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A Test Of Humanity [ATOH] 9


Screenshot: 7:29 PM Calif. time 18 June 23


10/12/20, 6:57 PM

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The Fish Rots From The Head Down


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October 12, 2020

10/12/20, 7:54 PM

Navneet forwarded an image




Michael Segal left the group.

October 12, 2020

10/12/20, 10:27 PM



Delphine Patricchi is unknown to me !


October 12, 2020

10/12/20, 11:17 PM



After checking   Delphine Patricci is a Facebook friend. Unknown physically.


October 13, 2020

10/13/20, 2:03 AM



But since i was the owner of an important hotel in the city where she live she know me better.



October 13, 2020

10/13/20, 2:46 AM



To all my contact ,please sign this petition against French justice’s corruption”

Signez la pétition



October 14, 2020

10/14/20, 2:53 PM

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I would like everyone, including those not members of ATOH but who receive backups not only of the content, but both current and departed members, to focus for as long as they can on the relationship between technology, those who control it, and the extraordinary misuse, abuse caused by the spending of the earth’s resources.

Perhaps not all of you are aware that Mark Zuckerberg-Facebook recently announced that their monthly subscriber base just passed 2.7 billion.

There is could reason to believe that Wikipedia, given their stated sources plus common sense, have got it pretty much right when stating, “It took over 2 million years of human history for the world’s population to reach 1 billion,[4] and only 200 years more to reach 7 billion.[5]”




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Im not quite sure why it is that the New York Times feature story of 19 March 1989, HARRY OPPENHEIMER’S EMPIRE: GOING FOR THE GOLD appears as a link above the human population graph, and maybe it is only on my screen, and that probably came about because in drafting this post I do focus on that article, and so should the world, because it is that important.

More important in my opinion than all the nonsense elections including this upcoming one here in the United States or what  @Figadere Jean refers to earlier as “an important hotel”.



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Also, “… could reason” should read, “There is good reason …”.


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Presently I am also writing to the most celebrated heir of the Proctor & Gamble dynasty, @Foster Gamble with whom I share 4 “mutual friends” as well as my former client, multi-billionaire South African @Solly Krok, and we have 34 “mutual friends”.

Moreover, at 2:50 PM Calif. time which was 14 minutes ago I messengered @Solly Krok who along with many others on my email list was included in the blind copy section of my last email broadcast to @Torah Gemach titled, “Great Depression” and we have yet to hear back from Gemach.

That communication will shortly be available on my BLOG.

Below is the communication to @Solly Krok who might still be up in South Africa or at least it appears that either he or his PR person who set up for him his Facebook account in an effort to drive small donors to his charity Keep The Wolf At The Door:

Solly, you may want to follow in real time my next posting on ATOH as well as my next fb message to Foster Gamble of the Proctor & Gamble dynasty who is not only a fb friend of mine and we share 4 mutual friends:

Elisabeth Nolson

8 mutual friends


Matt Imber

2 mutual friends


Ricky Zlotowitz

14 mutual friends


Stoney R. Harmon

70 mutual friends

but no less important he is a member of ATOH [A Test Of Humanity].


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Anything that is known to the SA Oppenheimers-Brenthurst Foundation-BASF-Monsanto-IG Farben-Barclays Bank-Deutsche Bank-Glencore-Ivan Glasenberg (successor to terrorist financier Marc Rich) is not a secret.


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Only Mark Zuckerberg would know for absolute certain what he knows is shared by Facebook with others.


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Let me repeat that piece of information, slightly different.


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Mark Zuckerberg would not know if his database is about to be hacked and/or if there is a mole in his organization who is leaking out private and confidential information.


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What Mark Zuckerberg knows like the rest of you is that privacy means only something to fools in a dictatorship which isn’t all bad so long as everyone understands what is going on.

When the plebes believe there is something more democratic going on when in fact a monopoly controls the mineral resources but hides their ownership only from the plebes, not from their puppet officials including the Presidents of countries like Israel, South Africa, France, Spain, Italy, Great Britain, United States etc as well as regulatory officials like NASD, US Federal Reserve, London Exchequer, South African Reserve Bank etc etc, then it is bad.


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Is everyone following along?


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Dictatorships were and are good for the winning side, just so long as you are not on the losing side.


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I also have a pretty good idea of most all of your formal schooling on the subject of history, economics, finance, law and political science, and it is all wrong.


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This I first know from my own schooling and the total lack of questioning by fellow students in both school and university because the goal of the students set by the administrators is to pass tests and fit in.


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Nor are those who choose not to fit in and are mostly an annoyance to the rest of students as they act out in their bid to be the biggest clown or more mindful decide to quietly quit school, get a job and be as far away from their idiot parents as they possibly can, any more knowledgeable.


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It is common sense but it is worth repeating the teacher of a self-taught person is a fool.


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So it is therefore extraordinarily difficult to get the right basic information because you first of all have to be born with common sense and then be so fortunate as to have two spectacular parents.


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Obviously both my mother Zena and my father Bernie are not to blame for my 3 elder siblings having no common sense; and I can’t say much about our cousins other than I can’t think of one of my close cousins who were born with either common sense or spectacular parents.


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It is the ego which trips up most and the big ego which Einstein illustrates


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propels the jealousy and greed into overdrive.


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My experience is also that once reaching the middle teenage years and you have failed to ask the right questions of your parents and teachers in high school, you are pretty much a lost cause.


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Remember, Mark Zuckerberg is not yet a member of ATOH.


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I now extend him a formal invitation to join us.


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Do I have a second?


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@Figadere Jean, @Steven Bailey, the two of you love more than anything else either to make a face or use the thumbs up or thumbs down, where are you?


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I am not going to assume that both of you have decided to leave your wives and tie the knot together, but that is always a possibility especially if you are not happy with your wife and instead of saying like most males who want a divorce, “She has rabies”, again better said in the language of love, French, maybe it is not only @Figadere Jean and @Steven Bailey who have the idea of holding on to their sexuality, or sexual preference, but telling the spouse you are really a homosexual at heart, stops a lot of heartache conversation and once settled in with your buddy who has chosen this path, you can cruise the local bars and if you find the right female partner with whom you want to start a new life, since no one really cares about anyone else, and so much has changed in the world around you, new President who doesn’t make a difference, new bank manager who doesn’t make a difference because all the banks are one and the same including the small local banks, you are now good to go.



October 14, 2020

10/14/20, 4:26 PM

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Nor is it enough to say the population growth has been exponential.


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You all will have heard at least once, “Content is everything” but it is wrong.


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In a dictatorship, the content is heavily censored.


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Let me share some of the horrors of South Africa for those of you not born and raised in mineral rich South Africa or who like @Figadere Jean came to South Africa when he was already with wife and child, able to read and write as well as consume slices of pig on his own without being force-fed, and being around 28 if not exactly 28 years of age back in 1966, seeking his fortune by taking full advantage like a great many of racially torn Apartheid South Africa and why he keeps ducking that most important question, “When did you find out that Harry Oppenheimer ran the show?” instead hopes to have you thinking by avoiding the question that it is not material, but each of you know it is very material and why you are quiet and not lending him support in his distraction attempts.


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Nor does that mean each of you have the same agenda to share the knowledge as best you can because that is currently the last thing you have in mind.


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Mark Zuckerberg on the other hand has the greatest medium on the planet to instantly bring about a peaceful revolution which is the last thing groups who profit from chaos such as Green Peace, The Venus Project, the ACLU, Doctors Without Borders, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the Brenthurst Foundation, Amnesty International as well as those of you who have your own charities running in impoverished regions of the world where the goal is to get free vacations because they are all tax write-offs as well as additional vacation and if not additional residences then to purchase additional speculative real estate where you know you cannot lose because you have an inside track on where the next hot spot of violence is going to occur and which will end up looking like Aleppo, Syria and instead of going to the government for monies to level the properties fully to the ground, the government sends in demolition teams and never having to worry about survivors returning to reclaim their homes as Dutch Jewish people did when returning from the death factories which the non-Jewish Dutch never expected and so the government of Holland along with the Nazi Dutch Royal Family imposed on this impoverished, shell-shocked, often times sole survivors the most despicable, merciless late payment penalty for failing to pay on their property rates during their incarceration.



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Now Im not going to get into the business of the non-Jewish Dutch East India and Dutch West India Company or for that matter the most honorable Jewish person Asser Levy who was probably born in Vilnius, Lithuania and I have yet to determine when he was born and all I could find was again on Wikipedia that he died in 1682, just 30 year after the Dutch quack Jan van Riebeeck settled the Cape of South Africa and quickly built a fort, and that is because I will be covering that with @Foster Gamble.


