that you are worthy.

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Gomorrah, can I help you compose another post, better than “Gary you have a nice day as well”?

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Gomorrah, you just have to ask.

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Also don’t disappoint us by deciding that you have had enough and leave.

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Gomorrah, remember you have never been in contention because God was merciless to you when granting you the ugly image

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at birth and confined for the duration of your life to the ChaBAD sic cult.

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Besides for being good looking and athletic as my friend Oliver who has kept his shape because he is also a very hard and smart worker who has never got seriously injured doing all the construction and repair work needed to maintain the villa, you have to be able to retire young.

A contact left the group.

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Again Gomorrah, you know that if you have to retire, you are forced by Jewish tradition to have sex at least once a day with your wife, unless she finds someone else and leaves you.

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A member just left.

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It was our friend Robert Wolf.

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Gomorrah check your email inbox for Wolf’s and my complete fb messaging.

Is there anyone else who would like a copy?

@Clifford Benn what about you?

@Anne Arenson Winter what about you?

@Tikvah Abro what about you?

@Linda Sante and @Linda Macnab what about you?

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Gomorrah, why do you think Robert Wolfe preferred for no one to know he left quietly?

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It should be obvious that my 3 elder siblings’ misconduct towards our mother Zena went from a possible manslaughter charge to a “death sentence” that awaits all 3 of them as well as their conspirators; and of course God’s death sentence is going to be far worse then ending up in solitary confinement in a 5 feet by 5 feet padded cell that is far worse than a hanging.

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@Tikvah Abro and @Anne Arenson Winter, you can both easily imagine my 3 elder siblings kneeling at my mother’s bed, burying their heads into the bedding, pleading with my mother to speak, and my mother Zena doesn’t breath a word.

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Gomorrah there are also no words to describe your ugly, dark soul that will never see the light of day.

There is no indication that each ant has a soul. They are there to clean up after the dead and they will eat anything as well as to communicate with us what becomes of the wretched who know that is the right thing to do and instead do wrong.

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Gomorrah, you derived great nachas, great pleasure from telling the world a false rumor that I was broke and living off my wife without saying that to do so I must be the great lover she bargained for when she won me in a bet.

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What better can any man want?

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You don’t have to work at anything. No need to bring in money. All you need to do is perform in the sack.

And you Gomorrah make out that I was being cursed.

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You never thought all that through because you miserable beast have been cursed since birth.

How could anyone so cursed believe for a moment in the Divine Presence?

It is not possible unless you were smoking around the clock Durban Poison.

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@Neil Resnick, can you call Derrick Beare right now and have him send you a case of DP; and upon arrival for you to then jump on a plane heading to New York, with your guitar of course, kiss and hug Gomorrah like lovers in the most romantic setting, screw the torahs, I don’t mean the two of you masterbate over the torahs, just put them aside, toss them far if it will make you happy, have sex with each other until your assholes get blood red.

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Gomorrah, do you remember asking me, “Gary, don’t mind if I ask you politely, how is it possible that someone as accomplished as you in business, knows the innerworkings of the richest and most powerful South African Oppenheimers who own each and everyone on the Forbes List of billionaires, ends up making all of them your enemies, but still you not only manage to stay alive but then God gifts you the most beautiful and smartest woman in the world whose only requirement is that you stay fighting fit in order to be her sex object?”

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Gomorrah, you didn’t ask me that obvious question.

Why is that?

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Gomorrah, everyone can see you are here.

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Your life is finished but you can’t just disappear without a trace.

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God keeps track of everything.

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It is very clever the Jewish expression, “I wish you long life” which Jewish people say to Jewish mourners who have lost a relative.

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I couldn’t think of anything worse in the world than a long life, unless you have lived a spectacular life like my mother Zena and my father Bernie.

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But you are not dead Gomorrah, and I wish you from the bottom of my heart, the same with all my enemies including my 3 elder siblings and their murder coconspirators, not just a long life, but a very long life, and the world should know all your names.

You sent

@Milton Rene Mills, how are you doing getting through the 70 mutual friends?

I can give you a hand if you like. You just need to ask me politely.

You sent

Let me tell you how Oliver got to be in a position where with his God given good looks he inherited very young, 12 years of age, this most amazing villa but because it was not easy to find competent workers who wouldn’t create future work for themselves by doing half-ass jobs, he had to learn beginning at age 15 all the trades, electrician, carpenter, plumber, you name it.

