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A Test of Humanity [ATOH] – 21


Screenshot: 10:23 AM France time, 19 October 23


Today at 4:15 AM

4:15 AM

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Title: Violent 

He who advocates Crypto bullshit, advocates war on the poor; it is 100% inflation.

Free money for guns-real estate.

No conscience.


Title: Share the cow 

How could a little army like Hamas create such chaos?

How could they let it happen?

It would have been much easier just to have the Palestinians live in comfort. 

What was the intention in the purposeful lack of attention?

Today at 5:16 AM

5:16 AM



@Gary Gevisser  the answer is in their name, look up in the Torah hamas and see what it means. Then you will understand what these animals are.


5:28 AM

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Until you consider them human beings they won’t change.

Moreover, Goymorrah,  how would you describe your sickness, “”I think that you may have been molested as a child and it may have been from some animal who claimed to be a Rabbi. Am I correct?” ?

It is all manipulation of poor people.

Goymorrah, did you forget, do you agree God created livelihood and/or money?

What good do you think I have done?


5:33 AM

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All manmade books to fool the innocent, fragile minds.


5:35 AM

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@Shneur Reti-Waks did you ever receive a written apology from Goymorrah and the rest of ChaBAD sic cult?

Today at 6:06 AM

6:06 AM

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Care to comment Goymorrah or @David Levy or rabbi @David Masinter or rabbi @Larry Shain ?

You sent

Today at 6:25 AM

6:25 AM

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How Jewish American pedophiles hide from justice in Israel


6:39 AM

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Goymorrah, can you talk to this?

Four babies got herpes from ‘oral suction’ at their circumcisions


Four babies got herpes from ‘oral suction’ at their circumcisions


6:40 AM



Hi Gary. How did Hamas waltz right past the most heavily guarded and monitored border in the world?  Was Mossad standing down for some reason?

Today at 6:56 AM

6:56 AM

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Goymorrah, don’t be distracted by @Tommy Simpson flailing as even room temperature IQ you know he does not care how many wives and affairs Elon Musk has, because like you Simpson is traumatized beyond repair about the manipulated money placed in the hands of Musk, Thiel, Sacks, Bezos, Soros, Trump, Hamas, Bill Gates Jr, Marc Rich, @Ivan Glasenberg [etc] who are laughing at all of you and which is easy to find in The Diamond Invention book that is so in your face, it isn’t funny.

Instead Gomorrah tell us where in the Torah should I look up this dirty circumcision ritual practiced by ultra Orthodox Jews whose unhealthy looks and behavior are the furthest removed from what it means to be Jewish, because all you have done is hijack the common sense virtues of Judaism and replaced it with the blind faith of the Roman Catholic Church who also provide fertile ground for pedophiles.

Today at 7:15 AM

7:15 AM

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@Tommy Simpson does it occur to you that you should be paying for being a member of my group chats-focus groups even though they are exposing you?

There isn’t anything like it, not even in the Bible.

Again, just because the human world has shown it is not good, does not mean God is bad or stupid.

If you are stupid, you can’t expect to be smart enough to know beyond the fact that you are stupid.


7:18 AM

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Goymorrah, would you agree that you are the animal you last ate?


7:18 AM



I’m over the realization and shock of how money is distributed  

I would love to pay for your words of enlightenment but alas I am but a poor fool.

As for the Torah and Bible it’s best to let those dead things go. What truth or meaning they may have held is long since gone.

Today at 7:39 AM

7:39 AM

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Simpson, you are lying.

You are not over the shock that Elon Musk and company continue to laugh at you and why instead of telling him who is the highest paid promoter of Cryptos you lash out pitifully that he has 3 failed marriages, all the while you are just a financially poor womanizer.

The question you should have for yourself and God, is whether you were born a loser.

The 2 important lessons my most enlightened mother Zena taught me and my 3 elder siblings is the Cow story and you make your luck in your previous lifetime.

Btw, I couldn’t be happier than the lover I was gifted for the past 30 years as both our bodies and minds have held together better than anyone else we know.

Get off social media and focus instead on finding a beautiful lover and even if you don’t succeed which is highly unlikely because like Goymorrah and the rest of the clowns including my 3 elder siblings, you look like a born loser, the journey you begin to take now can only improve your luck on the next go around.


7:42 AM

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Goymorrah, can you authenticate this dirty, sick practice by your sick fuck rabbis who give the Jewish people such a bad name?

Why aren’t the other rabbis speaking out?

Rabbi @Abner Weiss what is wrong with you?


Local rabbi accused of infecting babies with herpes

You forwarded a video [from Tushqa Manish Chawdhry]


7:47 AM



I have the most lovely woman in the world. As for Elon and his confederacy of dunces, I could care less what depravity they indulge. 