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Again groups like the aforementioned, Green Peace, as well as Peace Corp, Organization for Economic Cooperation & Development [OECD] Sierra Club, desire a lifestyle for their officials and employees and the best know that the way to the top is not always to tell your incompetent boss to shape up or get out, something I have never been shy to do.


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Keeping perspective of time and events can be achieved with graphs and Im not talking about Feynman’s diagrams which are as spectacular as his delivery.

Did any of you notice in his “Quantum Mechanical View of Reality 2” how brilliantly he dealt with that annoying interrupter with what seemed like an Indian accent?

Feynman took what appears to be a very small class and the world on the most extraordinary educational light journey.


Richard Feynman: Quantum Mechanical View of Reality 2


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Feynman’s mathematical calculations apply to all situations WITHOUT exceptions.

His modesty is breathtaking.


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Can you imagine if he was a beautiful woman, there isn’t a man who wouldn’t want to fuck her.


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The fact that Feynman was known to be very promiscuous in his youth does not mean he battled to get laid.


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Why isn’t Feynman better known than Einstein is because Feynman was that spectacular.


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Surely most of you know that he solved the Space Shuttle Challenger disaster and if you don’t, it is never too late to stop learning.


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When I shared my “content” with publisher Randolph Apperson Hearst [1915-2000] back in early 1994, I wasn’t thinking about whether Mark Zuckerberg was going to become a world class Fencer  because I had never heard of him but I did know the media business which is “content” driven.


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Even President Putin knows that the truth resonates with the people even if all we hear about Putin these days is when he kills someone.


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The App business is huge and so is the money business which is much larger.


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This you all know because money drives every decision you make outside of sex and going to the bathroom which you have control over by what you eat and drink whereas sex is only great if you are in great health.


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So given how strong is the sex drive why isn’t it first nature to be as healthy as possible?


October 14, 2020

10/14/20, 5:28 PM

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As most of you know from the one video of my mother Zena

filmed at the King David Hotel in Jerusalem on September 2, 2016, my mother comments, “He doesn’t talk to me about sex” but that doesn’t mean my mother was unaware that I heard most all her lectures on sex to her Charm School pupils given how my bedroom was above her studio and the air-conditioning duct was right next to one of the opium chairs my mother imported from China.

When you have a mother who was also like you a “late talker” and that wonderful attribute is not known to pass through the genes because it is so rare, you don’t have to speak much if at all to know what the other is thinking.

The hatred felt by the unaccomplished towards the accomplished is not a new thing but it is still not good for your soul to have wished bad things for me and my mother.

Each of you know exactly what you have done wrong and you also know it is impossible to correct that wrong during the remainder of this lifetime; and so it is only natural that you think this life is a one time event.

You can only wish you had a mother so centered who would say about sex, “It is the most important thing in the whole world.”

My mother Zena’s most gentle touching of my hand and then tapping is like being caught in a rat trap.


Zena Gevisser + Marie Dion – The addiction – King David Hotel, Jerusalem; Sept. 24, 2016


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No Hollywood actress could play my mother as well as my mother.


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Each of you know that however well you scored in an IQ test, you cannot be that intelligent to have missed the total absurdity of the GDP economic index even if you are not a formally schooled economist.


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Every economist on the other hand knows that they are a bloody fool.


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All that can save them are the vestiges of humanity that may lie deep within.


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The study of economics and finance was a total farce from the very beginning.


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The only thing that made any sense was the double entry accounting system which was fully violated when the idiot lawyer, President Abraham Lincoln introduced the Green Back in 1861 right when the American Civil War was now underway.


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So lets get back to the population graph which ends with total catastrophe of 15.6 billion in the year 2100 or a reduction down to 7.3 billion.


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These are pretty good actuaries who are coming up with these hugely divergent numbers.


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There are a great deal of unknowns contributing to that huge disparity and they the unknowns do not include a nuclear war catastrophe and figuring out whether it was an act of war or accident doesn’t matter once the world is destroyed.


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Towards the latter part of the 80s I had the opportunity to “pick the brain” of a young, but seasoned actuary who we had hired from the premier actuarial firm Tillinghast who may still be around. Kurt was his first name.

I was actually opposed to hiring him because there was nothing he brought to the table that we couldn’t have got for free from our many relationships with the premier insurance companies around the world, but the founder of the company like the idea of having an actuary on board and it impressed no one other than founder.

Again, it is not only this group who suffer from big ego, little knowledge.

Once getting my head around the mathematics needed to predict how long people were expected to live, because we were starting, against my better instincts to get into the life insurance business, I figured the life expectancy of us humans going forward was zero.


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There was nothing wrong with my calculations, only that a mysterious force which I couldn’t get my head around had prevented it from happening.


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Nor could I in good conscience start collecting life insurance premiums from individuals without sharing with them that my calculations showed not only that we should have all been dead but with each passing moment the risk of nuclear catastrophe was rising exponentially.


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Moreover, back then the opposition to nuclear weapons development was still fairly strong.


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Today it is not existent and that fact of life was shared with me on June 25, 2013 by the principal economist for the Nuclear Energy Agency housed within the OECD headquartered in Paris France; and nor has Dr. Geoffrey Rothwell Phd who prior to joining the NEA in early 2013 was the senior lecturer for economics at Stanford University for 27 years.

Nor did I need to check Rothwell’s calculations because there weren’t any. He simply pointed me to websites of opposition groups to nuclear weapons development and they didn’t go anywhere.

I am now being called to play soccer with our doggy Mango.



You added a participant to the group.

October 15, 2020

10/15/20, 8:03 PM






October 16, 2020

10/16/20, 1:13 AM



Thumbs up sign


October 16, 2020

10/16/20, 9:31 AM



Thumbs up sign



October 16, 2020

10/16/20, 8:09 PM





You removed Navneet Godhaniya from the group.

October 17, 2020

10/17/20, 1:38 PM

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Buddhism has not shown to be helpful in getting humankind, the oxymoron of all time to think anywhere close to clearly.

Nothing is more transparently ugly than the GDP economic index other than all the ugly human’s response.

All forms of racism, bigotry, hatred towards any peoples who are different should end in the next instant once the rest of the world know how stupid is all your reaction to the truth of the GDP and how easy it was for the SA Oppenheimers and their shills-informers like President Franklin D Roosevelt and Hitler to implement.

The greater miracle which will have the human more humble in the future is how this total irrational thinking escaped all your attention since its formal introduction in 1934.

Even the dumbest of you must wonder how it is possible to hold on to your sanity, while depending on the next person to keep this travesty to the planet a secret.

Notice how none of you are feeling all that generous with each other in sharing the loot you have grappled hold of.

Equally funny is how today the heirs of the oil tycoon J D Rockefeller are saying “no” to fossil fuels and furthermore advising that investing in fossil fuel exploration is not a “sustainable business” enterprise, and because they are so wordy and you all just love 


 to death the rich and famous, the Rockefeller heirs have said nothing about giving up their inheritance or lifestyles and you all just lap up the entertainment.

Your lives are just about being entertained, obviously.

Still you have to live the remainder of your long lives at least thinking from time to time why you were deprived of the common sense to laugh at the GDP when you first heard about it as well as the arming of Nazi Germany because you were just too busy thinking about making money without first seeking an alliance with the SA Oppenheimers who run the show.

The proof that they run the show is that not one of you can argue with the findings of Professor Edward Jay Epstein’s The D I book.

The great part as we wait for more response from @Figadere Jean and @Delphine Praticci whose schism could go viral in the next instant given how impossible it is that the GDP index wasn’t declared at the very start a joke just to amuse all the out of work to distrust their fellow man and place their faith in the SA Oppenheimers’ governments, is that nothing prevents any of you including Mark Zuckerberg from calling it a day.


A contact left the group.

October 18, 2020

10/18/20, 10:44 AM

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@Gillian Berger, I’m trying to add you to my group chat TITWII (Tell It The Way It Is) but I can’t yet see the photo you use here next to the names of the other Gillian Bergers on Facebook. Have you placed a block?

I was just talking about your nephew @Gary Levinsohn who just minutes ago left TITWII but remains with us on ATOH.

Below is what followed immediately after Levinson’s departure:

My third cousin Gary Levinsohn who defrauded my first cousin Nigel Gevisser in a Ponzi scheme before going on under the Peter Principle to co-produce with the sellout Steven Spielberg the 1998 blockbuster movie Saving Private Ryan, just left without this bigmouth gangster saying a word.