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The inheriting part was easy but it was in God’s hands and it came with a very bloody story.

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While he was at school and his parents and one younger brother were at the villa whose purchase came with previous inherited monies from the mainland of France, again Paris, the Corsican mafia who played a most important role in getting the Israel Air Force off the ground

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decided to get rid of his father.

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His father had further aggravated the situation, and the French had never been liked because they had the money because they had the military might, the same as it has always been since caveman times, by getting political and obviously he wasn’t on the side of the Corsicans.

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BTW, in Corsica there are lots of roadside memorials and most of them are the result of being forced off the road; so you don’t want to piss off Corsicans.

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All they wanted was for the father and his family to get off the island, and they told him this in advance, but that didn’t work.

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So again, while Oliver was at school, the Corsicans showed up, tied up his father, mother and his younger brother and then they proceeded to place bombs on every structure that the father had built.

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BTW, nor was the father as skilled a construction worker as Oliver who even hired me, but never paid me, other than towards the end of my heavy labor work, he bought me a rugged pair of pants for me to wear the next time I worked for him for free.

Yes, we have been talking a lot over the past 24 hours with Oliver who is preparing for his retirement, but singularly focused for the moment on this new Russian love of his life.

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Gomorrah, are you sure you don’t want to give Oliver advice on the dangers of riding a mountain bike on rough mountain trails?

Why not at least a brocha-prayer that Oliver should say each time he has sex?

Gomorrah do you say a prayer to God before and/or after you have sex?

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To make absolutely sure that Oliver’s father got the message because time is also money to the Corsican mafia, right before leaving, and having placed the dozen or so high explosive bombs, they slapped his mother around, all this in front of his younger brother who never fully recovered.

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Upon leaving, the father and the father’s one policeman friend foolishly began to dismantle the bombs.

The first bomb didn’t go off.

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Gomorrah, do you have the imagination to figure what the heads of Oliver’s father and his policeman friend looked like after?

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The upside is that was ancient history, some 42 years ago during which time, Oliver has had no arguments with his father telling him how lacking was his construction skills.

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The chances of retiring very rich while he is still healthy, and he would be healthier if he was vegan without the important NO SOS [salt oil sugar] would be slim to none.

His father would have kept buying more and more real estate which Oliver would be responsible for both the construction and maintenance, and the arguments would be endless, just like it is with most all families where the inheritance monies are dangled at the end of the childrens’ noses.

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Gomorrah, you don’t remember your Messiah “Sneerson” [sic] giving you sermons how best to raise children do you?

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“Sneerson” [sic] was all about the money as the means to happiness because that is what the primary money source, SA Oppenheimers demand in order for them to stay loyal to their puppets.

You added Hennie Jansen to the group.

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@Hennie Jansen welcome to ATOH.

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You and I are fb friends, but we have never communicated. Is that correct?

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What can you tell us about yourself?

Have you heard of Gomorrah or @Solly Krok?

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After catching up with the rest of the group are you keen to visit Corsica?

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I just looked at your fb profile.

You are a Property Borker at eXp South Africa.

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Let’s give everyone a bird’s eye view of the rest:

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Former National Facilities Manager at Public Investment Corporation

Worked at Growthpoint

Studied at InterNACHI

Went to Pretoria Technical High School (P.T.H.S)

Studied at University of the Free State

Lives in Centurion, Gauteng

From Centurion, Gauteng

You sent

We have 33 odd mutual friends.

Would it be too much to ask you to provide a feed of ATOH to all 33 and have them forward the feed to all their fb friends until such time as we reach all 2+ billion fb subscribers?

You sent

Hennie, in all your education and work experience since have you encountered a monopolist such as Charles W. Engelhard Jr. and Harry Oppenheimer dictating terms?

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Hennie, be sure to let me know when you are ready to hear why the foundation of Lloyd’s of London only makes sense if you support dictatorship rule?

You sent

Let me simply say this.

Long before my best friend, South African born, Jewish Derrick Beare bought the most expensive house in London back in 2016 for $242 million, and I take it he never moved in, and very possibly never spent a night enjoying the comforts, I turned down Llold’s of London’s offer to join the world’s oldest and most exclusive Old Boys Club.