I’m the pinnacle of health and happiness. Blessed are the poor Gary. You should become more childlike if you wish to enter the gates of heaven.


7:48 AM


Here we are on your kinfolks island at an eyes wide shut party.


Did you know that a man without a beard is like a woman without a beard.

Today at 8:24 AM

8:24 AM

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Born Loser @Tommy Simpson  you are done.

You are publicly humiliated with your nonsense attack on Elon Musk who you resent like hell his laughing at imbeciles like yourself.

It couldn’t get weaker intellectually attacking someone who you wish you could have such a harem and enough money to keep adding until finally biting the dust.

You have no more spirituality than Musk who has none, but he is a good engineer and promoter to the common herd that you and your kinsman Goymorrah so well represent.

What besides for your anger at Musk prevented you from illuminating his inflation war on the poor with Cryptos?

Man you shouldn’t be talking war, or money or politics or history or religion if you don’t understand how Cryptos on a fast track to permanently wipe out the poor, came about.

You have had ample time to redeem yourself.

Now you are about to be tossed out in wilderness to ponder your future fate as I see it; either a stinkbug or a lizard who when sunning themselves on a rock look like they are doing push-ups and upon the first sign of danger dash.

Should you wish to return, you will have to tell me how much you are willing to pay upfront and then I will consider your offer.

Focus though on getting better luck.

You added Tushqa Manish Chawdhry to the group.

Today at 8:43 AM

8:43 AM

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@Tushqa Manish Chawdhry, welcome to ATOH.

You are to be commended on alerting me to this macabre ritual of the mindless Jewish rabbis who prey on weak Jewish people who don’t know their history because all they look at are their vile interpretations of Torah.

That doesn’t mean all Christians, Muslims, atheists and opportunist agnostics are all good.

In less than a minute I will be removing future lizard-stinkbug @Tommy Simpson who earlier was telling us that he was off to Rome, but of course it isn’t even in his dreams because this drama Queen is hellbent on distracting and getting attention.

Btw, Simpson, after Rome which despite its spectacular ancient sites is only worth visiting if you have a great sex life because the smog is a killer and which Elon Musk could have long fixed were it not for the ball and chain Crypto Czar Nicholas Oppenheimer has attached to his neck which Elon could eliminate in an instant were it not for his oversized ego, all the result of his bad parents and of course his fate was determined in the previous life, you have to cross over to beautiful island Corsica.

Here you might find a beautiful Italian or Scandinavian woman, but more likely a Corsican who defied the Nazis, not one Jewish person was sent to the gas chambers and they had the Nazi French General Philippe Pétain with a sword hanging over their necks.

But they are a little more hot blooded. You’ve got to watch them with the knife, and their witch’s spell. Otherwise they are okay.


8:52 AM

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@Tommy Simpson it is more than a minute and that is because you are not a priority, the same with Goymorrah and all the others distracting while knowing what is the right thing to do.


8:55 AM

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What your mind can’t resolve is why it is only me explaining the lunacy of the wars and the poverty while those who mostly push paper to make paper money “receives” [sic] the lion’s share of the wealth which they are allowed to pass down to their children as though it is by Divine Right.

It is also clear in your minds that were it not for me these most important truths would never be revealed.

Moreover, the proof is your vile, macabre manner towards me and my mother Zena which your obviously derive the greatest pleasure.

It doesn’t matter to me if the entire world follows in your ugly path you have all chosen.

I know what my blessings are and they cannot possibly be greater than knowing, seeing every moment in the beauty of my surroundings that God exists.

The loud sounds of the waves just below pushing the fresh cool air holding back the warm air the sun is speaking to no less, is simply almost unimaginable.

Compound that with the physical sight of the most perfect proportioned female body, long straight legs, it is much better than dying and going to heaven.

To have no doubt about the existence of God without having to do drugs and alcohol, forget nonsense shrooms, unless I guess if you were a neglected kid, is not something religion comes close to offering.

Go ahead @Tommy Simpson shoot off your last poison tipped arrow.


9:08 AM

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A dog crying ever so momentarily in the distance is now replaced by the tranquility of the waves 1f30a.png pushing the air, the perfect air conditioner.


9:14 AM

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Israel will flatten the Gaza Strip and MBS will provide the labor to rebuild it from the ground up and it costing all the world’s real estate speculators like The Coupon Clipper is Jack The Ripper realtor @Jeffrey Essakow, Derrick Beare, Bezos, Musk,Thiel, Sacks, Trump, Hunter Biden, Obamas, Clintons, Soros and the rest of the troublemakers not a single penny,plus they get to keep all their material possessions including land.