You added a participant to the group.

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After adding @Nigel Gevisser to TITWII, I posted up:

@Nigel Gevisser, how long are you and your sister @Karene Fisher going to stick around this time?


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Then following the above I wrote on TITWII:

Added Steven Spielberg’s sister @Nancy Spielberg who produced the heavily flawed movie Above and Beyond; another attempt at rewriting history.


A contact left the group.

October 18, 2020

10/18/20, 12:00 PM

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Apple employee Andres Allen Funes left


You added Sriharikrishna Ganta to the group.

You added Penelope L. Venardos to the group.

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Just added @Sriharikrishna Ganta and @Penelope L. Venardos who have been participating in a Facebook discussion on the achievements and failings of Sir Richard Attenborough.


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Apple employee Andres Allen Funes left




Please I have no time for playing. I dont know why you speak of schisme. As I told you I have a lot of very good friends who are Jewish. Thats why I was hurted by your words when you said he was against all the Jewish people. Tolerance and brotherhood is the best way to build a better world. Nevertheless I appreciated Jean when speaking with him. I dont think his interest is to lie to me when saying he s not antisemite as you say. I really dont know what you expect.  Have Nice time.


You sent

I’m sure you all know how to figure out who hides their name when leaving the group; but just in case, scroll back up to when they were added as I tend to name all who are added.


A contact left the group.

October 18, 2020

10/18/20, 12:25 PM

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After vomiting her nonsense Delphine Praticci left.


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On Facebook messaging she just wrote to me “But I checked speaking with him and he said it wasnt true. So I guess he has no time to lie to me and no reason.”

Prior to that I asked Praticci:

“Didn’t you tell me that you unfriended Figadere?

What word would you have preferred I used?”


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Moreover, after a whole long song and dance Ms Praticci writes to me about duplicitous Figadère:

“I dont say I like him. I ve met him twice in a life and I dont know him very well.

I cant know. I cut my fb with him.

To prevent.

Is that Ok for you ?

It s late, I m going to sleep. Thank you for the conversation.”


You added a participant to the group.

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I added @Delphine Praticci back as she continues to write to me, way past her bedtime, on Facebook messaging.


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My last message to her reads:

Are you ready to give Figadere a mouthful or would you prefer to leave it up to me?




Antony Unruh left the group.

October 21, 2020

10/21/20, 3:45 PM

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How can you have such beauty against a backdrop of ugliness?


You added Antony Unruh to the group.

A contact left the group.

October 21, 2020

10/21/20, 9:00 PM

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How can there be such ugliness faced with such beauty!



Ian Scheckter left the group.

A contact left the group.

Penny Rey left the group.

A contact left the group.

Jonathan Gevisser left the group.

A contact left the group.

A contact left the group.

A contact left the group.

September 26, 2021

9/26/21, 5:18 PM

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A contact left the group.

Fay Pierides left the group.

October 17, 2021

10/17/21, 2:05 AM

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You added a participant to the group.

You added Shani Weltsman Moran to the group.

You added Dani Rakoff to the group.

You added a participant to the group.

You added Alexey Shumeyko to the group.

You added Fay Pierides to the group.

You added Beth Isaacs to the group.

You added April Gottlieb to the group.

You added Tommy Simpson to the group.

You added a participant to the group.

You added Steven Kofsky to the group.

You added Andrey Shumeyko to the group.

You added Kate Paige to the group.

You added Sofiaan Fraval to the group.

You sent

Title: Human not so kind

Is it that you and the rest feel powerless?

Are you complacent?

Are you indifferent?

Are you angry?

The top money makers are too busy making money and they don’t want to lose what they have, even on their death bed.

We are all on our deathbed. 

It is guilt and ego.

It all boils down to stupidity.

As bright as they think they are, they stop learning.

They are not going to change.

They know the planet is being destroyed; multiple species are being extinct every day.

The time on this planet is getting shorter and shorter for humankind not so kind.


October 21, 2021

10/21/21, 12:03 PM

You sent

GemACH sic, spoke up on The Lady’s Speech observers on fb symposium just earlier:

9:56 AM California time

@Torah Gemach:

So what is your point on the True statement? Do you have a rock solid plan and solution to reverse this or are you just saying?

11:57 AM

Gary S Gevisser:

Title: Get on the boat 

GemACH sic, I think, overpopulation is the biggest problem that has to be tackled.

Then everybody has to be vegan. 

It is cleaning up the planet.

Then the mineral resources have to be monitored so that there is no waste.

Everyone is on the same boat.

The GDP is no longer an issue. Competition will weed itself out. Without GDP you will have the best product/s that do the least harm to humans and other species we share the planet; and people are no longer running like rats after the money.

It is more of an enlightenment towards the betterment and caring.



October 21, 2021

10/21/21, 1:37 PM

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How long can you swim?


October 23, 2021

10/23/21, 1:41 PM

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You removed a participant from the group.

You removed Dani Rakoff from the group.

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You removed Torah Gemach aka Benzion going around the bend and Dani Rakoff aka 


 RATcoff sic from the group.


A contact left the group.

Sofiaan Fraval left the group.

December 5, 2021

12/5/21, 10:17 AM

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It’s a loss of gain if you give something free.

It’s a weird mentality.

Gain for what, to do what?



A contact left the group.

Martin Goldblatt left the group.

A contact left the group.

March 14, 2022

3/14/22, 2:32 PM

You sent

What if it was now the end of the world, would it change your behavior?

It is an important question, what have you accomplished with your life?


March 14, 2022

3/14/22, 7:58 PM

Penelope L.


Fuck you!


You sent

Nice. Amazing the language. It is 20:02


You sent

@Penelope L. Venardos can you articulate better what stirred you?


Penelope L.


As the Ukrainians say to Putin, go fuck yourself.  So what about the time, you sent me the text first.   

Stop texting me!


You sent

Im not texting you. Why don’t you simply remove yourself.

Do you use language like this when speaking with your husband and children?


Penelope L. Venardos left the group.

You sent

I will ask again, what if it was now the end of the world, would it change your behavior?


You added Martin Krok and Martin Goldblatt to the group.

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You added cousin Martin Goldblatt and Martin Krok to the group.


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Martin Krok left the group.

Steven Bailey left the group.

September 8, 2022

9/8/22, 7:01 AM

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Title: To face a father who praises evil 

South Africa can breed the best and the worst, all in the same family.

Your father revealed himself in his praise of the evil, murderous, racist John Vorster and P W Botha Apartheid Regime. 

(Word count 42)




Andrey Shumeyko left the group.

February 5

Feb 5, 2023, 10:21 PM

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Just question [Word count 42]

Does anyone recall who said that all scripture of the major religions, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam is the  “word of God”?

Why have the atheists been quiet for 2500 years?

Is everyone remiss, proof of God?

Mass Psychosis Of Stupidity?



Billy Maggard left the group.

February 8

Feb 8, 2023, 2:40 PM

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Billy Maggard left


February 8

Feb 8, 2023, 2:56 PM

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@Solly Krok, back on Tuesday, 24 Nov. 2020, some 806 days ago, you sent me the following email:

Gary yes   A mind set is worse than a sickness or Self-delusion is worse than an illnesses. 


It is dangerous to cling to ones imagination and illusions, because one acting in such a manner is not perceived as being ill; therefore, no effort is made to heal him as is done when an illness is recognised.


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Those 57 odd words are pretty good if one was speaking with someone like Noam Chomsky at the “top of his game”, and for you a 91 year old, it is not bad.


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Then again someone like MIT Professor Noam Chomsky is really just a talker who hasn’t really accomplished much in his life, other than distract the youth into thinking that their is virtue in moving up the ranks of academia, the new corrupt church.


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To put things in their rightful perspective it is necessary to provide context to your very mindful words.

The link below takes you to those writings of yours along with the thread that preceded:

To access the full text you need to input the password: cling

In due course I plan to remove the password making it available to the general public, not only members of my facebook group chat-symposiums.


You sent

Earlier today I began sending out the following 131 odd word message to select Facebook friends, starting with those who don’t know me as well as you:

Did you see my post on my wall, Just question?

If so what do you think of both the religious and those who couldn’t bother never having asked, “Who said?”?

There have been about 120 billion humans from when the likes of Lucy first began walking upright some 2 million years ago when there weren’t as many universities including those that are online today.