You sent

That was in 1987 when Derrick Beare and I lived directly next door to each other in a 6 unit apartment building I bought in Santa Monica, California and fronted for Derrick the $20K for his 20% share because Derrick didn’t have the cash on hand at the time.

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Hennie, just to tell you how much $20K meant to Derrick Beare at the time, it is what he would spend on a round trip between Los Angeles and London without blinking an eyelid.

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But bear in mind $20K back in 1987 could also allow you to spend a night out on the town in Hollywood going from one fancy restaurant to the next, just so long as you didn’t go overboard in tipping.

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Our conversations were not so much about me advancing the monies as much as Derrick just wanted to live right next door to me because we simply got along great.

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As time went on we got along even greater.

Moreover, he gave up his spectacular Japanese style house to move into the building that was nothing fancy other than it was greatly engineered and constructed, all thanks to me finding the owner who wasn’t selling but Czechoslovakian Ivo Stoka and I got along great at our first meeting and he agreed to sell me the property without me even doing a walkthrough.

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What I liked most besides for me quickly realizing that Ivo is a very competent, meticulous engineer, is that 5 of the 6 units where empty, and they had never been lived in, despite Ivo completing construction in 1977, a decade before.

In other words, all the carpeting, all the bathrooms, all the kitchens only had natural entropy to contend with, and every so often Ivo would go around with a vaccum.

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His engineering and construction skills were proven in the big earthquake back in 94, I believe, when I was mostly advising the great uncle of member @Alexis Apperson Hearst @Alexis Hearst, Randolph Apperson Hearst [1915-2000], the last surviving offspring of the original media mogul, William Hearst; and Randolph was now Chairman of the Board of Hearst Corporation, the richest private company in the world, second only to SA Oppenheimers-INVESTEC who don’t need to money to negotiate a deal to their liking, given their command and control of Wall Street-Saudi Arabia-Putin.

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Hennie, did you notice that when I mention the word “vacuum” I didn’t provide instructions on how to build a watch to tell the time.

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Hennie, do you know how to tell the time?

If so what is the time in South Africa?

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Besides for having a good time with Derrick who had many girlfriends and I only had one, my focus was delaying accepting the Lloyd’s of London offer which if I turned it down, it would have meant that my main client at the time, George Nordhaus

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who was the biggest American “name” at Lloyd’s of London would take it as a personal affront and would quickly seek to replace me, which wouldn’t be the end of the world because I was just 30 years of age, and I knew that I wasn’t dumbest person in the world because I had yet to meet Gomorrah.

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I had though, known the Essakow brothers since we were kids and the Essakow brothers and Gomorrah are of room temperature IQ, hard to tell the difference.

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At the time Derrick Beare was just learning the ropes of the realtor real estate game which didn’t mean he was a fool, just simply he was learning the utter nonsense of real estate investing when the minerals market is a monopoly.

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Consequently, I didnt call on Derrick’s assistance to help me decide on this Lloyd’s invitation.

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Hennie, I think you would agree that when you talk to someone about something that they can’t contribute towards, you are also wasting their time.

Friends should never do that.

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The reason Derrick Beare and myself were best friends is because neither of us talked shit to each other.

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Who here feels their lover or best friend or most trusted business partner most often talks shit, and you wonder what the fuck are you doing with such a fuckhead other than both of you are making money together?

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BTW, for those of you who haven’t walked in Rome, if you can walk the streets of Rome in your shoes, you can walk anywhere.

Tell me if you have come across in any tripadvisor type website such good information.

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All I was concerned about was making the right decision about the invitation given that if it was the wrong decision then it would negatively impact my future earning ability because I would have to explain it all to people like Randolph Apperson Hearst who liked very much how I went about doing my due diligence without bringing attention to the world’s best kept secret, there is no competition when the minerals market is a monopoly?

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Hennie, have you yet read what Elon Musk’s father, @Errol Graham Musk tasked me with?

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When I arrived in London in the spring of 1987, I discussed with my mother Zena

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the best course of action; and we decided that I should give multibillionaire, Jewish South African Donny Gordon a call, which I did.

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Who here hasn’t heard of Donald Gordon.

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Not to mention who here has not remembered to count all the times @Jeffrey Essakow wrote “u” in his physically threatening speech?

August 23

Aug 23, 2023, 4:18 PM