I’m sure you are familiar with the works of Plato (424 – 349 bc) who was around at the time the Jewish Torah-5 Books of Moses were already complied during Babylonian captivity 6th Century BCE, and nor were they hidden alongside the Dead Sea Scrolls; and yet not close to the right question and nor was Plato stupid.

How smart would you consider any of the philosophers since?




Plato speaks of Atlantis.


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@Solly Krok, for all I know you could have passed on and it wouldn’t surprise if none of your children decided that I would be the last to find out.



Or Socrates that is.




Heidegger and Spinoza are worth noting.


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@Tommy Simpson, I established a long time ago that you are both an idiot and a dishonorable person.

I will now remove you.




Of course you will.


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You can write to me via email  and if I think it is worth publishing I will do so.


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Yes @Solly Krok who in a million years would think I would give the time of day to an imbecile, needy person such as @Tommy Simpson.


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But then all of us smart know that there are no coincidences in life, just like there are no mistakes.


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But one also has to discard “bad cards” at some point.


You sent

Much like you are the company you keep.


You sent

Again, the order of the universe is beyond remarkable and religion only messes up the thinking, but that is the purpose of religion.


You sent

For the first uranium 231 atom to release itself before there is a chain reaction, is again more than a remarkable accomplishment; and without nuclear bombs we wouldn’t know how incredibly stupid is the human specie; again, @Tommy Simpson is just one example.


You sent

@Solly Krok you also know that I didn’t think all that highly of your children and you would expect that at least one of them were as smart as you.

Lauren shows promise but then she got old and wanted to marry someone rich before her good looks disappeared or worse yet started the path of madonna who instead of simply keeping quiet is now telling everyone that you can’t talk about women.


You sent

Your other daughters I was being kind when calling them ugly.


Tommy replied to you

Original message:

For the first uranium 231 atom to release itself before there is a chain…


Nice projection Gary


You sent

@Sharon Krok Feuer would you agree with that?

Sharon, how come you have blocked me on fb messaging and yet you remain a member of this group chat-symposium as well as Name Someone Stupid?


Tommy replied to you

Original message:

Your other daughters I was being kind when calling them ugly.


Are you under the impression that you are attractive?


You sent

@Tommy Simpson how come you are on social media 24/7 and eager to get an audience?




@Gary Gevisser Do you realize how physically weak you are?  do you realize how angry you are?


Tommy replied to you

Original message:

@Tommy Simpson how come you are on social media 24/7 and eager to get an audience?


I didn’t add you to groups. You added me.


You sent

@Tommy Simpson, allow me to explain your psychosis and then you are free to leave.




Please do.


You sent

Before I do so, and until I explain it eloquently, you @Tommy Simpson must agree to shut the fuck up, I would like to remind you @Solly Krok that today is the 21st anniversary of my attending the rather important 8 February 2002 board of meeting of the Wetherly Capital Group, whose principal financial banker, American Supermarket King, Ron Burkle provided President Bill Clinton, a graduate along with his Labor Secretary, equally mental midget Robert Reich, of the De Beers-Rhodes Scholar Class ’68 over in Oxfored, his first job after leaving the White House on 20 January 2001, 234 days prior to 9/11 when Clinton signed off on the treason pardon of Jewish Belgian-American terrorist financier Marc Rich, which I addressed  in my 4 articles that Israel’s most celebrated international English newspaper, Jerusalem Post began publishing 12 days later, 1 February 2001, and now 222 days prior to terrorist attack 9/11 which began in earnest the War On Terror.


You sent

@Solly Krok, I also want to remind you as well as your children, that back in the summer of 1989, when you were looking to hire someone to do a review of your international holdings, the name @Tommy Simpson was not the first name that came into your mind.


You sent

@Tommy Simpson, now lets move on to explaining your heavy duty psychosis which is not unique.

But before I provide that eloquent assessment, can you tell me if you have this nasty habit of interrupting people who are saying something very important that makes you most uncomfortable?




I have a habit of responding to questions about philosophers.


You sent

@Tommy Simpson since you bring up names of some of the ancient philosophers can you provide the exact text where they ask the question, “Who said God wrote Torah?” or “Who said God wrote the Christian Bible?” or “Who said God wrote the Koran?”


You sent

Bear in mind @Tommy Simpson I have not forgotten that I am still going to provide an eloquent explanation of your very weak mind that is in line with “People with little intelligence have great difficulty feeling stupid!”.


You added Errol Graham Musk to the group.

You added Martin Krok to the group.

You sent

You added Errol Graham Musk, father of Elon Musk to the group.

You added back @Martin Krok, Solly’s eldest son, probably the weakest thinker of all Solly’s children, other than his youngest son, Paul Krok and who compared to 4 daughters, all 4 daughters are geniuses.




Man wrote those books. Don’t ask foolish questions.


You sent

@Tommy Simpson, relax.


You sent

If necessary, take an overdose of valium so long as it under a medical doctors’s strict orders.


Tommy replied to you

Original message:

Bear in mind @Tommy Simpson I have not forgotten that I am still going t…


More project. A fool only sees other fools.


You sent

@Tommy Simpson, would you say that the Jewish Torah came before the Christian Bible as well as Koran?


You sent

@Tommy Simpson are you still here?


You sent

@Tommy Simpson, I get the sense that you are increasingly nervous.


Tommy replied to you

Original message:

@Tommy Simpson, would you say that the Jewish Torah came before the Chri…

Lol. No



Oh wait yeah obviously




The Abrahamic religions started with Judaism


You sent

Again @Tommy Simpson, you interrupted a very important discussion to write shit.



A curse upon the world



Monotheism is a disease




You are complicit


You sent

@Tommy Simpson, I know you are a fool because only a fool would be anti-Semitic.



I’m not anti semitic. Nice try




I’m anti authoritarian religions


You sent

But I love to debate anti-Semitic people more than anything in the world because you help teach others not only to be very pro Jewish but avoid fools such as you.




Anyone claiming they know where we come from or where we go when we die is a liar and should be vilified


You sent

After realizing that your nervousness had you giving the wrong answer, you then corrected your ignorance and agree that the Jewish Torah came before the Christian Bible as well as Koran?



Your religions are trash



I’m driving




I read it wrong pedant


You sent

@Tommy Simpson this is not Hyde Park Corner London where you can just throw whatever trash enters your head.


You sent

You are so reckless that you had to jump to distract while driving, placing others in harm way.


You sent

Wouldn’t you say that makes a total fuck head?



Silly man. There are no other





You sent

@Tommy Simpson, do you agree that not all Jewish people are as stupid as you?

For example would you consider Albert Einstein bright?




It’s known that the askenazi in general are second to northeast Asians in IQ


You sent

@Tommy Simpson you have helped us establish that your mind is such a mess that you would risk further injury to your brain while thinking shit and driving a vehicle at the same time.

Who was your teacher?


You sent

Did you know that the teacher of a self taught person is a fool?






You sent

Did nature write down “Who said God wrote the first scripture?”




I’m going to watch the sunset on the lake. You seethe for awhile. Talk soon buddy.


You sent

@Tommy Simpson, you are driving and you know you shouldnt be communicating with a third party until your head stops convulsing.


You sent

@Tommy Simpson of course you are paying even more attention now to what I have to say, and are simply looking for a way to prevent you from going totally crazy.


You sent

Before you jumped in here @Tommy Simpson you knew that you had no answer to my very important question, “Who said …?” 

Your ugly mind said, “Plato speaks of Atlantis”.


You sent

@Tommy Simpson those 4 words didn’t answer the question.

You then erupted into your bible, spewing out anti-Semitism.


You sent

@Tommy Simpson, @Martin Krok is a total genius compared to you.

Cousin @Martin Goldblatt pay attention, in part because you are first of all not that bright and second we will be circling back to the multinational trading conglomerate, The Moshal Gevisser Group of Companies [1910-1970] and its “asset stripping” by Jewish South African Natie Krisch which immediately brought to the surface the disunity of our families who couldn’t be more close-knit.







All your gibberish is meaningless compared to this.


You sent

@Emma Elliott Gevisser how are your mind doing your participation in the premeditated murder of my mother Zena and the theft of her estate?

By now you must be considering the long term implications of your wrongful actions which you would expect from such an orderly universe where the vast majority of the people are no less stupid than @Tommy Simpson.

@Emma Elliott Gevisser, your awakening moment should have taken place when you saw the video I took of my mother Zena on 23 September 2016 at 12:49 PM Israel time when I am reciting with my mother’s excellent participation Kipling’s IF; and the two rapacious rascals, you and my eldest brother Neil call at the exact moment we arrive at “and treat those two imposters …



February 8

Feb 8, 2023, 4:34 PM

You sent

Edit: …how is your mind doing since your participation in the premedidated murder of my mother …


You sent

Membership of ATOH – 8 Feb 23, 4:36 PM

Abner Weiss

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Alan Brivik

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Aline Shneier

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Amina Abdulbaki

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Anne Arenson Winter

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Ayala Weisel

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Binyamin Shifra Glickman

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Caroline Caro Ter Rabaliatti

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Cynthia Cindy Petit

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Duduzane Zuma

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Eric Gorven

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Errol Graham Musk

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Fay Pierides

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Foster Gamble

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Frances Poeggel

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Gary Gevisser


Gary Levinsohn

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Gillian Berger

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Glenda Werbel

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Harry Andreou

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Hedda Gevisser

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Hilary Hackner

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Hillary Mulholland

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Issy Fisher

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Ivan Oshry

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Ivan Strous

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Janice Levin Krok

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Jeffrey Essakow

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Jeffrey Robert Krinsk

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Jenny Arenstein – Friedman

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Jenny Feinstein

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Joel Fojas Mariano

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Jon Wood Wood

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Justine Gevisser

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Justine Musk

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Kate Paige

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Kathy Danziger

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Larry Winokur

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Lawrence Kushner

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Lee-Anne Dalley

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Lionel Edelman

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Lynne Karen Bentel

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M’Poyo Kasa-Vubu Justine

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Marcia Sapire Schlesinger

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Marcy Campbell Krinsk

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Mark Gevisser

Added by Steven Bailey

Mark Kromer

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Martin Goldblatt

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Martin Krok

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Mary Jane Schmidt

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Maxie Pohl

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Mel Gevisser

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Merrick Wolman

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Micha-el Frame

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Michael Gaviser

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Michelle B Dagan

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Mike Gibel

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Mutambi Ranwa

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Nancy Spielberg

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Neal H. Hurwitz

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Neil Resnick

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Nina Senčar

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Noreen Kane Steingold

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Odette Hauptfleisch

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Olga Zabludoff

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Peter Chait

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Peter Gevisser

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Peter Gevisser

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Peter Jolliffe

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Rajib Bhaumik

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Randy Powell

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Richard Friedman

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Rodney Smith

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Ronald Emerson

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Ronlynne Botha Benn

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Roy Essakow

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Roz Norris

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Russell Jacobson

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Sandra Schmaman-Wulfsohn

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Sanjay Kundu

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Sean Ferrari

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Shani Weltsman Moran

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Sharon Drummond

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Sharon Krok Feuer

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Shifra Glickman

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Sidney Lazarus

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Simon Jones

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Solly Krok

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Sriharikrishna Ganta

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Stephen Ross

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Steven David Sobol

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Steven Hurwitz

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Steven Kofsky

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Steven Norris

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Teri Lawton

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Terry Orman Gevisser

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Tokyo Sexwale

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Tomer Tene

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Tommy Simpson

Blocked  · Added by you

Tony Leon

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Tracy Tomson

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Trevor Abramson

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Trevor Goldberg

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Trevor Manuel

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Trevor Manuel

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Vera Dubin

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Vernon L. Smith

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Vincent Kenyani

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Warfield Fine Art

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Wendy Berkowitz-Henriksen

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You removed a participant from the group.

You removed a participant from the group.

You removed a participant from the group.

You removed a participant from the group.

You removed a participant from the group.

You removed a participant from the group.

February 8

Feb 8, 2023, 5:18 PM

You sent

Philosopher @Tommy Simpson, it is a simple question, “Who said …?”.

It is a question which stops both the religious and irreligious dead in their tracks.

You perfectly understood the question.

It so disturbed your mind that you had to take your mind off driving a vehicle to write totally off the subject,”Plato speaks of Atlantis” that is no less than writing, “3 blind mice” or “Gary, this is boring. Let’s talk about why with his back to the wall would President Zelenskyy bother to meet with airhead King Charles of England?”

Like any politician you then double down with your lies “Or Socrates that is” before writing more distraction. Why not have simply said, “Gary, take note that I am breathing air!”?

There are people who when caught in their lies that involve others are quick to say, “Just ignore them”.

All this time you are driving a vehicle, heading to a serene setting and you are filling up your mind with hating yourself that much more.

This wouldn’t be the first time you have cowardly thought, “I learned when becoming a politician to go on the offensive when all else fails”.

The truth all comes out in the end.

Your goal is to disrupt at any cost, without thinking of the ingeniously designed damage it does to your brain, making you that much more nervous.

That is not fun.

You don’t fool yourself when you make out that you are happy and a cool cat.

You are most happy doing bad to good people.

That means there is something mentally wrong with you and anyone who allows you to get away with it.

There are a great many lessons to be learned from how the intelligensia of the world including Noam Chomsky supported the heinous South African Apartheid Regime.

You are lying when you say, “I have a habit of responding to questions about philosophers”.

Not one of the philosophers you mentioned have asked that very important question which addresses first and foremost the very best argument that a non-believer, an athiest or an agnostic would present to a religious person.

The fact that there is no evidence of a religious person asking that important question goes to show that they are not that bright, to put it mildly.

It shows in fact that they are as reckless as the non-believers who hit up the youth with a whole bunch of mumbo chumbo philisophy leading to this mess in Ukraine which is all about dragging the carnage on as long as possible before the Central Banks introduce their brand of Cryptos and because the people are all about the money, airheads, they only care about getting more money printed out of thin air, and fighting over the money to the death, but that isn’t going to happen because every move by everyone will be monitored, end of all Freedom of Speech, like China.

Looks like Zelenskyy has thrown in the towel, but of course he is not the only person who can change their mind.

How did you go from not answering the important question which explains mass psychosis of stupidity to “… Judaism A curse upon the world”?

In what way am I complicit?

I never claimed anything in my question other than “Who said …?”

All philosophy stems from the smartest minds of their time.

There is no record that I am aware of where any philosopher or rabbi or priest or mullah or anyone talking truth-logic has asked their audience, “Who said we should believe what is written in religious text-scripture?”.

There would not be a single penny in funding religion or for that matter a stupid, corrupt politician.

It would end all the stupid people attending university other than for the sciences-engineering without a thought to how much money they would make.

The eloquent explanation of your psychosis of stupidity which is of a nature so grand one shouldn’t think it is smart to ignore anything with distraction, will follow once you say where you have identified either Plato, Socrates, Heidegger, Spinoza or Father Christmas, or anyone you can think of including yourself who have asked, “Who said …?”.

It is clearly not obvious.

The question makes even a dimwit like you who is driving to a beautiful sunset convulse with shit.


February 9

Feb 9, 2023, 12:09 PM


Hi @Gary Gevisser. Have you seen the new chatGPT?  Are you aware that it is a military operation and act of war against the masses?  Are you aware of it’s scope and capabilities?



Do you know what the end game is?




Your buddy Elon is in the thick of it.


You added a participant to the group.

You added Bree McCvegan to the group.

You sent

You added Jessica Van Dyk to the group.

You added Bree McCvegan to the group.


You sent


You added Nelson Guedes to the group.

You sent

Philosopher People [Pure Evil Organism Producing Liars Endless] @Tommy Simpson, tell us about Atlantis and its connection to the question of “Who said God wrote or supported what is written in scripture?”.

You knew when experiencing a most harmful rupture in your brain which has been ongoing since reading the first chapter of Professor E J Epstein’s epic 1978 non-fiction book, The Diamond Invention that this most important question which would have ended the subject of Philosophy which wouldn’t have got started if anyone thought to ask the most important question of all time, thus neutralizing all the fake religious as well as each and every politician from Caesar to today’s “standout” politicians, Putin, Macron, Biden etc no bearing on the knowledge man has always had that man wrote scripture.

We only have 1 mutual fb friend, @Nelson Guedes.

Is it going to make you feel better if he agrees with you?



I don’t know him. All I know is that he is a neo liberal disguised as a communist.




Mohammed is the answer to your question


Bree McCvegan left the group.

You sent

Edit: … has no bearing …




I’m sure the Pope declares the same nonsense








Ask your Rabbi, Gary. He’ll probably confirm the same.


You sent

Philosopher People @Tommy Simpson, tell us about Atlantis and its connection to the question of “Who said God wrote or supported what is written in scripture?”




Did i say Lots of Love or laughing Out Loud…. You deside




Countless people have made that claim. There’s an old lady down the street that’s says it.


Tommy replied to participant

Original message:

Did i say Lots of Love or laughing Out Loud…. You deside


Lots of love of course.


You sent

@Jessica Van Dyk you have said that you were raised by 2 drunks who worked for the Apartheid Regime’s Secret Police who murdered all of Nelson Mandela’s legitimate opposition with very few exceptions that included Fatima Meer, did they teach that distraction will help you make better choices in life such as the sperm that produced your 5 year old?


You sent

Philosopher PEOPLE @Tommy Simpson, what claim are you talking about?

Are you currently driving?


You removed a participant from the group.



No. The he claim that the scriptures are the word of God.


You sent

Removed Jessica Van Dyk from the group.


You sent

PEOPLE Philosopher @Tommy Simpson, you are shaky.

Is the dirt road you are on responsible, do you think?

Have these countless people starting with Plato-Atlantis-Socrates-Heidegger-Spinoza asked the question, “Who said …?”?


You sent

@Larry Winokur are you following?


You sent

@Janice Levin Krok are you following PEOPLE philosopher @Tommy Simpson?



Forget about the dead scriptures, Gary. We are in the times of AI and new religions.




Certainly you are familiar with Yuval Harari.


You sent

PEOPLE philosopher you decided to loudly interrupt ATOH because you said that you not only had your antennae radar alerted to philosophy but my question was so up your alley that you felt the need to write trash in order to distract because the very good question which has escaped the attention of the human since first coming across religious scripture bothered you to no end.


February 9

Feb 9, 2023, 2:54 PM


Every thinker has posed that question to themselves. 

Now, move on to my questions concerning CHATGPT




And Yuval


February 9

Feb 9, 2023, 4:42 PM

You sent

You unsent a message


February 9

Feb 9, 2023, 5:00 PM

You sent

Pure Evil Organism Producing Liars Endlessly [PEOPLE] philosopher @Tommy Simpson, you know you are lying.

If you thought that from the start then you wouldn’t have erupted your “Plato Atlantis” bullshit in order to distract your mind at the same time wanting to prove that you are smarter than me.

Remember you are still battling to make it as a singer, and you are old, plus you have a terrible voice and I don’t even want to think about your lyrics.

Its also okay with me if you hope to catch someone like Hollywood Diller who would do anything, even back you, than see his wealth and prestige disappear overnight, if not sooner.

You are a plotter who will not stop until the very end.

There are a dime a dozen like you out there. That is why you are still comfortable being on my one of kind Gong Show.

Now let’s get back to the crux of the matter.

Are you fucking insane?

Now you are speaking for Aristotle, Socrates, Pythagoras, Plato, Cato, Jesus Christ and the such?

How do you know that they thought of the most important question reasoning man should have asked the moment they became self-aware?

Look at the lengths you have gone to in an effort to get your head screwed on straight.

It isn’t going to happen.

Look at all the shit you spew out that doesn’t come close to asking the right question which would end instantly any debate with either a religious or irreligious person when it comes to the question of God.

No one would have bothered copying any of the so-called Holy books.

You are defeated, why don’t you just admit it and when you next speak with the Sun God ask what had you done wrong to be placed on earth with such a stupid brain and then come up with reasons why you shouldn’t be returned as an ant given how you are such a follower, although of course the dumbest ant is anything but a follower or stupid.

Thank you for increasing the circle of those dependent upon my insight and analysis of the important events of the day.

Now fuck off.


You sent

For the rest of the voyeurs, let’s return to Mr. Zelenskyy having got caught, although he can still turn it to his advantage.


You added Darren Furlong to the group.

You sent

My earlier posting on @Darren Furlong’s Vegan Group


You added a participant to the group.

You sent

In reply to @Kaye Taylor:

Title: Try expanding your short attention span [Word count 954]

@Kaye Taylor, I don’t see anything about your background which is important in understanding if an individual is truly interested in the truth.

You would expect those who profit most from the carnage of the defenseless and much more sensitive animals to have their fingers in the pie of their opposition.

My background is first of all logic-truth.

With that in mind I made it my business once completing my university economic studies to get hired by the people who are singularly responsible for the young people dying on the battlefields who are more obvious than this kid Mike Hill who I had never heard of previous.

The fact that I knew ahead of time that my first client, Harry Oppenheimer who you are introduced to in chapter 1 of The Diamond Invention book, aptly titled, A RELUCTANT TYCOON which is available free on the Internet

controls the entire mindset of the human who has such a narrow perspective of the ills of the world as they jump from one crisis mode to the next just like the politicians who would be without jobs if they too weren’t plotting like everyone did not place me at a disadvantage.

Nor did I think it wise to tell Mr. Oppenheimer that he was unwise when it was so obvious that he was much wiser than his common herd who are so easily distracted.

You would agree that a person whose body is unhealthy by the poison animal foods including dairy they eat cannot reason all that well and when it is suggested that all junk food not have placed on it a waring sign but rather all restaurants that serve any animal byproducts should be fined for violating the banning order thus preventing child abuse of the highest order, they react, “You must be off the wall. Get back on your meds. Place him in a straitjacket and to make sure he doesn’t breath a word to anyone to use his tongue in the final knot that is first laced through the button holes”.

You are not the only person in the world who feels heavily violated for having failed to ask themself once aware of the world around them which is about age 13 for a boy and 12 for a girl, “Who said we must believe what is written in scripture?” and you would expect the very talkative atheists such as Philosopher Daniel Dennett, referred to as one of the “Four Horsemen of New Atheism,” along with Richard Dawkins, Christopher Hitchens and Sam Harris to name but 4 Fools Names Fools Faces In Public Places.

Moreover, I knew by the time I finished my year long orientation into banking-mining monopoly SA Oppenheimers-De Beers-Deutsche Bank-Monsanto-IG Farben-Auschwitz-Bank of England-South African Reserve Bank back in early spring 1979 when I was still 21 years of age and heading to De Beers-Anglo American Corporation’s headquarters on Charterhouse Street, City of London, a small enclave of bankers within the greater London Metropolatin area that all those who have allowed their formal eduction to interfere with their learning would be highly defensive and dangerous.

Furthermore, when I broke my 24 year silence on 11.11.2004 I knew that my life was very much in God’s hands; and to realize that it wasn’t necessary for my highly secretive, most literate, British-English mother Zena to warn me, “Are you not concerned for your life!!”.

Hunting is way down on the list of priorities for the SA Oppenheimers-Deutsche Bank and their puppet leadership throughout the world whose only interest is their money and to yield the little power they have; and as far as the puppeteers are concerned if either Biden or Putin decide to offload one or a bunch of tactical nuclear weapons or instead decide to use conventional weapons to destroy major cities like London, New York City, San Diego, Chicago, Tel-Aviv, Brussels, Rome etc, to have at it.

All the countries’ puppet leadership are focused on right now is using this opportunity with very brave Jewish Mr. Zelenskyy holding firm, to create a stalemate that allows for the expending of munitions and for each of the belligerent countries to have their economies grow from the production of weapon systems like the Abraham battle tank and their necessary munitions.

You will see that within moments of pressing the send button on this reply, an exact copy will be placed up on my 2facetruth dot com BLOG.

Now if you think Elon Musk isn’t following along perfectly then you might also believe that he is the product of an immaculate conception.

For good reason his 150+ IQ, brilliant mechanical and electrical engineer father, my fb friend Errol Graham Musk with whom I share 56 fb friends, down from its high of 57 odd, writes:

Gary, You need to write a big hard-cover book on the history of the past 100 years and on how humans interacted in this period and still do!

Followed by:

Gary, you should definitely write a book because of your extensive true knowledge of the 20th century, even up to now. I’ve ‘read’ a book on the ‘Origins of Mankind’, written by a USA professor, given to me for my birthday. that was lauded as “amazing”. What a load of crap. A matric pupil could have written it! It should be easy (but hard work). You just start from the beginning.

Those 100 words, I think you would agree is better than getting a gold star for spelling in elementary school.

To quote my gorgeous over the top brilliant, most quiet, exotic F-C [Française-Canadienne] wife Marie Dion, “Those with little intelligence have great difficulty feeling stupid!”.


You added Lital Zilberstein Revivo to the group.

You added a participant to the group.

You added Bari Weiss to the group.

You added a participant to the group.

You added Julia Ioffe to the group.

You sent

It is now 8:29 AM Calif time 10 Feb 23.


You sent

Added @Lital Zilberstein Revivo former IDF intelligence officer who when working for the Office of Prime Minister during Netanyahu’s previous term that was upended by his “turncoat”, kippah-Skullcap wearer, fat face Naftali Bennett, wrote to me that she knew something about @Ayala Weisel Esq. which matched up with what she found in my writings on The Internet.


You sent

It would be interesting to know if people back in the 20s and 40s were so lame, spineless.


You sent

The other additions, @Julia Ioffe , @Bari Weiss of Twitter fame, @Uriel Sudri, a very mixed up 25 year old Israeli struggling to make a living while continuing his psychology studies, and the ugly in every respect ChaBAD sic GemACH sic aka Benzion Going Around The Bend To Oblivion And Beyond who one cannot say one good thing about other than this evil, plotter is no mistake, are all important in the spreading of truth-logic-knowledge.


You sent

All 5 are very familiar with me and my knowledge and no less so than the smartest of our membership @Errol Graham Musk but what they don’t know is how their future is going to play out.


You sent

Their reality will come that much more into focus once they see how full of himself PEOPLE philosopher @Tommy Simpson has screwed himself royally and in the process of his mental faculty demise sucked in the rest who remain silent.


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I did not provide any background to Russian-American @Julia Ioffe who did a great interview yesterday on CNN but again fell short in her knowledge of military economics which she understands much better than before running into me but is still figuring out how to introduce the subject of minerals and when she does the game playing is over for all the Fools Names Fools Faces in Public Places.


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For anyone to suggest that Rabbi Jesus Christ thought about asking the question, “Who said …?” but chose not to say anything because it is an obvious question that everyone asks, is much more than a moron.

@Tommy Simpson was violently angry and it showed in his ridiculous “Plato Atlantis Socrates” crap.


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Angry people who are angry at themselves for their stupidity have little knowledge of the damage they do to themselves other than their words and actions get increasingly more stupid until they decide to shut the fuck up.


Mutambi Ranwa left the group.

February 10

Feb 10, 2023, 11:58 AM

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Mutambi Ranwa left


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@Julia Ioffe you would bring a fresh new outlook


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to this war business by addressing the minerals


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and you don’t have to say much, just show the photo before and after


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the invasion began, since money is a distraction; think Crypto, war on the poor, nothing to support it.


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… a takeoff on The Diamond Invention.


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Fools Names Fools Faces in Public Places – Putin-Biden-Zelenskyy-Macron-Scholz-Xi etc …


February 10

Feb 10, 2023, 12:47 PM

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@Julia Ioffe, it’s a good point, nothing to lose.


You added Kimbal Musk to the group.

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Added @Kimbal Musk


A contact left the group.

February 10

Feb 10, 2023, 4:30 PM

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Kaye Taylor left


A contact left the group.

You added a participant to the group.

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Uriel Sudri left

Added French-South African  @Beulah Levinson


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At 10:39 AM Calif time today Saturday 11 Feb 23, and it is now 12:44 PM I sent French-English teaching psychologist @Beulah Levinson the following:


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At 12:37 PM I followed up:

As a psychologist, how do you explain mass psychosis of stupidity?


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2 minutes later, 12:39 PM, I continued:

When it goes so badly for the planet doesn’t it go beyond all the people with few exceptions going stark raving nuts?

How do you stay focused on anything other than man has been wired wrong from the start?


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@Beulah Levinson shows that she is following along, and remains quiet.


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At 11:56 AM I took this photo


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showing 2 police vehicles, an ambulance and a fire truck intervening to save a drug addict, homeless person.


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Why do they always send a fire truck with a full contingent of firemen, the bravest of government personnel who normally do the most hazardous job fighting toxic fires?


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@Alexander Soros can you see if Google have the answer?


You added Barry Molk to the group.

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In going on a quarter of a century, spending several months each year, never coming close to seeing such an event to help one individual who isn’t going to live long once he enters the hospital medical care system; wouldn’t you agree first cousin cardiologist Dr @Barry Molk MD?


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Barry is wearing the dark blue cardigan; on his left is my evil wicked witch of the east sister @Kathy Danziger and Barry’s 2 younger brothers, medical doctor Kevin Molk MD in front and lawyer, Alan Molk Esq. across from Kathy.


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Here is Barry a little younger.


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And even younger


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at my parents’ wedding on 10 October 1948


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6 days before Israel Air Force, Squadron 101 Commander, Israeli Modi Alon


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was killed in a firery crash when coming in to land; and Alon might have already been unconscious or dead at the moment of impact.


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Nor did it take Ben Gurion who again is without a kippah, the same with all the pilots of Squadron 101 or for that matter the top brass of the Israel Defense Force


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long to replace Alon with South African Captain Syd Cohen


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who along with his wingman, my father Bernie Gevisser [1923-2012]


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were the only two Jewish Fighter Bomber Pilots of General Smuts’ elite South African Air Force Squadron 11


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I tried adding earlier Bozo The Clown


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cardiologist Dr. Paul Tierstein MD to ATOH, but the wimp has now blocked me, but remains a member of my fb group chat Name Someone Stupid [NSS], clearly not eager to make himself more conspicuous when departing.


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Why on earth would someone come into this neck of the woods to get high in the freezing cold?


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He had apparently been up all night screaming his head off and cabin owners nearby heard his screams throughout the night but the authorities only started showing up at around 11 AM and again the full court press.


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Having to work to justify a paycheck is normal thinking these days.


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It is though very warped thinking but you can’t expect logical thinking from the bizarre religious who “worship ink on paper” or those such as moron @Tommy Simpson who mocks everyone who doesn’t think like him.


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It is not only @Tommy Simpson and GemACH aka @Torah Gemach aka Benzion Going Around The Bend To Oblivion And Beyond who realize that they think alike.


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Even inheritor @Alexander Soros realizes that he is in the exact same boat and simply waiting for @Julia Ioffe to make her next move.


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BTW @Julia Ioffe, you might want to consider less makeup in your next TV-podcast interview.


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The kindness, patience shown by the 2 policeman, 2 paramedics in the sparkling clean ambulance as well as the at least 4 fireman in the no less spotless firetruck towards this desperate man who was no longer screaming, just sitting by the side of the dirt road, a good 4 miles from the closest civilization which is a 1 horse-town, was a wonderful sight to behold.


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The man looked like he was in his early 30s and possibly had never experienced in his life such attentiveness.


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No one was barking him orders.


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Again, they all know how Bozo The Clown and @Barry Molk MD get to spend so much time on the links when otherwise not playing with mechanical toys like civilian aircraft, but nor do they “buck the system” because they know better.


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Those of you who are seriously considering suicide other than eating yourselves to death which is really a dumb way to go given that the greatest joy in life for the human, aside from achieving spirituality which you cannot obtain being in denial, should make it a point to get out as close as possible to a raging forest fire.


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But not to the point of interfering with the firefighters work.


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Best to wait into the evening when there are only very few hotspots remaining and the firefighters are just kicking back, but still on their feet with their shovels, just in case.


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Their talk is in small sentences, but it is not small talk.


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They all know that they are inevtiably going to die of lung cancer unless they are extraordinarily lucky.


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The dumbest of them would get my teachings quicker than any of you, the exception are probably no more than a handful and they would include Elon Musk’s father @Errol Graham Musk and IAF pilot @Tomer Tene, and the handful would not necessarily get it any quicker than the dumbest fire fighter who has achieved sufficiently high stature to be afforded the night shift to stamp out any hot spots.


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On October 10, 1948 which was 8 before my 24 year old Fighter Bomber Pilot father Bernie celebrated his next birthday, my mother Zena hadn’t forgotten the real reason why she and her mom and dad


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immigrated to Durban, South Africa from their main residence in Leeds, England when the very cash rich, millionaire Ashes could easily have set up a permanent residence in Monte Carlo, France without any of them having to work another day in their lives.


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Let’s jump the clock to 1994 at Oppenheimer puppet Nelson Mandela’s inauguration as the first black South African President and he is meeting with Syd Cohen and future President of Israel, Ezer Weitzman, nephew of Chaim Weitzman who won Israel for the Jewish people in World War I.


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Syd Cohen who chose Ezer Weitzman to take over as commander of Squadron 101 when he returned to South African to complete his medical studies before returning to Israel and immediately appointed Chief Medical Officer of the IAF, was now half a century older then when he flew alongside my father Bernie into battle.


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Both Ezer Weitzman and Syd Cohen hadnt got stupid in the intervening years.


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They could see with the youth coming up there was increasingly less questioning, replaced by the ignorant parent, “What job are you going to have to afford the car, the wife, the house, the toys and the boat?”


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Today you are all being told


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If you are given 3 choices of what to read in this partial screenshot of you will undoubtedly focus on “America races toward euthanaisa free-for-all”.


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You have to be careful who you give medial power attorney.


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Let’s look at my 3 elder siblings. They already told my mother Zena’s 2 medical doctors, “Get rid of her”.


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My showing up on 21 September 2016 created a problem for more than the 3 of them.

My mother’s 2 medical doctors didn’t know what to do, much like why you all stay glued and knowing that those leaving are not demonstrating strong mental faculties which first and foremost require a moral compass.


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Conventional thinking when approaching a rabbi, priest, mullah, Dalai Lama, psychiatrist, psychologist etc is that they have a moral compass.

Yet we all know that people demonstrate severely weak inteligence when they pay attention to any specific politician or what the spokesperson for a political party has to say.


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How come when you hear that the night cast of ABC news, one of the famed American TV networks are having a gang bang either on the set or at a swanky hotel nearby, it goes in one ear and out the next?


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Why do we still have banks and mortgage brokers or for that matter real estate developers like The Coupon Clipper is Jack The Ripper realtor @Jeffrey Essakow and you all know that it is more than all of you, including psychologist @Beulah Levinson who was born, I believe in 1930, a year after my mother Zena and member @Solly Krok who has read chapter 1 of The Diamond Invention book, A RELUCTANT TYCOON?


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Back in August 1984 when I replaced my middle brother Melvin as Chief Financial Officer of Insurance Marketing Services Inc. a private publishing company that specializes in the insurance game and which was on its last legs and my immediate goal was to bury it without Melvin ending up with egg all over this face and during the week we spent working together as my brother explained the different pieces, none of which made any sense because the President of the company was a bloody idiot like most all Wall Street executives, I was not comforted.


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My thinking was simple. I had to see first if there was one executive who had common sense and I knew not to waste time looking for someone like the idiot “financial engineer” realtor @Jeffrey Essakow or his moron brother @Roy Essakow, protege of terrorist financier Marc Rich.


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Those who speak less are more likely to listen better unless they are hard of hearing.


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Next you look for if the quiet persons are in good physical shape and I found that person.


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Of course I had gone through with my brother the entire roster of executives who numbered approximately 10, and when it came to Amos P. Wright my brother simply said, “He opens the mail and deposits the checks. He’s a nice guy.”


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How many times have you heard someone or yourself saying, “He’s a nice guy”?


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Of course I asked my brother when I looked at the payroll and saw that he was getting paid $5K a month to open the mail and deposit the checks and he was gone no later than 3 PM every day, “Why is he getting paid so much?”. My brother answered, “He’s a longtime friend of George [Nordhaus, founder and chairman of IMS Inc.]. They both went to Vanderbelt University and played basketball for the first team.”


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I could better understand hiring Messi for less than $5K a month to do a commercial for a wireless service alongside Travolta who looks very desperate for money these days.


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All you would need to do is convince Messi.


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Messi though, if he is considering catching up with Ronaldo’s wealth has to be considering launching his own Crypto.


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@Julia Ioffe, all that is important is that you are continuing to follow along and I don’t mean brushing up on your Russian.


You added Володимир Зеленський to the group.

You added Sergii Marchenko to the group.

You added Dmytro Kuleba to the group.

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You added @Володимир Зеленський, President of Ukraine, @Sergii Marchenko  Ukraine Minister of Finance and @Dmytro Kuleba, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine to the group.

You added Sergii Marchenko to the group.

You added Dmytro Kuleba to the group.


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Excuse the repetition.


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Let’s not assume all 3 of those facebook accounts are fake.


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That would allow everyone to pay that much more attention.


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Focus on the fact that throughout my formal schooling and career, no one has ever called me a fool or anything close to naive.


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Remember I have never met or would want to meet morons such @Tommy Simpson or his “kinsman” the scoundrel, lies to avoid, he is such a plotter, ChaBAD sic spokesperson, @Torah Gemach aka GemACH sic.


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Whenever anyone avoids mention of my 4 articles published in the Jerusalem Post immediately following the treason pardon of the Essakow family’s principal benefactor, terrorist financier Marc Rich, such individuals are at a minimum scoundrels of the highest order.


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The day following the publication of my first article, an “open letter” to American-Soviet-Israeli spy Jonathan Pollard who was now into his 16th year of solitary confinement in a US maxium security prison and the perfect scapegoat because he epitomized the look of the Nazi cariacature “Dirty Jew”, ugly, fat as shit, and easily fitting in GemACH’s sic friends who GemACH sent me these 2 photos


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GemACH sic, could you save me the time and post them up right now?


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actually 3, as well as this chief rabbi in Israel buggering, raping the black kid in his arms as well as others


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and all my family and friends were quiet, other than my parents who said we should wait another day.


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When 3 February 2001 came around and still not a word from anyone, neither I, nor my mom or dad were all that surprised.


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No one ever laid a glove on the SA Oppenheimers during their Apartheid Regime’s 46 year uninterrupted rule, not even when the last major business standing in the way, The Moshal Gevisser Group of Companies [1910-1970] was “asset stripped” by Jewish snitch Natie Kirsch who probably still owns 5 penthouses in Trump Tower New York, if not more.


You removed Anastasia George from the group.

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At this time, 3:21 PM Calif. time, the person most likely having the best idea of where I am heading, other than my gorgeous F-C [Française-Canadienne] wife Marie Dion is member @Beulah Levinson who remains quiet but clearly talking with her non-speak.


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That doesn’t mean facebook officials are remiss in failing to pay attention to my dialogue with Ms. @Beulah Levinson who was very talkative at the start of fb messaging dialogue, but once I pointed her in the direction of the SA Oppenheimers with a simple question, “Do you have an opinion on the Oppenheimers?” the no-talk barrier came down.


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Just before posting up at 3:24 PM I removed my former girlfriend Anastasia  George who doesn’t need to be hurt any more.


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Should anyone else like to be removed but you don’t know where to find the remove button, I will be happy to oblige with no questions asked.


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@Tommy Simpson, @Torah Gemach, are the two of you sure you want to remain?


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Bear in mind that if you so much as place a single emoji or do anything that I consider a distraction, you are kaput.

Do you two despicable charachters have any difficulty in understanding what I just said?


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Anyone who gets paid $5K a month to open the mail that takes all of 20 minutes and then travels to the bank to make a deposit before or right after lunch and then goes home is a smart guy, no matter what.


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At a minimum, I thought it was worth spending a couple of minutes with Amos P. Wright while preparing in my mind for the quickest chapter 7, liquidating proceeding and that simply meant having a quick conversation with each of the creditors and have them agree to my plan and save themselves a public embarrassment if all the shit hit the fan; most of all protect my brother who wasn’t thinking straight, mostly because he had just been dumped by his Durban, South African girlfriend who he thought was going to join him in the States and get married.


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As each of you in denial perfectly understand, while you can’t get enough of Einstein’s


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you would rather die than let go of your ego.


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Bear in mind that I am ever so slightly distracted by a chainsaw in very far distance and which I am sure I would barely hear if the United States Forest Service hadn’t brought in an army of chainsaw cutters to cut away at the forest foliage in an effort they believe will reduce the fire hazard to structures, in particular our cabins which is all that there is here; and of course given the wonderful, nothing less than the last real forest in southern Calfiornia should G DNature decide to rain down a fire nothing will stand in the way.

But you also have to consider the importance of keeping the firefighters fit and that makes them happy, otherwise if unemployed they could become recruits for the Wagner Group.


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You know that Einstein is talking to each of you only thinking about how much money you can grab and that includes Zelenskyy’s officials and the same with those surrounding Putin who I don’t need to have a private conversation with Netanyahu to make Israel Prime Minister aware that there is an immediate need to arm Ukraine with not only superior and overwhelming military power, a thousand A 1, if not better, Abrams tanks along with the entire IAF backed up by the United States airforce and the desired stalemate by the bought leadership shouldn’t be taken into consideration.


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My first words to US Marine and US Navy officer Amos P. Wright, “Can you tell me what is going on here?”

Amos, “How much time do you have?”

“As much as you think I need. I don’t plan on talking with anyone else because clearly none of them are as smart as you. How did you get so smart?”.


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Edit: … dumb way to go given that the greatest joy in life for the human is sex, aside from …


February 11

Feb 11, 2023, 4:56 PM
